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1 Oct 04, 2010 04:20    

My b2evolution Version:

Using version 3.3 How is it that we're up to b2evo version 3.x.x and it can't be chosen in the dropdown upon posting a new topic here?? What's the point?

Anyway, I have turned register_globals OFF but in my host but apparently I'm missing something and there's a file I need to modify to point to where the php.ini file actually is.

I'm guess I"m going to have to take down my blog until this is answered since I'm pretty much opening myself up to hacking fun now but I need to get this resolved so I had to post.

In what file do I edit where to locate the php.ini? Thanks much.

Here's what my setting says if you don't know what I'm talking about:

2 Oct 04, 2010 05:04

Hey guys! Cancel this, ignore, faggedaboutit!

I just had to refresh the php.ini in fatcow's panel (don't ask ???) and now it's all great. All I have to figure out now is PHP APC extension since mine currently says none. I'll do my research on that.

Ciao! Whew!

3 Oct 04, 2010 05:06

You may need to ask your host about APC

4 Oct 04, 2010 05:09

Oh God. Please, Sam, don't make me go back there. In the 8 years I've been with FatCow, their support has dropped significantly. I had to walk them through their own knowledgebase just now when I was on the phone for them to get to the page I was on RE: the php.ini issue. Aaargh. Can't take it. Now twice in one night.

I'm on this page now and I'll see what I can figure out on my own.

5 Oct 04, 2010 05:38

Sorry to say that, but I believe you can't install PHP extensions and restart Apache on shared hosting

6 Oct 04, 2010 05:39

I KNOW! Just finished reading. Well, I'll skip for now. Haven't used it in the year my blog's been alive, can't hurt to let it roll for now. Everything else is smooth so I'll come back to this at a later date.

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