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1 Feb 03, 2009 21:11    

This plugin allows you to display your site's tags using a Flash movie that rotates them in 3D.

Note that this plugin requires b2evolution v4.0 and newer

[url=]Download v1.0.0[/url]

[url=]Download v0.3[/url] (legacy version fo b2evo 2.x and 3.x)

By default it supports Latin and Cyrillic tags, for those who wants to display Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic and Hebrew tags download a new swf file from [url=]here[/url] and replace the original one.


- Now uses default widget params specified in skin
- An option to display tags from multiple blogs
- An option to ignore selected tags
- An option to stretch tag cloud to fit in parent container (auto width)
- bugfixes

2 Feb 03, 2009 21:55

The effect is kinda cute.
Can I change the font somewhere or is this hardcoded? My knowledge of Flash is *very* limited.

I had no issues whatsoever installing the thing.


3 Feb 03, 2009 21:58

You may try to add style="" to the <a> tag

EDIT: it doesn't change anything, we should play with flash variables

4 Feb 03, 2009 22:18

Yes, adding style made thing dissappear.
Also I couldn't set :hover color in Widget settings (not a big deal, but either I'm able to set it or you should remove the setting. ;))
The data field in the source code looks like you're able to apply style there. However what I remember from Flash is that it hardcodes fonts to please some copyrightholders.


5 Feb 03, 2009 22:33

tagcloud.swf supports latin letters only and hover color
non-latin_tagcloud.swf supports non-latin and latin letters (tested with Russian only), it does not support hover color

I'll play with tagcloud.swf, but for now you can use either tagcloud or non-latin_tagcloud swf file.

6 Feb 03, 2009 22:35

It looks great , I like the "hover" effect, however if anyone visits with a Flash blocker of some kind does degrade gracefully ?

7 Feb 03, 2009 22:39

It doesn't use swobject so at least you can see it with disabled javascript, for those who don't have flash it displays the regular tag cloud (I hope so ;))

8 Feb 04, 2009 01:51

Plugin updated to v0.2

Added new options, fixed hover and language problems.

9 Feb 05, 2009 21:24

Plugin updated to v0.3

Tags weren't distributed evenly on sphere

10 Feb 18, 2009 23:22

My tags aren't hovering at all...was I supposed to do something with the swf file...all I used out of the download was the plugin itself.

11 Feb 18, 2009 23:30

You don't have to change anything unless you use one of listed in the first post Asian languages.
Can you give a link to your blog?

12 Feb 23, 2009 04:37 . . . let me know what think is causing the prob...I have left the other "tag" feature in place..not sure if that is overriding it or not.


14 Feb 24, 2009 06:52

Sweet - Works perfect now! - Thanks

15 Feb 24, 2009 21:58

I need to try it.
Is there any demo available ?

17 Mar 12, 2009 02:30

I tried adding it to my footer and page top but it''s not showing. Also, where can I insert the words that I need?

It's not showing because your posts don't have tags. "The words" are actually post tags, you can add them on post edit tab.

18 Mar 12, 2009 02:35

Got it! Thank you again!

19 Mar 13, 2009 08:21

The Flash tag widget works great! Thank you for creating it!

Two questions:

1. Is it possible to get rid of the quotes? Some tags appear with them and some without.

2. Is it possible to use this widget outside of b2evo?


20 Mar 13, 2009 17:56

1. The quotes are added if your tag consists of 2 or more words. To get rid of the quotes edit the line 197

// Convert quotes
$tags = str_replace( array('&laquo;', '&raquo;'), '', $content );

