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1 Nov 28, 2017 19:54    

today I want to upgrade to 6.9.4 from the version 6.9.3 .

As I go to the Upgrade side into the installer, I got this Error:

Zusätzliche Informationen zu diesem Fehler:


Duplicate entry 'custom_Skin' for key 'skin_class'(Errno=1062)

Your query:

ALTER TABLE evo_skins__skin ADD UNIQUE skin_class (skin_class)

I don't know how I correct this. It would be nice to get help.


2 Nov 28, 2017 19:55

The Screenshot about the Error is following.

3 Nov 28, 2017 19:59

I guess, the the altering with a unique skin_class will not work, because it's not unique ... ?

4 Nov 28, 2017 20:46

I did look into the table "evo_skins__skin" now and I saw there are some entries more than once in the "skin_class" column. So I guess the "unique" is wrong.

How can I change this (I guess, it is in the installer and there is a new one neccessary?)?

Is it possible to work with this uncomplete DB in the previous version 6.9.3? Yeah, sure, there is no backup yet :(

5 Nov 29, 2017 02:36

Can you please dump the whole contents of your evo_skins__skin table here? it shouldn't be too many lines and it would greatly help.

6 Nov 29, 2017 12:23

Hi @fplanque ,

I will paste it here - I hope, this will help:

"10","_rss2_Skin","RSS 2.0","feed","_rss2"
"23","horizon_blog_Skin","Horizon Blog","normal","horizon_blog_skin"
"25","photoalbums_Skin","Photo Albums","normal","photoalbums"
"26","bootstrap_main_Skin","Bootstrap Main","normal","bootstrap_main_skin"
"27","ark_Skin","Ark Skin","normal","ark_skin"

7 Nov 30, 2017 01:06

If you don't use the Custom skin for your collections, can you try to delete line 6 from the table (or uninstall that skin if you have reverted to 6.9.3 in between), then re-run the upgrade?

In case you have reverted to 6.9.3, please uninstall all the skins you don't need before the upgrade.

8 Nov 30, 2017 15:51

Hi @fplanque ,

all of the skins are in use so I won't delete them. There is no change since the lat 3 upgrades, so it should work this time too.

I have not reverted because I don't know how I can revert it. Is the only change at this point the number of the DB schema or is there more to change back?

9 Dec 01, 2017 02:10

No, it's NEVER just the DB number. If there is no real change, we don't change the DB number either.

So is your site broken / under maintenance right now?

10 Dec 01, 2017 16:14

it is under maintenance until yet.

I haven't change anything after the try to upgrade.
I can't revert it and there is no backup of the DB - the previous upgrades worked fine so I didn't backu it. :(

11 Dec 03, 2017 19:59

Now I have renamed the line 6 "custom" and "custom_skin" into another name and start the installer once more. Now he find another line/skin with the same error ...

I'm not amused. :(

12 Dec 03, 2017 20:45

my fault - the first dump was not complete. Here is the complete dump of the table:

"10","_rss2_Skin","RSS 2.0","feed","_rss2"
"23","horizon_blog_Skin","Horizon Blog","normal","horizon_blog_skin"
"25","photoalbums_Skin","Photo Albums","normal","photoalbums"
"26","bootstrap_main_Skin","Bootstrap Main","normal","bootstrap_main_skin"
"27","ark_Skin","Ark Skin","normal","ark_skin"
"28","bootstrap_gallery_Skin","Bootstrap Gallery Skin","normal","bootstrap_gallery_skin"
"29","bootstrap_blog_Skin","Bootstrap Blog","normal","bootstrap_blog_skin"
"30","glossyblue_Skin","Glossy Blue","normal","glossyblue_skin"
"31","miamirealestate_Skin","Miami Real Estate","normal","miamirealestate"
"32","business_Skin","Business Blog Skin","normal","business_skin"
"33","bootstrap_forums_Skin","Bootstrap Forums","rwd","bootstrap_forums_skin"
"34","natural_pink_Skin","Natural Pink","normal","natural_pink_skin"
"36","flat_Skin","Flat Blog","normal","flat_skin"
"37","dating_mood_Skin","Dating Mood","normal","dating_mood"
"38","material_main_Skin","Material Main","normal","material_main_skin"
"40","pixelgreen_Skin","Pixel Green","normal","pixelgreen_skin"
"41","jared_Skin","Jared Skin","normal","jared_skin"
"42","bootstrap_gallery_legacy_Skin","Bootstrap Gallery Legacy Skin","rwd","bootstrap_gallery_legacy"
"43","miami_blue_Skin","Miami Blue","normal","miami_blue_skin"
"44","miamibeach_Skin","Miami Beach","normal","miamibeach"
"45","horizon_main_Skin","Horizon Main","normal","horizon_main_skin"
"46","bootstrap_manual_Skin","Bootstrap Manual","rwd","bootstrap_manual_skin"
"47","natural_remedy_Skin","Natural Remedy","normal","natural_remedy_skin"
"49","material_manual_Skin","Material Manual","normal","material_manual_skin"
"52","stain_Skin","Stain Skin","normal","stain_skin"
"53","clean1_Skin","Clean 1","normal","clean1_skin"
"54","nifty_corners_Skin","Nifty Corners","normal","nifty_corners_skin"
"56","bootstrap_photoblog_Skin","Bootstrap Photoblog Skin","rwd","bootstrap_photoblog_skin"

And so here you can see it - some skins are used by more than one blog. This should be possible, it should not be unique. The error is because the table/some of the columns are unique. That is new, I guess. And it is crazy.

13 Dec 03, 2017 21:29

Now I deleted this lines:









And it works now. But there are some blogs without a skin. So I looked in again - and I'm in trouble.
I haven't have blogs with an ID over 33. So why are the skin_ID over 33? There are some skins for feeds, but not so much that it would have an ID so high. Or isn't there a relation between the blog ID and the skin ID?

14 Dec 03, 2017 21:42

It is not possible for me to edit #12 - or better: to save my edit in #12. I can access and edit, but I can't save it (for community).

So the edit to post #12 will be here:

I see, the skin_class and skin_name are the same, only the skin_folder is different. This seemed, because sometimes you could download the skin file folder after an update with the "_skin" at the end in its name (e.g. evocamp). I wish, there will be a notation for the names of skin folders. And a version number on the website with history so I can see, when the newest version was released and in which version of b2evo it will included (if it is included/bundled).

15 Dec 04, 2017 07:20

@ednong can you please tell us what is the status of your site right now?

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