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1 Sep 04, 2005 13:46    

I want to have an advertisement appear in the text of the post like some news sites do etc.

It is usually off to the right with the text wrapped around it. I tried doing it by editing the main.php but it never seemed to come out quite right. Any ideas?

For a visual on what I mean look here:

2 Sep 04, 2005 14:24

I've moved this topic to the right area, so you might get a better response.

3 Sep 04, 2005 17:31

Add this to your style sheet (chage the widths to suit) :-

margin:0 1em 1em 0;

margin:0 0 1em 1em;

Then, when posting, use :-

<div class="news_left">This will be on the left</div>


<div class="news_right">This will be on the right</div>


4 Sep 08, 2005 06:47

That isn't going to work as I can't put the code for the ad in the post for one thing. For the other I was hoping for something more automated so that every time I posted it would just place the ad in there.

Thanks for the help though. :)

Update: okay I figured it out with a little help from your CSS idea. :D

In the main.php right under

<div class="bText">

is where I put this:

<div class="news_right">
My Ad Code in here

and it worked fine. now just to figure out how to get it not show on the main page above the 'read more' link.

Thanks again for the help. :D

5 Sep 08, 2005 12:08

if ( $more )
  <div class="news_right">
  Your Ad Code in here


6 Sep 08, 2005 18:11

¥åßßå wrote:

if ( $more )
  <div class="news_right">
  Your Ad Code in here


You have my gratitude. That worked perfectly. Thank you so very much. :D

7 Aug 01, 2006 06:30

This works great!

Now, is it possible to put the ads AFTER the MORE, when someone reads the full article, rather than at the very beginning?

I'm using the custom skin.

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