2. Yes. Use this portable version. You must provide a URL to the tagcloud.swf file.

function flash_tags( $params )
	$flash = '';
	 * Default params:
	if(!isset($params['block_start'])) $params['block_start'] = '<div class="flash_tag_cloud">';
	if(!isset($params['block_end'])) $params['block_end'] = "</div>\n";
	if(!isset($params['block_title_start'])) $params['block_title_start'] = '<h3>';
	if(!isset($params['block_title_end'])) $params['block_title_end'] = '</h3>';
	if(!isset($params['title'])) $params['title']		= 'Tag cloud';
	if(!isset($params['width'])) $params['width']		= '300';
	if(!isset($params['height'])) $params['height']	= '200';
	if(!isset($params['bgcolor'])) $params['bgcolor']	= '';
	if(!isset($params['tcolor'])) $params['tcolor']	= '';
	if(!isset($params['tcolor2'])) $params['tcolor2']	= '';
	if(!isset($params['hicolor'])) $params['hicolor']	= '';
	if(!isset($params['tspeed'])) $params['tspeed']	= '80';
	if(!isset($params['distr'])) $params['distr']		= 'true';
	if(!isset($params['trans'])) $params['trans']		= true;
	// Get tags from param['tags']
	$content = $params['tags'];
	if( !empty($content) )
	{	// We have something to display...
		$r  = $params['block_start'];
		$r .= $params['block_title_start'];
		$r .= $params['title'];
		$r .= $params['block_title_end'];
		// Convert quotes
		$tags = str_replace( array('&laquo;', '&raquo;'), '"', $content );
		$vars = array(
				'tagcloud'	=>	urlencode('<tags>'.$tags.'</tags>'),
				'rnumber'	=>	floor( rand() * 9999999 ),
				'tcolor'	=>	'0x'.$params['tcolor'],
				'tcolor2'	=>	'0x'.$params['tcolor2'],
				'hicolor'	=>	'0x'.$params['hicolor'],
				'tspeed'	=>	$params['tspeed'],
				'distr'		=>	($params['distr']) ? 'true' : 'false',
				'mode'		=>	'tags',
		$arr = array();
		foreach( $vars as $k => $v ) $arr[] = $k.'='.$v;
		$query = implode( '&amp;', $arr );

		$r .= '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="'.$flash.'" width="'.$params['width'].'px" height="'.$params['height'].'px">
				<param name="movie" value="'.$flash.'">
				<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">
				<param name="flashvars" value="'.$query.'">';
		$r .= ($params['trans']) ? '<param name="wmode" value="transparent">' : '';
		$r .= ($params['bgcolor'] && !$params['trans']) ? '<param name="bgcolor" value="'.$params['bgcolor'].'">' : '';
		$r .= $content /* display non-flash tags for robots */.'
		$r  .= $params['block_end'];
		echo $r;

// Example
$tags = '<a href="#" style="font-size:10pt">Flash</a>
		<a href="#" style="font-size:16pt">Tag</a>
		<a href="#" style="font-size:24pt">Cloud</a>';

flash_tags( array(
		'width'	=> 300,
		'height'	=> 300,
		'tags'		=> $tags,
	) );

21 Mar 14, 2009 15:40

Woud it be possible to add an "Event date" option when you are writing a new post? (Something similar to the "Entry date"?). This way the event would be viewed from the Calendar by clicking on that date.

Also, is there a way to to desactivate the Entry date so it would not show the entry date in the Calendar? Otherwise, the same event will be linked to the Calendar twice: under the date the event was posted and under the actual date of the event.

22 Mar 14, 2009 15:44

Sorry, I meant my post for a different topic.

As for the Fkash tag cloud, thank you so much! The quotes are removed now.

How do I use the portable version? I created a new php file with your code and named it _flash_tag_cloud.plugin.php. Where do I input text for tags now? How do I make this flash tag cloud appear on a blank html page? Thanks a agin!

23 Mar 14, 2009 18:34

If you want to display flash tag cloud on somepage.php put the code I wrote above in this file. Then edit the $tags variable and use your own links(tags)

$tags = '<a href="" style="font-size:10pt">Link text</a>
        <a href="" style="font-size:16pt">Link text 2</a>
        <a href="" style="font-size:24pt">Link text 3</a>'; 

When you're done with links, change the width and height of the flash cloud in here

$cloud = flash_tags( array(
        'width'    => 300,
        'height'    => 300,
        'tags'        => $tags,
    ) );

The flash cloud is now stored in $cloud variable, and you can display it in any place on your page using this code

<p>Some text above the cloud</p>
<?php echo $cloud ?>
<p>The other part of your page goes here</p>

You can read about PHP basics here

24 Mar 14, 2009 19:34

Great! Thank you so much again!!

26 Mar 15, 2009 15:36

Thank you! Will try!

How to center the tag cloud? As it is now, it tends to be left-aligned. Thanks!

27 Mar 20, 2009 11:31

b2evo: 2.4.6
plugin v0.3 (downloaded from this post) i also note that it showns in the pannel as 0.2

Thanks for this Widget, it looks very nice on my blog, but i do have some questions;

- Using this widget in replace of the regular tag cloud, will allow google and other search engines to "read" the tags and to index the links for the tags?

