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1 Feb 16, 2008 19:00    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4

When I click "more" to see the rest of a post, the post title is doubled

Any suggestions on how I can eliminate the top post title?

On a slightly different note, what change do I need to make so that links to the next and previous posts aren't shown at the top of the single page view?



2 Feb 20, 2008 15:38

Somewhere in your skin main file (index.main.php) you have something like this:

                // ------------------------ TITLE FOR THE CURRENT REQUEST ------------------------
                request_title( array(
                                'title_before'=> '<h2>',
                                'title_after' => '</h2>',
                                'title_none'  => '',
                                'glue'        => ' - ',
                                'title_single_disp' => true,
                                'format'      => 'htmlbody',
                        ) );
                // ----------------------------- END OF REQUEST TITLE ----------------------------

To eliminate the top post title put false, instead of true after 'title_single_disp' =>.

3 Feb 24, 2008 03:22


Thanks, that did the trick.


4 Feb 24, 2008 03:25


Thanks, that did the trick.


5 Feb 24, 2008 04:24

If you don't want it to view on "pages" as well, add this "if condition".

		// ------------------------ TITLE FOR THE CURRENT REQUEST ------------------------
		if ($disp != 'page')	
			request_title( array(
					'title_before'=> '<h1>',
					'title_after' => '</h1>',
					'title_none'  => '',
					'glue'        => ' - ',
					'title_single_disp' => false,
					'format'      => 'htmlbody',
				) );
		// ----------------------------- END OF REQUEST TITLE ----------------------------

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