2 sam2kb Jul 30, 2009 06:15

Whoa! Do I win money? ;)
Thanxalot, sam2kb! Fixed in seconds.
No problem :)
This change didn't make it into the stable version.
It will be in next release.
EDIT: I didn't know that the stable version is already released. Let me check...
EDIT2: Devs didn't include this fix in stable release. Probably because the fix is unstable :-/ :roll:
OK, ported to v33.
hic. I also had errors like this. I have yet to find a solution.
someone help me please
with errors like this you need to check the charset used by your database, each Db table and each DB field and make sure it's consistent with how b2evo talks to the DB.
This happens when you change charsets from one default locale to another.
It's a bug
Please replace the file inc/_main.inc.php with this one