- I'm trying to enable "cross tags" between all my blogs, but but i really could not understand where should i exactly alter the _flash_tag_cloud_plugin.php. I found this on the code

	 * Get SQL expression to match the list of aggregates collection IDs.
	 * This resolves as follows:
	 *  - empty: current blog only
	 *  - "*": all blogs (returns "1" as in "WHERE 1")
	 *  - other: as present in DB
	 * @param string SQL field name
	 * @return string e.g. "$field IN (1,5)"
	function get_sql_where_aggregate_coll_IDs( $Blog, $field )
		$aggregate_coll_IDs = $Blog->get_setting('aggregate_coll_IDs');
		if( empty( $aggregate_coll_IDs ) )
		{	// We only want posts from the current blog:
			return " $field = $Blog->ID ";
		elseif( $aggregate_coll_IDs == '*' )
			return " 1 ";
		{	// We are aggregating posts from several blogs:
			return " $field IN ($aggregate_coll_IDs)";

but i dont know where exactly to put the "*" can you help me with this?

- And the third point is that i noticed a strange behavior, when i click on a tag in the cloud, sometimes seens like my "theme" breaks and the right bar with the menus (and the cloud) just disappear, but most of the times, works fine

Can you helpme with this 3 questions??

thanks alot!

28 Mar 20, 2009 17:09

plugin v0.3 (downloaded from this post) i also note that it showns in the pannel as 0.2

Fixed, thanks for reporting :)

- Using this widget in replace of the regular tag cloud, will allow google and other search engines to "read" the tags and to index the links for the tags?

Yes, the browsers where flash plugin is not installed displays a space-separated list of tags, just like in b2evo tag cloud widget. You can check your page here

- I'm trying to enable "cross tags" between all my blogs, but but i really could not understand where should i exactly alter the _flash_tag_cloud_plugin.php

If your blog aggregates other blogs, the plugin will display tags from all aggregated blogs, you don't have to edit the code. Basically the code to get and format tags was copied as is from the original tag cloud plugin, so it works the same way.

- And the third point is that i noticed a strange behavior, when i click on a tag in the cloud, sometimes seens like my "theme" breaks and the right bar with the menus (and the cloud) just disappear, but most of the times, works fine

Can you post a link?

29 Mar 20, 2009 17:34

igeller wrote:

How to center the tag cloud? As it is now, it tends to be left-aligned. Thanks!

Add this class to your CSS file, and change the width if needed.

.widget_plugin_FlashTagCl {

30 Mar 20, 2009 17:41

Thank you! Sorry for asking such simple questions. I just started learning web design. Your help is always very much appreciated.

31 Mar 21, 2009 16:49

Hello sam2kb, thanks for the info and for this nice plugin :)

About the strange behavior, since it didnt happened again, i think that it was a problem with my internet connection or browser cache. It is working fine.

Btw, i noticed that the "transparency" option didnt worked for me (using firefox 3), but this is not a big problem, I just disabled it and changed the background color.

Thank You!

32 Mar 29, 2009 07:02

Transparency doesn't work in Linux. Search the web for slutions

33 May 14, 2009 04:31

how can i change the target from _self to _blank?

Please help

35 May 14, 2009 10:58

Thanks a lot, I tried to do it myself after downloading the src folder.... I had a look at the class files.... but .fla file was corrupted... If it is possible I would like to know how (really curious.) can you help me out?

36 May 14, 2009 18:30

What software do you use to open .fla files? It works fine with my Flash CS4.

I changed the line 105 in src/com/roytanck/wpcumulus/




and compiled the swf.

37 May 15, 2009 03:20

i am using flash cs3 could that be the problem?

38 May 15, 2009 03:25

Maybe, I'm not an expert in Flash, I can only edit and compile :)

39 May 15, 2009 09:57

I tried it again but the FLA file is still corrupted.. is it possible to zip the copy of all files for the flash tag cloud and send me a copy to I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks a lot for your help.

40 May 15, 2009 13:17

I've sent you a zip file

41 May 16, 2009 09:51

i installed flash cs4 and i can open the .fla file but how to i access the class files from there?

42 May 16, 2009 18:15

Try to edit and files in text editor and then recompile the .fla
Seems like they are hooked automatically when you create an swf.

If this doesn't work you should better ask on Flash forums because my Flash knowledge is very limited ;)

43 May 16, 2009 18:53

thanks a lot for all your help

44 Jul 29, 2009 16:47

wow, guy, u made a great plugin! well, it can't display correctly in Chinese while i use UTF-8 code. every english word looks well, but every chinese word display like a box in every character...i need utf-8 code to show the korean and jp words correctly. Could u help m? my link: thx any way~

45 Jul 29, 2009 16:56

oliver661 wrote:

wow, guy, u made a great plugin! well, it can't display correctly in Chinese while i use UTF-8 code. every english word looks well, but every chinese word display like a box in every character...

