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1 Jun 27, 2006 20:29    

It would be good if plugins could be grouped, so;

class Greeting extends Plugin {
var $group = 'Greetings';
var $sub_group = '1. Greetings';
class greetings_plugin extends Plugin {
var $name = 'Greetings';
var $group = 'Greetings';
var $sub_group = '0. Codebase';
class hello_greeting extends Greeting {
var $name = 'Hello';
class hey_greeting extends Greeting {
var $name = 'Hey';

class sayit_pluging extends Plugin {
// This plugin extends the functionality of the Greetings set of plugins.
var $name = 'SayIt';
var $group = 'Greetings';
var $sub_group = '0. Codebase';

Now because the Greetings Plugin's name is the same as it's group it will be the king of the group.

Now with the sub_groups they will be alphabeticly ordered (asc), as well as their contents.
So with the above we will have the following display

 0. Codebase:
  Greetings (Will be in bold - because it's the king)
 1. Greetings:

I developed this feature, here it is;

11th of July, 2006: Updated to reflect the development of the feature for the v1.8-beta release
2nd of July, 2006: Added sub_groups, and SayIt extension

2 Jul 02, 2006 02:38

Added sub_groups, and SayIt extension, to the first post.

3 Jul 02, 2006 23:10

Here is the code for this feature:

Add to line 251, file /blogs/inc/_misc/_plugin.class.php

	 * Grouping
	var $group = '';
	var $sub_group = '';

Add to line 251, file /blogs/inc/_misc/_plugin.class.php

	 * Grouping
	var $group = '';
	var $sub_group = '';

Then in /blogs/inc/VIEW/settings/_set_plugins.form.php look for the start and end of the following code and then replace it :

if( empty($AvailablePlugins) || ! is_a( $AvailablePlugins, 'Plugins_no_DB' ) ) // may have been instantiated for action='info'
	// Discover available plugins:
	$AvailablePlugins = & new Plugins_no_DB(); // do not load registered plugins/events from DB
	// $AvailablePlugins->sort('name'); - Not needed as we sort by group in the next line

// Sort the plugins by group

	<legend><?php echo T_('Available plugins') ?></legend>
	<div class="right_icons"><?php
	// "Hide available plugins":
	echo action_icon( T_('Hide available plugins'), 'close', regenerate_url( 'plugins_disp_avail', 'plugins_disp_avail=0' ) )
	<table class="grouped" cellspacing="0">
			<th class="firstcol"><?php echo T_('Plugin') ?></th>
			<th><?php echo T_('Description') ?></th>
			<th><?php echo T_('Version') ?></th>
			<th><?php echo T_('Help') ?></th>
			<th class="lastcol"><?php echo T_('Actions') ?></th>
		// Grouping
		$Current_group = false;
		$Current_sub_group = false;
		$AvailablePlugins->restart();	 // make sure iterator is at start position
		$count = 0;
		while( $loop_Plugin = & $AvailablePlugins->get_next() )
			if( $loop_Plugin->group !== $Current_group ) {
				$Current_group = $loop_Plugin->group;
				$Current_sub_group = false;
				<tr class="PluginsSeperator">
					<th colspan="5"></th>
				<tr class="PluginsGroup">
					<th colspan="5"><?php
					echo T_(
						( $Current_group == '' || $Current_group == 'Un-Grouped' ) ? 'Un-Grouped' : $Current_group
					); ?></th>
				$count = 0;/*New Thing*/
			if( $loop_Plugin->sub_group !== $Current_sub_group && $Current_group !== '' && $loop_Plugin->name != $Current_group ) {
				$Current_sub_group = $loop_Plugin->sub_group;
				<tr class="PluginsSubGroup">
					<th colspan="5"><?php
					echo T_(
						( $Current_sub_group == '' || $Current_sub_group == 'Un-Grouped' ) ? 'Un-Grouped' : $Current_sub_group
					); ?></th>
				$count = 0;/*New Thing*/
		<tr class="<?php echo (($count++ % 2) ? 'odd' : 'even'); if ( $Current_sub_group != false ) echo ' PluginsSubGroup'; ?>">
			<td class="firstcol">
				<strong><a title="<?php echo T_('Display info') ?>" href="<?php echo regenerate_url( 'action,plugin_ID', 'action=info&amp;plugin_ID='.$loop_Plugin->ID ) ?>"><?php $loop_Plugin->name(); ?></a></strong>

Then at the end of the file add:

$AvailablePlugins->sort('name'); // Sort the AvaliablePlugins by Name again

And in the file /blogs/inc/VIEW/_menutop.php use the following at the end of the file, replace appropriatly

	global $Plugins;
	$Plugins->trigger_event( 'AdminEndHtmlHead', array() );
	<style type="text/css">
	table.grouped tr.PluginsGroup,
	table.grouped tr.PluginsSubGroup {
	table.grouped tr.PluginsGroup th,
	table.grouped tr.PluginsSubGroup th {
	table.grouped tr.PluginsSeperator th {
		background-color: #f5f3ef;
		border-top: 1px solid #9e9286;
	table.grouped tr.PluginsSubGroup th {/*New Thing*/
		border-bottom: 1px solid #9e9286;
		border-top: 1px solid #9e9286;
	table.grouped tr.PluginsSubGroup th {
		background-color: #efede0;
	table.grouped tr.PluginsSubGroup th,
	table.grouped tr.PluginsSubGroup td.firstcol {

