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1 Jul 30, 2009 04:12    

Houston, we have an issue.

Yesterday I installed the es_ES language pack and set the locale for backoffice, blogs and user (I am the only one) to that language. Now everything's fine save for one thing: my name.

I can find no way to tell b2evo to put "Sebastián" in there. Every time I change my name in the user settings to be right ("Sebastián"), and save the settings, it gets changed to "Sebasti|n" (well, it's not that character, but you get the idea). It appears that way in the "posted by" section of the published posts. I had to tell b2evo to show my surname ("Lalaurette") until I can fix it.

The rest of the interface is fine.

My blog is at

2 Jul 30, 2009 06:15

It's a bug

Please replace the file inc/ with this one*checkout*/evocms/b2evolution/blogs/inc/

3 Jul 30, 2009 07:14

Whoa! Do I win money? ;)

Thanxalot, sam2kb! Fixed in seconds.

5 Aug 09, 2009 23:39

This change didn't make it into the stable version.

6 Aug 10, 2009 03:43

It will be in next release.

EDIT: I didn't know that the stable version is already released. Let me check...

EDIT2: Devs didn't include this fix in stable release. Probably because the fix is unstable :-/ :roll:

8 Oct 11, 2011 17:03

hic. I also had errors like this. I have yet to find a solution.
someone help me please

9 Oct 12, 2011 02:40

with errors like this you need to check the charset used by your database, each Db table and each DB field and make sure it's consistent with how b2evo talks to the DB.
This happens when you change charsets from one default locale to another.

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