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1 Apr 17, 2016 20:11    

I have looked around but not seen - is there an export function for the log (.../admin.php?ctrl=stats&tab=hits&blog=0)?

My hoster thinks, there will be a security hole in b2evo - so I want to export the logs to look in.


2 Apr 18, 2016 06:50

No @ednong, I'm afraid there is no export tool.

You can use the following SQL sentence to get the raw data from the database:

SELECT `hit_ID`, `hit_sess_ID`, `hit_datetime`, `hit_uri`, `hit_disp`, `hit_ctrl`, `hit_action`, `hit_type`, `hit_referer_type`, `hit_referer`, `hit_referer_dom_ID`, `hit_keyphrase_keyp_ID`, `hit_keyphrase`, `hit_serprank`, `hit_coll_ID`, `hit_remote_addr`, `hit_agent_type`, `hit_agent_ID`, `hit_response_code`, `hit_method`, `sess_ipaddress`, `sess_device`
FROM `evo_hitlog` AS hitlog
INNER JOIN `evo_sessions` AS sess ON sess.sess_ID = hitlog.hit_sess_ID

Why do your hosting provider thinks that?

We are very interested on hearing about that security hole, please let us know anything you find. Also, please ask for any information that you require in the process.

Just a reminder, if you find a real security issue or exploit that you're sure about, please share it privately by sending PM to @fplanque and/or me. We will address it immediately.

Thank you.

3 Apr 18, 2016 16:49

Hi @mgsolipa
thanks for your answer.

I don't know, why he thinks it. I guess, it's the easiest way not to do sth.
There is a lot of access to my index.php. The hoster said, it's internal, not from external. I guess, that's not right, because the traffic tab in b2evo shows it all from external. There were 5 search engines on it in the last 3 days, so that there were a lot of error 500 to see. I suppose, the server is to slow or the time for php is to short. But he thinks, it's a security hole.

So I will extract and send him the log - and will see what he will answer. If he has a reason for the security hole I will forward it - sure in private ;) - to you and Francois.

With your suggestion I get all data, I guess. How I can limit it to a date or era with a beginning and end date?

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