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1 Jan 05, 2007 14:51    

I hope this isn't a daft question, or posted in the wrong place, but...

what is the relationship between forums and blogs? it seems to me that b2e blogs have a lot in common with forums, except for the layout.

I mean...suppose i described each of my blogs as a separate board, and each category as a forum, and each blog-entry as a topic,then the comments could essentially be replies on that topic...couldn't they?

If that was so (i realise it's a big "if"), could i create a b2e skin that was combination of forum and blog, or that allowed switching between blog-view and forum-view?

Or, is there an inverse equivalent to b2e - i mean, something like b2e but for creating forums with blog-like capabilities? For exmaple, allowing you to categorise forum-posts under more than one category? (like in b2e where you can connect a blog entry to more than one category, which is just brilliant.)

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