You can get tagcloud.swf for Chinese language from here

Just rename tagcloud_chinese.swf to tagcloud.swf and replace the original one.
If you use both Korean and Chinese then I have to make and upload some more files.

46 Jul 30, 2009 18:52

sam2kb wrote:

oliver661 wrote:

wow, guy, u made a great plugin! well, it can't display correctly in Chinese while i use UTF-8 code. every english word looks well, but every chinese word display like a box in every character...

You can get tagcloud.swf for Chinese language from here

Just rename tagcloud_chinese.swf to tagcloud.swf and replace the original one.
If you use both Korean and Chinese then I have to make and upload some more files.

well...I forgot to use it last night...Actually, I install it as u say in this post and do it again as u say above...but still show the wrong word, here is the shot.
maybe, utf-8 is the problem....

47 Jul 31, 2009 04:54

Yeah, something is going wrong. I'll take a look at it tomorrow

48 Aug 04, 2009 08:48

sam2kb wrote:

This plugin allows you to display your site's tags using a Flash movie that rotates them in 3D.

[url=]Download v0.3[/url]

By default it supports Latin and Cyrillic tags, for those who wants to display Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic and Hebrew tags download a new swf file from [url=]here[/url] and replace the original one.

I followed this steps,but this plugin failed to display simple Chinese language. then I downloaded the soure file tagcloud.fla, unfortunately I failed to open it with Flash CS3. Is the version of Flash wrong, how can I resolve this problem? Thanks.

51 Aug 04, 2009 20:49

That's not good.
What are the most common fonts for Chinese language? The default font is Arial that's the problem, I guess.

52 Aug 04, 2009 22:07

sam2kb wrote:

That's not good.
What are the most common fonts for Chinese language? The default font is Arial that's the problem, I guess.

no, it is not the truth.
I work in [url=]YDL[/url]. And I edited the tagcloud.fla and got new tagcloud.swf,replaced the original one. Then this plugin can display simple Chinese which you can see in the website:[url=][/url]. But it displays Chinese with a very bad style. In WordPress it can work well as you [url=]see here[/url]. I dont know how to resolve this problem.

53 Aug 04, 2009 22:16

It doesn't work well there too! Do you see squares instead of some tags?

54 Aug 05, 2009 05:52

sam2kb wrote:

It doesn't work well there too! Do you see squares instead of some tags?

wow...i can see it quite well...sam2kb, u know, to display SC is reaily difficult task 'cause u should use the right code, right font and the right browser. :'( :'(

55 Aug 05, 2009 06:00

Don't know why, but some tags are Chinese and some are squares :) Same thing is in your b2evo blog. I have no idea why it's like this.

Maybe some hieroglyphs aren't embedded in flash.

56 Aug 05, 2009 06:28

sam2kb wrote:

Don't know why, but some tags are Chinese and some are squares :) Same thing is in your b2evo blog. I have no idea why it's like this.

Maybe some hieroglyphs aren't embedded in flash.

恩。。。maybe there's sth wrong about the double Binary? Every word in Chinese've 2 Binary. Also do u use the embed fonts? umm, I've got an idea that a font selection in the plugin config page can solve the problem caused by the asia font or embed font. I just have flash8...

57 Aug 05, 2009 14:23

That's basically what I wrote a couple posts above ;)

58 Aug 05, 2009 18:10

oliver661 wrote:

sam2kb wrote:

Don't know why, but some tags are Chinese and some are squares :) Same thing is in your b2evo blog. I have no idea why it's like this.

Maybe some hieroglyphs aren't embedded in flash.

恩。。。maybe there's sth wrong about the double Binary? Every word in Chinese've 2 Binary. Also do u use the embed fonts? umm, I've got an idea that a font selection in the plugin config page can solve the problem caused by the asia font or embed font. I just have flash8...

我用Flash CS4打开tagcloud.swf源文件tagcloud.fla,然后在嵌入字符集时选择不嵌入并将字体改为使用机器字体,字体用中文字体,如黑体,然后重新生成tagcloud.swf用以代理插件文件夹下同名原文件,所有中文字符倒都可以显示了,(大家可以从[url=][/url]浏览到效果)但出现抖动与锯齿现象,感觉特不美观。从程序的角度上应该是可以解决这个问题的。此有待大家解决&#12290;

59 Aug 05, 2009 18:40 wrote:

oliver661 wrote:

sam2kb wrote:

Don't know why, but some tags are Chinese and some are squares :) Same thing is in your b2evo blog. I have no idea why it's like this.

