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1 Apr 13, 2008 12:59    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Ok, allowing for the fact that stupidity is an inherited gene with in my family tree.

My blog link from the main web site was working well, but now I can not access the blog either through it or even directly.

It has only been put up over the weekend, but a lot of work has gone into it.

Has anyone got any ideas of how to fix it?


2 Apr 13, 2008 13:01

Error selecting database [sherreff_com_b2evolution]!

1. Are you sure the database exists?
2. Are you sure the DB user is allowed to use that database?
3. Are you sure there is a valid database connection?

Check your settings in conf/_basic.config.php


3 Apr 13, 2008 13:07

Thanks Yabba, tried to access the conf/_basic,config.php, directly through the broswer, but it comes up with http404, web page not found.

4 Apr 13, 2008 14:09

It's actually here but you can't access it through the web, you need to access it through ftp


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