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1 Sep 12, 2007 02:31    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

By any chance, is there a built-in or short way to calling jQuery in v2.0-alpha1?

Or the usual relative ../../../rsc/js/jQuery.js ?


3 Oct 08, 2007 19:01

Np thanks. But I was asking specifically for b2evo's built-in code or whatnot into using jQuery, not about jQuery itself ;)

It was discussed months ago that v2.0 will use jQuery natively, so I'm wondering if it is already being used, and if such, how is it being called by v2.0.

Or if we have to call it on a per skin basis as ../../../ format.


If I misunderstood your intention, then my mistake :)

My main reason is that I want to avoid calling it "again" in case it is already there, or calling it on a per skin basis or ../../ method when there is a better way to call it ;)

I use jQ, built other sites with jQ in it, thanks to b2evo guys for pointing it out early this year :)

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