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1 Jan 22, 2007 05:24    

I just finished upgrading and customizing my blog from 0.9.2 to 1.9.1 beta. And now they just released the new stable release 1.9.2.

I did the upgrade and customization in production server and I was going today to make it my online blog.

I don't want to delete all the files and lose my customization. It is much hard work.

Is there a way to just copy the changed files?

2 Jan 22, 2007 08:36

You can google WinMerge and use it to compare folders. Unzip a 1.9.1 and a 1.9.2 and compare them to get a list of what files officially changed, then use that list to update your files.

3 Jan 22, 2007 08:41

Thanks, but I'm using Mac and I have a program called Nifty to do that.

4 Jan 22, 2007 08:50

Then what's the question? Once you know what files have changed then all you have to do is apply those changes to your installation right?

5 Jan 22, 2007 08:55

No Question but I'm still looking for an easier way.

6 Jan 22, 2007 12:48

Ah I see. Sometimes people publish a difference file, but it's still up to each user to implement the differences. Plus if there was a "just use these" you would still have to make sure the changes didn't impact your mods.

I'm afraid the method you use is the best known method for people who do their own modifications. This is, unfortunately, the price we pay for making changes to anything other than a skin or the conf/hacks.php file.

One step I've added is to decide if a modification I've made applies to all my installs. If so I make that change to my "master" copy. For example I don't like how it automatically capitalizes last names, so that change is part of my master copy. Then when a rev happens I compare the new files to my "master", change the new version to include my stuff (if it's easily done), then compare each installation to my "new master" copy. That way I don't have to worry about content in my media directory or my stub files showing up as differences for me to deal with each time.

7 Jan 22, 2007 22:59

A diff file list would be a welcomed part of any version upgrade package, however I also realise that the developers have better things to do than baby sit us lot :)

9 Jan 23, 2007 02:38

Thanks John for posting the Diff Files.

I entirely agree with you when said the developers don't have time to baby sit us. But surly the developer don't expect every user of b2evo to be a programmer. If they do, I think that would defeat their purpose.

I for one know programming since my college days in the early 70's when we used punch cards, Basic, and Fortran. For many years I tried to keep up learning programing languages and frameworks. But, I could not keep up with the past. I learned a little PHP and SQL when I started using b2evo and it is fun. Although I would not dare to call myself a guru.

When I have a little times from reading philosophy, I tried to help as much as I can by visiting this form. I do not post any problem I face to the forum except after I try so hard to resolve it myself, which like as I said is fun.

finally, This forum has given me a sense of being in friendly community that is patient and considerate, which is not easy to find around nowadays outside this virtual world.

10 Jan 23, 2007 04:00

To proof my point, here is an example. After updating I get the following error in the sidebar Just below the calender:

Only variable references should be returned by reference in home/alkha4/public_html/blogs192/inc/_misc/_plugins.class.php on line 2538

	function session_get( $name )
		global $Session;

		return $Session->get( 'plugID'.$this->ID.'_'.$name );
// This line 2538

	 * Delete a value from the session data, using a unique prefix to the Plugin.

Where I put "// This line 2538" is an empty line. I know how to fix the code if there is something there by adding $ sign. In this case there is nothing. I tried this but it did work:

return $ $Session->get( 'plugID'.$this->ID.'_'.$name );

11 Jan 23, 2007 04:04

This is weird, an error on a line that sais nothing.

Try & in stead of $. That might work.

12 Jan 23, 2007 04:10

I've tried that but it did not work.

13 Jan 23, 2007 04:17

To get rid of the warning (be sure the blog works poperly except from showing errors) you can disable the error reporting bij starting the file bij:


// Turn off all error reporting

Top of the file.

See for more on this topic.

14 Jan 23, 2007 04:21

Afwas, I really appreciate this but I like to fix the problem instead of burring it.

15 Jan 23, 2007 06:48

Finally I solved the problem. I don't know how, but when I checked again the 2538 is no longer empty. Maybe I was looking at wrong file in another local directory.

Sorry for the trouble.

16 Jan 23, 2007 08:21

Actually most users don't modify core files. Even the majority of people who come to the forums don't want to do that. People who know code like to get inside and tinker, but the development team focuses on "the package" and not "the changes someone might make to the package". Look at it this way: anyone can share a hack here, but none of them are ever 'officially' promoted by the development team. Plugins? Yes. Skins? Yes. Use of conf/hacks.php for special functions? Yes. Hacks to core files? No.

I understand where you're coming from, but those of us who hack core files are a small minority of the target audience and users.

17 Jan 23, 2007 11:16

Yes, EdB, I guess you're right. I'm sorry if I was misunderstood. I was not criticizing the development team. I really value the work they have produced and maybe I was asking too much.
forgive for that.

18 Jan 23, 2007 12:53

No worries there my friend. Way back in the old days the only way ANYTHING could get done was by hacking core files. "You lose it when you upgrade" was the way it worked. No such things as plugins is what I mean. It's a lot better now because we can do things with plugins, but for some of us the core will never be 'right' ya know? So we'll pay the price and work hard for our upgrades...

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