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1 Feb 02, 2008 02:55    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x


I'm using b2evolution 2.3.0-rc1 and Right now it's deployed in the server.

As it is the index.html in the servers public/ redirects the user to index.php in public/blogs/

What I want to know is, Is there anyway I can set the blog to be loaded by default when a browser visit the domain instead of redirection.
---I have very little knowledge of HTML (basically 0 practical knowledge) and even less knowledge of PHP.---

I want this because I need to know where the user comes from when they click the site. As it is it shows that most of my users coming from the original domain.

2 Feb 02, 2008 03:02

move all your files from public/blogs/ to public/ ;)


3 Feb 02, 2008 20:22

thanks.. I'll take it that it wont ruin anything..

4 Feb 02, 2008 20:52

with "public/blogs" as your path AND in your conf/_basic_config.php file you're saying that's where all the linkage b2evolution makes should go because that's where your installation lives. By moving all the stuff from the blogs folder up one level you're now saying that's where your installation lives, but you'll probably have to also edit your $baseurl value in your conf/_basic_config.php file.

Oh and you might find that visiting "" ends up pointing to "" because of your index.html page telling visitors to go there. The thing is there is a priority order for what page the server gives out if there is no page specified. with "" there is no page specified, so your server will probably look for index.html first and use that if it finds one.

Therefore IF you move the stuff from blogs folder up one level AND you edit your conf/_basic_config.php file AND you find that going straight to your domain name breaks THEN you should simply rename index.html to something like index_old.html and see what you get.

Or you should consider ice cream. I like ice cream is why. I really like those little square ice cream things in chocolate. Specially the strawberry shortcake ones. mmmm-M they are mighty fine!

5 Feb 03, 2008 13:21

I found a betterway though.. I upgraded to the latest b2 version with all my folders in side public/ instead of public/blogs/

seems to be working fine..

thanks for ur help..

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