And in /blogs/inc/_misc/_plugins.class.php add/replace the following code appropriatly

	 * Sort the list of {@link $Plugins}.
	 * WARNING: do NOT sort by anything else than priority unless you're handling a list of NOT-YET-INSTALLED plugins!
	 * @param string Order: 'priority' (default), 'name'
	function sort( $order = 'priority' )

		foreach( $this->sorted_IDs as $plugin_ID )
		{ // Instantiate every plugin, so invalid ones do not get unregistered during sorting (crashes PHP, because $sorted_IDs gets changed etc)
			$this->get_by_ID( $plugin_ID );

		switch( $order )
			case 'name':
				usort( $this->sorted_IDs, array( & $this, 'sort_Plugin_name') );
			case 'group':
				usort( $this->sorted_IDs, array( & $this, 'sort_Plugin_group') );

				// Sort array by priority:
				usort( $this->sorted_IDs, array( & $this, 'sort_Plugin_priority') );

	 * Callback function to sort plugins by group.
	 * WARNING: do NOT sort by anything else than priority unless you're handling a list of NOT-YET-INSTALLED plugins
	function sort_Plugin_group( & $a_ID, & $b_ID )
		$a_Plugin = & $this->get_by_ID( $a_ID );
		$b_Plugin = & $this->get_by_ID( $b_ID );
		// Compare Group
		$r = strcasecmp( $a_Plugin->group, $b_Plugin->group );
		if( $r != 0 )
			return $r;
		else {
			// Compare Sub Group
			$r = strcasecmp( $a_Plugin->sub_group, $b_Plugin->sub_group );
			if( $r != 0 )
				return $r;
			else {
				// Compare Name
				return strcasecmp( $a_Plugin->name, $b_Plugin->name );

And you will have a plugin settings page that looks like the attached image

The only change i would like to make to the above code is this:
If you look at the image you will see 'Welcome Panel', in the sub group 'Panels', would be good if in the panel listing the ' Panel' part in the panel's name could be removed. But we'll see how it goes atm.

4 Jul 03, 2006 05:22

Updated the code to fix some display issues, just search for /*New Stuff*/ for lines that have changed, should be a total of 3.

5 Jul 03, 2006 07:24

The following functions should also be added into Plugins Class

	function get_Plugins_in_group ( $group ) {
		$result = array();
		foreach( $this->sorted_IDs as $plugin_ID )
			$Plugin = & $this->get_by_ID( $plugin_ID );
			if( $Plugin->group == $group )
				$result[] = & $Plugin;				
		return $result;		
	function get_Plugins_in_sub_group ( $group, $sub_group = '' ) {
		$result = array();
		foreach( $this->sorted_IDs as $plugin_ID )
			$Plugin = & $this->get_by_ID( $plugin_ID );
			if( $Plugin->group == $group && $Plugin->sub_group == $sub_group )
				$result[] = & $Plugin;				
		return $result;		

6 Jul 03, 2006 07:39

I've made several changes to _set_plugins.form.php, get them from the attached file.

8 Jul 10, 2006 21:35

Can this get added into the b2evolution releases?

If you would provide a patch file, instead of the find&replace instructions in the linked post, I'd take a look at it.

If you cannot provide a patch file (output from "cvs -q diff -u" mainly), I'll look into it nonetheless, but with lower priority.

9 Jul 10, 2006 21:40

I could make a php file that could patch it up... Would that do?

Ahh i get you. Give me 30mins.

11 Jul 11, 2006 00:56

Committed to HEAD, your patch was for v-1-8. Because the list of installed plugins already uses the Results object, I've added it there as an additional column (only the main group). This should probably get enhanced, at least perhaps include the subgroups in a column there.

Perhaps even the Results class should get enhanced to feature "groups" and there would be a checkbox which would trigger that behaviour.

12 Jul 11, 2006 08:02

So do you want the grouping to be like the installed plugins or the avaliable plugins... I don't know why you wouldn't have it the same style as avaliable plugins. ( Avaliable plugins -> the intended way ).

If it's due to the user being able to sort the columns, just make it so it sorts by group, then subgroup, then by (whatever the user wants to sort by).

As the layout of grouping, should be consitant, and the sticking the groupname in the column would lose one it's purpose (for the users side).

13 Jul 11, 2006 19:15

Yep, could work. But ATM I have no interest in extending the Results class for this.

And if you want to provide a patch, please do so against HEAD, obviously.

14 Jul 11, 2006 19:38

Ok... so should i add the intended style of plugin grouping to the installed-plugins table in the HEAD branch?

15 Jul 11, 2006 19:50

Yes, but as I've said it will include extending the Results class..

And btw: "HEAD" is not a branch, but the trunk.

16 Jul 11, 2006 19:54

Ohhh, actually i don't think it will require any extending of the results class, the only changes that i can see will be in the '_set_plugins.form.php' file.
I may be wrong but i'll have a go.

And thanks for the correction, i'll go update the wiki....

Form is loading...