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1 Sep 12, 2013 12:25    


I got a hit from the web similar to http://www-site/blogs/index.php?blog=n (where n is non-existing blog number) and hit was logged (in Dashboard -> Analytics -> Hits -> Direct Hits) similar to snapshot below (which I recreated by recycling the faulty link as input into the field in my browser).

Subsequent to my recreating of the procedure of the offending hit, I attempted to verify similarity to offending hit by view the direct hits (in Dashboard -> Analytics -> Hits -> Direct Hits), ALL the previous logging for that day disappeared. Only the snapshot (referenced above) and attached below showed.

Analyzing the GNU/Linux CentOS Apache /var/log/httpd/error_log:

[Thu date & time] [error] [client] b2evolution error: Requested Blog does not exist! in /path-to-blog/inc/_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectcache.class.php at line 591 / REQUEST_URI: /blogs/admin.php?ctrl=stats&tab=other&blog=0 / HTTP_REFERER: http://www-site/blogs/admin.php?ctrl=stats&tab=summary&tab3=global&blog=0, referer: http://www-site/blogs/admin.php?ctrl=stats&tab=summary&tab3=global&blog=0

logged error (caused by my attempt to analyze my Direct Hit) was logged but the external offending hit that I was recreating did not show in the Apache error log file.

Issue: If from the same IP from which an admin is logged into b2evolution Dashboard, that same admin accesses a non-existing blog at that same www-site, ALL the logged Direct Hits will disappear.

I believe this error is a bug that should be addressed as the logged Direct Hits for the day should not disappear; however, if I am wrong and that is a feature ;-) my apologies.

Best Professional Regards.

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