Maybe some hieroglyphs aren't embedded in flash.

恩。。。maybe there's sth wrong about the double Binary? Every word in Chinese've 2 Binary. Also do u use the embed fonts? umm, I've got an idea that a font selection in the plugin config page can solve the problem caused by the asia font or embed font. I just have flash8...

我用Flash CS4打开tagcloud.swf源文件tagcloud.fla,然后在嵌入字符集时选择不嵌入并将字体改为使用机器字体,字体用中文字体,如黑体,然后重新生成tagcloud.swf用以代理插件文件夹下同名原文件,所有中文字符倒都可以显示了,(大家可以从[url=][/url]浏览到效果)但出现抖动与锯齿现象,感觉特不美观。从程序的角度上应该是可以解决这个问题的。此有待大家解决&#12290;

锯齿的办法可以使用动态平滑解决 一般情况下flash是不需要嵌套的 我一直使用flash8做一些工程比较大的东西 这个问题从flash一诞生嵌套字体以来都会有 选择不嵌套 动画平滑 就可以解决了 flashplayer可以智能的选择使用的字体的

翻译的问题没问题 不过我还是准备实验一下再翻译,可以吧,另外我目前没有计划升级我的flash8到cs4, 如果上面我说的在cs4里面没有就尽管54吧 哈哈

60 Aug 05, 2009 19:14

Ok, I figured it out, already have a working tagcloud.swf in my test blog. The problem is the file size which is 2Mb ;) kinda heavy.

If anybody knows any Chinese font with smallest file size, please let me know. I smallest font I found is

name: 汉鼎简黑变 - HDZB_35.TTF
size: 1.512 kB

61 Aug 05, 2009 19:15

oliver661 wrote: wrote:

oliver661 wrote:

sam2kb wrote:

Don't know why, but some tags are Chinese and some are squares :) Same thing is in your b2evo blog. I have no idea why it's like this.

Maybe some hieroglyphs aren't embedded in flash.

恩。。。maybe there's sth wrong about the double Binary? Every word in Chinese've 2 Binary. Also do u use the embed fonts? umm, I've got an idea that a font selection in the plugin config page can solve the problem caused by the asia font or embed font. I just have flash8...

我用Flash CS4打开tagcloud.swf源文件tagcloud.fla,然后在嵌入字符集时选择不嵌入并将字体改为使用机器字体,字体用中文字体,如黑体,然后重新生成tagcloud.swf用以代理插件文件夹下同名原文件,所有中文字符倒都可以显示了,(大家可以从[url=][/url]浏览到效果)但出现抖动与锯齿现象,感觉特不美观。从程序的角度上应该是可以解决这个问题的。此有待大家解决&#12290;

锯齿的办法可以使用动态平滑解决 一般情况下flash是不需要嵌套的 我一直使用flash8做一些工程比较大的东西 这个问题从flash一诞生嵌套字体以来都会有 选择不嵌套 动画平滑 就可以解决了 flashplayer可以智能的选择使用的字体的

翻译的问题没问题 不过我还是准备实验一下再翻译,可以吧,另外我目前没有计划升级我的flash8到cs4, 如果上面我说的在cs4里面没有就尽管54吧 哈哈


62 Aug 05, 2009 19:28 wrote:

oliver661 wrote: wrote:

oliver661 wrote:

sam2kb wrote:

Don't know why, but some tags are Chinese and some are squares :) Same thing is in your b2evo blog. I have no idea why it's like this.

Maybe some hieroglyphs aren't embedded in flash.

恩。。。maybe there's sth wrong about the double Binary? Every word in Chinese've 2 Binary. Also do u use the embed fonts? umm, I've got an idea that a font selection in the plugin config page can solve the problem caused by the asia font or embed font. I just have flash8...

