1 yabba Nov 10, 2005 11:21
3 yabba Nov 10, 2005 12:14
Hi John,
Lol, yeah, we're just trying to cure that problem, it appears to be caused by unclosed <li> tags further up the page.
4 village_idiot Nov 10, 2005 19:27
5 yabba Nov 10, 2005 19:34
6 mrdav Nov 14, 2005 05:51
I had an unusual, I thought, request from the guy who archives our site. He apparently uses Adobe Writer, and needs a blank page with just the archives listed.
How would I go about coding just the links (no sidebar header or posts)?
BTW, the double-icon issue has been resolved and looks fine now.
m®Ðav :-/
7 yabba Nov 14, 2005 10:18
Hi m®Ðav,
Glad you got it working :)
Ok, the easiest way to accomplish what you want.
Make a copy of your skin, then, using the copy, crack open _main.php and delete everything between <body></body> except <?php include dirname(__FILE__).'/_archives.php'; ?>.
Change to that skin and he should have the list that he wants.
8 guchuj Dec 05, 2005 23:05
Hi, I installed the hack just fine. The problem is that when you expand the list, it lists every entry twice. Did I do something wrong? What can I do to fix it?
9 yabba Dec 07, 2005 17:09
Hi guchuj,
Sorry I lost my connection for a couple of days.
Can you post a link to your blog where this is happening?
10 guchuj05 Dec 07, 2005 17:44
Thanks for getting back to me. It's happening here: http://www.atennisblog.com/
You'll notice it's only happening in the most recent archives (December), but not for November.
11 yabba Dec 07, 2005 18:49
wow, you've multiplied since you last posted :O
The link you sent leads to a page that says this "Possible issue with redirection, please click here for article" but the link is invalid (looks like it's doubled your domain name).
From looking at your posts, the problem "appears" to be the fact that all the posts that are doubled in the list have been assigned to two categories.
I'll have to reinstall dawn before I can check if this is my code or something else. As I said in my previous post though, I got disconnected for a few days so I have a tad of work to catch up with first.
I'll try and have an answer for you by tomorrow (gmt)
12 guchuj05 Dec 07, 2005 20:04
¥åßßå wrote:
wow, you've multiplied since you last posted :O
The link you sent leads to a page that says this "Possible issue with redirection, please click here for article" but the link is invalid (looks like it's doubled your domain name).
From looking at your posts, the problem "appears" to be the fact that all the posts that are doubled in the list have been assigned to two categories.
I'll have to reinstall dawn before I can check if this is my code or something else. As I said in my previous post though, I got disconnected for a few days so I have a tad of work to catch up with first.
I'll try and have an answer for you by tomorrow (gmt)
OK, thanks! Don't know what happened with the link.
13 yabba Dec 08, 2005 11:50
Hi guchuj,
If you find this bit of code in _extraarc.php and add the red bit it should cure the problem.
case 'postbypost':
// ----------------------------- POSY BY POST ARCHIVES --------------------------------
$this->request = 'SELECT YEAR(post_issue_date) AS year, MONTH(post_issue_date) AS month,
ID, post_title
FROM (T_posts INNER JOIN T_postcats ON ID = postcat_post_ID)
INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID
group by ID
ORDER BY post_issue_date DESC
14 guchuj05 Dec 08, 2005 21:06
Works perfect. Thank you!
15 yabba Dec 08, 2005 21:08
No problem, thank you for finding the error :)
16 mojman Jan 01, 2006 22:53
Did you have the Phoenix version? Then I would like it :D
17 yabba Jan 03, 2006 11:08
pm'd you a link ;)
18 kskhater Jan 18, 2007 17:16
The link to download the ZIP file not working: it give this error:
404 Not Found
b2evolution cannot resolve the requested URL.
19 yabba Jan 20, 2007 13:46
Try the link again.
Please note, I'll only be able to give limited support to this as I no longer have a 0.9.x install
20 kskhater Jan 20, 2007 14:48
Do you mean this will not work with 1.9.1?
21 yabba Jan 20, 2007 15:50
Probably not, it was written for 0.9.x
22 netforce Jan 22, 2007 05:58
How do I modify the code so that the months are already expanded if they have javascript enabled?
