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1 Jul 02, 2004 15:41    

Ok, so my old blog is @

and my new one is @

now I was trying to align my blog box w/ my image, but I dont know what code to use?

any suggestions?

Do you think frontpage or dreamweaver would work?


2 Jul 02, 2004 18:20

If you can figure out the HTML and CSS that you need, then I can tell you how to make b2evolution generate that HTML. But I don't really have time to create the design from scratch for you. Go to and read through the links [url=]here[/url] to learn that.

I'd recommend against frontpage. It's not really designed as a PHP editor, and it doesn't always play nice with other programs. Don't really know enough about dreamweaver to say whether that's a good idea or not. I recommend coding in a good solid text editor with auto-indenting and syntax hilighting, like [url=]UltraEdit[/url].

3 Jul 02, 2004 19:23

I use dreamweaver to edit my php and html, and it's fine, frontpage is s*it with a capital S!

I seriously can't say enough bad things about it - it produces bloated code, and makes extra folders that you really don't need - I was forced to use it at school (I ended up having to minimise frontpage and use notepad, and maximise it and re-load my html when the teacher walked past - yep, I'd rather use notepad, with no syntax highlighting or line numbers to code my php in...)

4 Jul 02, 2004 23:27

the reason i was asking was because I wanted to know if I can copy+paste the code into dreamweaver and just insert the blog in my image. Do you think this would work?

5 Jul 03, 2004 02:11

I'm not following... Do you mean insert an image into your blog? Or insert an image into your skin / template?

All you need to do is drag the appropriate .php file into dreamweaver, and it should open up perfectly (assuming you're using a reasonably recent version of dw),

6 Jul 06, 2004 08:17

Graham, look at his site.

He has a picture, and wants to use it as the background, positioning the text in the blank spots in the image.

Untouched: study php and CSS, or look for someone else to do it for you, but it's not exactly a "copy and paste the code onto the image or image into the code" kind of thing. No wysiwyg for php, at least, not yet. :)

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