我用Flash CS4打开tagcloud.swf源文件tagcloud.fla,然后在嵌入字符集时选择不嵌入并将字体改为使用机器字体,字体用中文字体,如黑体,然后重新生成tagcloud.swf用以代理插件文件夹下同名原文件,所有中文字符倒都可以显示了,(大家可以从[url=][/url]浏览到效果)但出现抖动与锯齿现象,感觉特不美观。从程序的角度上应该是可以解决这个问题的。此有待大家解决&#12290;

锯齿的办法可以使用动态平滑解决 一般情况下flash是不需要嵌套的 我一直使用flash8做一些工程比较大的东西 这个问题从flash一诞生嵌套字体以来都会有 选择不嵌套 动画平滑 就可以解决了 flashplayer可以智能的选择使用的字体的

翻译的问题没问题 不过我还是准备实验一下再翻译,可以吧,另外我目前没有计划升级我的flash8到cs4, 如果上面我说的在cs4里面没有就尽管54吧 哈哈


你的方法的确可以显示中文了!! 不过还是有几个问题

第一个 文字的确有锯齿而且进行变化的时候大小变化很诡异
第二个 退到后面的字体,也就是远离镜头的tag,没有颜色变浅的模糊效果
第三个 这个字体应该没有使用embed fonts吧,然后看你的AS更改介绍应该是用了华文行楷,这个字体我有安装 不过没有办法显示 显示成了 宋体!100%是宋体 估计是因为我使用的是utf-8或者是因为b2evo 246的关系吧

对于第一个 试着把一个tag扔到一个mv里,直接对于这个mv进行缩放,虽然渲染代价大一点,不过效果应该会比直接缩放文字强。。。完全是flash8的经验。。。

63 Aug 06, 2009 05:49

oliver661 wrote: wrote:

oliver661 wrote: wrote:

oliver661 wrote:

sam2kb wrote:

Don't know why, but some tags are Chinese and some are squares :) Same thing is in your b2evo blog. I have no idea why it's like this.

Maybe some hieroglyphs aren't embedded in flash.

恩。。。maybe there's sth wrong about the double Binary? Every word in Chinese've 2 Binary. Also do u use the embed fonts? umm, I've got an idea that a font selection in the plugin config page can solve the problem caused by the asia font or embed font. I just have flash8...

我用Flash CS4打开tagcloud.swf源文件tagcloud.fla,然后在嵌入字符集时选择不嵌入并将字体改为使用机器字体,字体用中文字体,如黑体,然后重新生成tagcloud.swf用以代理插件文件夹下同名原文件,所有中文字符倒都可以显示了,(大家可以从[url=][/url]浏览到效果)但出现抖动与锯齿现象,感觉特不美观。从程序的角度上应该是可以解决这个问题的。此有待大家解决&#12290;

锯齿的办法可以使用动态平滑解决 一般情况下flash是不需要嵌套的 我一直使用flash8做一些工程比较大的东西 这个问题从flash一诞生嵌套字体以来都会有 选择不嵌套 动画平滑 就可以解决了 flashplayer可以智能的选择使用的字体的

翻译的问题没问题 不过我还是准备实验一下再翻译,可以吧,另外我目前没有计划升级我的flash8到cs4, 如果上面我说的在cs4里面没有就尽管54吧 哈哈


你的方法的确可以显示中文了!! 不过还是有几个问题

第一个 文字的确有锯齿而且进行变化的时候大小变化很诡异
第二个 退到后面的字体,也就是远离镜头的tag,没有颜色变浅的模糊效果
第三个 这个字体应该没有使用embed fonts吧,然后看你的AS更改介绍应该是用了华文行楷,这个字体我有安装 不过没有办法显示 显示成了 宋体!100%是宋体 估计是因为我使用的是utf-8或者是因为b2evo 246的关系吧

对于第一个 试着把一个tag扔到一个mv里,直接对于这个mv进行缩放,虽然渲染代价大一点,不过效果应该会比直接缩放文字强。。。完全是flash8的经验。。。


64 Aug 06, 2009 05:55

Guys please stop quoting the whole posts, it looks weird.

65 Aug 06, 2009 06:41

sam2kb wrote:

Guys please stop quoting the whole posts, it looks weird. & I tested the swf which have not embed asia fonts and it can display Chinese tag! But there're sth wrong such as the Chinese word cannot display and move smoothly as Latins word. So it is not beautiful enough as we want.
Chinese fonts is so big that if u embed it in ur swf, the swf would become too big--just bigger than 5M! What's more, the flashplayer can use the font at local fonts folder when we choice NO EMBED FONTS. Well, I think it may cause the effects as I said above which make us discuss lots of :oops: :oops: :oops:
We don't know if there needs another swf that havn't embed font, and how to solve the terrible effects causing by it.
Thanks a lot.

66 Aug 06, 2009 07:04

oliver661 said the truth.

67 Aug 06, 2009 14:21

If you don't embed Chinese font, that means all visitors must have it installed locally in order to see all tags, right?

68 Aug 06, 2009 16:50

No, I think that only the people whose ie or ff can support chinese language can see the chinese tags. Now the only problem is to make the style seem better.