23 kskhater Jan 22, 2007 06:01
I tried it in 1.9.1 beta and it does not work.
24 yabba Jan 24, 2007 09:24
netforce wrote:
How do I modify the code so that the months are already expanded if they have javascript enabled?
If you crack open the file and find a segment of code that looks like this and change the bits highlighted in red then they should stay open :-
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.className = 'maxmin';
img.src = 'img/min.gif';
img.style.verticalAlign = 'middle';
li.insertBefore(img, a[z]);
// set style
li.className = 'parent';
//hide child unordered list
ul = a[z].nextSibling;
while (ul.nodeType != 1){
ul = ul.nextSibling;
ul.style.display = 'block';
This is totaly untested as I don't have a 0.9.x install to play with any more ;)
Kskhater : If I can find the 1.8.x plugin version I had lying around somewhere I'll see if it can be made to work with 1.9.2
25 netforce Jan 24, 2007 22:11
Thanks that worked perfectly :)
26 dub27 Mar 12, 2007 02:31
upgraded this archive hack as I wanted to have an expand / collapse view by month and/or by post.
This was a lot of work, but worth it, so hope it saves someone else some time. I have attached a link with all of this included.
The changes are as follows:
There are 4 steps.
1. To include the archives in your side-menu:
include the following in the side-menu area:
// show last 12 months
// -------------------------- ARCHIVES INCLUDED HERE -----------------------------
// Call the Archives plugin:
$Plugins->call_by_code( 'evo_Arch', array( // Add parameters below:
'mode' => 'monthly',
'limit' => 12
) );
// -------------------------------- END OF ARCHIVES ----------------------------------
2. Go to your _archives_plugin in the plugin folder (included by default in the 1.9.2 plugins
make sure your "more" link refers to arcdir as follows:
// Display more link:
if( !empty($params['more_link']) )
echo $params['line_start'];
echo '<a href="';
$Blog->disp( 'arcdirurl', 'raw' );
echo '">'.format_to_output($params['more_link']).'</a>';
echo $params['line_end'];
3. I also changed the css to hide the bullet and space the columns better.
/* ---- styles for expanding archives ----- */
margin-left: -30px;
margin-left: 0px;
.parent ul{
margin-left: -20px;
.parent li{
margin-left: 0px;
4. create an _ardir.php file and drop in the following code originally the extraarc.php file: This code is adapted from Abba's and others work. I just upgraded it to 1.9.2
Note the codex references, these are the places where code has been changed, ie ID to post_id and post_issue_date became post_datestart
* This file displays the archives.
* This file is part of the b2evolution project - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* @copyright (c)2003-2005 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/}
* @license http://b2evolution.net/about/license.html GNU General Public License (GPL)
* @package evoskins
* {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }}
* @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/}
* @deprecated Deprecated by {@link archives_plugin}
* @version $Id: _archives.php,v 1.16 2006/04/11 21:22:26 fplanque Exp $
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
$archive_mode = 'postbypost';
$archive_limit = ''; // returns all results
# number of archive entries to display:
if(!isset($archive_limit)) $archive_limit = 12;
# this is what will separate your archive sections
if(!isset($archive_list_start)) $archive_list_start = '<ul>';
if(!isset($archive_list_end)) $archive_list_end = '</ul>';
# this is what will separate your archive links
if(!isset($archive_line_start)) $archive_line_start = '<li>';
if(!isset($archive_line_end)) $archive_line_end = '</li>';
# this is what will separate dates on weekly archive links
if(!isset($archive_week_separator)) $archive_week_separator = ' - ';
# override general date format ? 0 = no: use the date format set in Options, 1 = yes: override
if(!isset($archive_date_format_over_ride)) $archive_date_format_over_ride = 0;
