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1 Mar 29, 2009 22:02    

My b2evolution Version: b2evolution 3.1.0-beta

well I am almost setup but need to make a few tweaks yet.

Found most of my answers by searching but there are a few ?s I still have;
I would like to remove the "Home/Contact/Index" links EDIT- found this in index main -resolved
I would like to remove the permalink link -resolved
I would like to remove the "Comment feed for this post" link -resolved
and lastly but most important, I need to add the Blogs menu on other pages in my site (blog1 blog2 blog3 etc )

edit: also can't seem to change the scrollbars
in my skin style.css I add to body
scrollbar-base-color: #000000;
scrollbar-track-color: #666666;

but no effect?

2 Mar 29, 2009 22:56

Hi there and welcome to the forum.
What skin are you using ?

4 Mar 30, 2009 00:21

Here's a couple of possible solutions to two of your problems.

Back up your "index.main.php"
to remove the permalink..

<div class="bSmallHead">

					// Link to comments, trackbacks, etc.:
					$Item->feedback_link( array(
									'type' => 'feedbacks',
									'link_before' => '<div class="action_right">',
									'link_after' => '</div>',
									'link_text_zero' => get_icon( 'nocomment' ),
									'link_text_one' => get_icon( 'comments' ),
									'link_text_more' => get_icon( 'comments' ),
									'link_title' => '#',
									'use_popup' => true,
								) );

					$Item->permanent_link( array(
							'before'    => '<div class="action_right">',
							'after'     => '</div>',
							'text' => T_('Permalink'),
						) );

					$Item->edit_link( array( // Link to backoffice for editing
							'before'    => '<div class="action_right">',
							'after'     => '</div>',
							'text'      => T_('Edit...'),
              'title'     => T_('Edit title/description...'),
						) );

				<h3 class="bTitle"><?php $Item->title(); ?></h3>

					$Item->issue_date( array(
							'before'      => '<span class="timestamp">',
							'after'       => '</span>',
							'date_format' => locale_datefmt().' H:i',
						) );


and remove

$Item->permanent_link( array(
                            'before'    => '<div class="action_right">',
                            'after'     => '</div>',
                            'text' => T_('Permalink'),
                        ) );

To remove the Comment Feed look in the skins folder for and look for

// Display link for comments feed:
	$Item->feedback_feed_link( '_rss2', '<div class="feedback_feed_msg"><p>', '</p></div>' );

Simply comment out that section.

5 Mar 30, 2009 01:09

John wrote:

Here's a couple of possible solutions to two of your problems.


Thank you, that worked perfectly.

I am just learning php and my main issue with any new software is finding where to edit, this helped me out huge!!!!

only 2 Items of my original post left!!!
Thanx again.

6 Mar 31, 2009 17:14

any help on where to change scroll bar values?

7 Apr 02, 2009 10:10

planethax wrote:

any help on where to change scroll bar values?

scrollbars, as in the browser's scrollbars?

If I remember correctly, changing the browser scrollbars as introduced by IE is being frown-upon by W3C. The other browser that supported it (and I can't recall which other browser was it) dropped support already, so now only IE supports it.

In my opinion, remove all scrollbar CSS you have, it is technically a "hack". Do expect it won't work if your theme is in "standards" mode. You will need to tell the browser to go into "quirks" mode for it to work in IE7 and IE8 - theoretically.

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