69 Aug 06, 2009 17:47

sam2kb wrote:

If you don't embed Chinese font, that means all visitors must have it installed locally in order to see all tags, right?

Chinese font should be installed locally cause it's too big to loaded online, u know, as same as jpnese and koeran. Don't worry about where is the fonts. Everyone want to read chinese should install the fonts just like 宋体 or simsong and 微软雅黑 or msyahei, embed fonts fits ENGLISH or other language that doesn't contain too much characters. What's more, flashplayer can detect the local fonts folder that all fonts could be set to the default font if there isn't font right for the tagcloud.

So, that's why I suggested to build a feature user can decided the fonts as like and the version have not embed fonts.

71 Jan 08, 2010 00:41

I just installed, and it appears that tags on older posts are showing up, but on any new posts, they do not appear in the Flash Tag Cloud.
Even if I go to an older post and add a tag, it appears, but on any new posts, nothing shows up.
Any suggestions?

73 Jan 08, 2010 02:11

Is there a delay in the tag updates? Maybe that is the issue I am having.

74 Jan 08, 2010 02:12

I don't see any missing tags now, maybe it has something to do with page caching. Do you have blog cache enabled?

75 Jan 08, 2010 02:18

I don't have blog cache enabled, I don't see coke, fries, or burger coupon from the most recent post in the cloud

76 Jan 08, 2010 02:27

What about tag limit, is it higher than the number of tags in the system?

77 Jan 08, 2010 02:32

I have 50 limit set, I don't think there are more than 50 tags.
Some of the tags from posts earlier today have now appeared, so I am wondering if the program only goes to look for new tags on a scheduled basis. Like every hour or 2 hours?

78 Jan 08, 2010 02:36

I just refreshed the page and now coke, fries, burger coupon show up, so I am assuming there is a delay.
Thanks for all of your help as always!

79 Jan 08, 2010 02:39

Some of the tags from posts earlier today have now appeared, so I am wondering if the program only goes to look for new tags on a scheduled basis. Like every hour or 2 hours?

No, it grabs new tags from DB each time you load the page.

It might be widget cache though. Do you have APC extension loaded on Tools > System tab?

80 Jan 08, 2010 02:45

I don't see anything APC under systems tab.
Contents cached in the database
» Delete pre-renderered item cache. is under misc if that is related

81 Jan 08, 2010 02:58

Widget cache was added in v3.3.3

Try to add a regular tag cloud widget shipped with b2evo, will it display more tags?

82 Jan 08, 2010 03:57

It doesn't display new post tags either, maybe it's my server/database?

83 Jan 08, 2010 04:10

Can you send me your FTP login and password?

84 Jan 08, 2010 04:18

sent via pm, may take up to 30 minutes to be active though.

85 Jan 08, 2010 04:35

I posted a test at 8:21pm, my time, and it just showed up on the clouds around 2 hours later if that helps anything.

86 Jan 08, 2010 04:49

You should set time difference between server time and your local time. Global settings >Regional

Server time is GMT-7

87 Jan 08, 2010 05:00

It is set so my current time shows up in the posts. (EST). It has been that way, so not related to the tag issues

88 Jan 08, 2010 05:03

Can you add another tag with current time?

89 Jan 08, 2010 05:05

I did at 10:58pm (6 minutes ago) my time, the tag is 10:58pm

90 Jan 08, 2010 05:08

I deleted many of the other tags to see what would happen. They came off immediately, but the tag with the post I posted 10 minutes ago still isn't there

91 Jan 08, 2010 05:11

You should see it now. I increased the time by 2 hours in plugin.

92 Jan 08, 2010 05:11

did you do something? because i just did another test post and it is already there. There is more text above from the old flash tag cloud code though

93 Jan 08, 2010 05:14

Notice: Undefined variable: Hit in /home/content/t/h/u/thundercove21/html/dinenearby/blogs/plugins/flash_tag_cloud_plugin/_flash_tag_cloud.plugin.php on line 246

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/content/t/h/u/thundercove21/html/dinenearby/blogs/plugins/flash_tag_cloud_plugin/_flash_tag_cloud.plugin.php on line 246

Shows up above the cloud

Was that in a setting we can change easily?

Thanks for doing that, you are great!

94 Jan 08, 2010 05:15

There is more text above from the old flash tag cloud code though


What time difference did you set on Regional tab? Either adjust it by 2 or set 0

95 Jan 08, 2010 05:16

I had it at 2 prior to installing the plugin and currently. So I should adjust it to 0 now?

96 Jan 08, 2010 05:17

Try it. You should see new tags in regular tag cloud

97 Jan 08, 2010 05:25

It works and the evo tag cloud updates now as well, but the time of day is off by 2 hours from my local time if I leave it that way. My server time is 2 hours earlier than my time. I changed it to 0 and tested, worked great, changed it back to 2 and it wouldn't work, so I will leave that number set at 0. The time isn't that big of deal to me anyway!

98 Jan 08, 2010 05:55

This bug is already fixed in CVS. I should have looked there first :)

99 Jan 08, 2010 05:57

I edited the Flash tag cloud plugin so you can revert your time difference back.

100 Jan 08, 2010 06:07

I just went in to the php code too and may have accidentally changed anything you may have changed.
The only thinkg I messed with was $servertimenow, but I think I changed it back, but it is still not updating immediately when I set my local time as 2.

101 Jan 08, 2010 06:13

Working Perfectly Now.
Thanks so much for your help!

102 Jan 08, 2010 06:13

Fixed now, please don't edit it any more ;)

103 Jan 08, 2010 06:15

Nice site by the way, I used to live in Orlando.

104 Jan 08, 2010 06:17

Thanks, it's still in progress, I've been working on it for about 8 months, trying to decide whether to pursue the biz or not.

We are on our third night in the 20's tonight. This is Florida, it's supposed to be warm!

Are you in Russia now?

105 Jan 08, 2010 06:19

It looks like you changed $servertimenow to $localtimenow. Is that all you did?
That's what I was going to do, but screwed it up somehow.

106 Jan 08, 2010 06:19

In Miami, it's actually cold here last few days, but still much warmer than in Russia :)

Yeah, it should be $localtimenow.

107 Jan 08, 2010 06:48

Thanks again for all of your assistance. I may be contacting you to make the site look good if I decide to pursue this business. I want it to look more like a website than a blog and have no idea how do do that, so I will probably be in touch soon for some custom work if you are available.


109 Mar 01, 2010 02:23


If I create multiple words tags, when clicking on the tag I get each time this error :
Server Error
404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

No problem with one word tags

Is there something to do ?


110 Mar 01, 2010 03:25

Can you give a link to your blog?

112 Mar 01, 2010 17:10

You should change tag URLs in Blog settings > URLs
Try all combinations. URLs like tag=xxx+yyy should always work

113 Mar 01, 2010 17:21

ok, it works perfectly now,

Thanks a lot

116 Apr 09, 2010 23:52

Just add a flash tag cloud widget to the sidebar.

117 Apr 10, 2010 14:37

I did. I have it posted in 'Blog Settings' under widgets and it is enabled. The settings are:
Max no of tags=20
Tag separator = empty
Min size = 8
Max size = 15
CSS Class= empty
DOM ID: empty
These are the settings. Am I missing some information?

Nothing is working. More suggestions?

118 Apr 10, 2010 21:50

Nothing is working. More suggestions?

Add some tags to your posts?

119 Apr 10, 2010 22:32


The most important thing I overlooked...the tags. Thanks for the brain repair! :oops:

120 Aug 05, 2010 01:52

Thank you for this nice plugin.

I'm having problems with dark colored skins & the tag cloud displaying the text. I've changed the color settings in almost everything I could find in the _flash_cloud.plugin.php and can't seem to get it to work.

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated =)...

121 Aug 05, 2010 06:37

I've changed the color settings in almost everything I could find in the _flash_cloud.plugin.php and can't seem to get it to work.

What do you mean? You suppose to change setting in widget e.g. Control panel > Blog settings > Widgets > Flash tag cloud

122 Oct 18, 2011 04:33

Doesn't seem to be working on 4.1.1 - or am I missing something?

123 Oct 18, 2011 04:35

Not tested in v4, I will check it...

124 Oct 18, 2011 22:05

My mistake - it just wasn't showing up because I hadn't assigned any tags to posts yet - sorry :)

125 Oct 18, 2011 22:44

So it actually works in v4.x :)

126 Feb 14, 2012 22:59

Plugin updated to v1.0.0

- Now uses default widget params specified in skin
- An option to display tags from multiple blogs
- An option to ignore selected tags
- An option to stretch tag cloud to fit in parent container (auto width)
- bugfixes

Note that this plugin requires b2evolution v4.0 and newer

127 Feb 15, 2012 00:18

nice but "flash" ? no thank you, i ll pass : D

128 Feb 15, 2012 04:57

What do you mean? It degrades to regular tag cloud if flash is not supported in viewer's browser e.g. Apple devices, google bot

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