# options for daily archive (only if you override the general date format)
if(!isset($archive_day_date_format)) $archive_day_date_format = 'Y/m/d';
# options for weekly archive (only if you override the general date format)
if(!isset($archive_week_start_date_format)) $archive_week_start_date_format = 'Y/m/d';
if(!isset($archive_week_end_date_format)) $archive_week_end_date_format = 'Y/m/d';
# option for type of archive
if( !isset( $archive_mode ) ) $archive_mode = $Settings->get( 'archive_mode' );
$dateformat = locale_datefmt();
if (!$archive_date_format_over_ride)
$archive_day_date_format = $dateformat;
$archive_week_start_date_format = $dateformat;
$archive_week_end_date_format = $dateformat;
$ArchiveList = & new ExtraArchiveList( $blog, $archive_mode, $show_statuses,
$timestamp_min, $timestamp_max, $archive_limit );
//codex this is trigger for javascript expand / collapse
echo $archive_list_start;
while( $ArchiveList->get_item( $arc_year, $arc_month, $arc_dayofmonth, $arc_w, $arc_count, $post_ID, $post_title) )
switch( $archive_mode )
case 'monthly':
// --------------------------------- MONTHLY ARCHIVES ---------------------------------------
echo $archive_line_start;
echo '<a href="';
archive_link( $arc_year, $arc_month );
echo '">';
echo T_($month[zeroise($arc_month,2)]),' ',$arc_year;
echo '</a> <span class="dimmed">('.$arc_count.')</span>';
case 'daily':
// --------------------------------- DAILY ARCHIVES ---------------------------------------
echo $archive_line_start;
echo '<a href="';
archive_link( $arc_year, $arc_month, $arc_dayofmonth );
echo '">';
echo mysql2date($archive_day_date_format, $arc_year.'-'.zeroise($arc_month,2).'-'.zeroise($arc_dayofmonth,2).' 00:00:00');
echo '</a> <span class="dimmed">('.$arc_count.')</span>';
case 'weekly':
// --------------------------------- WEEKLY ARCHIVES ---------------------------------------
echo $archive_line_start;
echo '<a href="';
archive_link( $arc_year, '', '', $arc_w );
echo '">';
echo $arc_year.', '.T_('week').' '.$arc_w;
echo '</a> <span class="dimmed">('.$arc_count.')</span>';
case 'postbypost':
//codex this impacts the collapse expand
// ------------------------------ POSY BY POST ARCHIVES --------------------------------
if ( ( isset( $current_month ) and ( $arc_month != $current_month ) ) || !isset( $current_month ) )
if ( isset( $current_month ) )
echo $archive_list_end
echo $archive_line_start;
echo '<a class="parent" href="';
archive_link( $arc_year, $arc_month );
echo '">';
echo T_($month[$arc_month]),' ',$arc_year.'</a>';
echo $archive_list_start;
$current_month = $arc_month;
echo $archive_line_start;
echo '<a href="';
permalink_link( '', 'id', $post_ID );
echo '">';
if ($post_title)
echo strip_tags($post_title);
echo $post_ID;
echo '</a>';
echo $archive_line_end;
// Display more link:
if( !empty( $archive_more_link ) )
echo '<a href="';
$Blog->disp( 'arcdirurl', 'raw' );
echo '">'.format_to_output( $archive_more_link ).'</a>';
echo $archive_line_end;
echo $archive_list_end;
if ( $archive_mode == 'monthly' )
echo $archive_line_end
<script type='text/javascript'>
/* ExtraArchives plugin for b2evolution (@link : http://b2evolution.net )
* coded by Yabba (@link: http://www.innervisions.org.uk )
* This plugin was inspired by this post on Whoo's blog.
* http://www.village-idiot.org/archives/2005/09/20/collapsable-archives-goes-live/
* The Javascript is taken from two sources:
* http://www.alistapart.com/articles/sprucemaps an article on ALA by the author, Kim Siever.
* The article references his production example at http://www.uleth.ca/man/help/sitemap.shtml
* the University of Lethbridge Faculty of Management web site.
function expand(){
// grab all unordered lists
var u = document.getElementsByTagName('ul');
// get all links
var a = u[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
// checks if link has a class of 'parent'
if(a[z].className == 'parent'){
var li = a[z].parentNode;
// creates maximise.gif element
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.className = 'maxmin';
img.src = 'img/min.gif';
//codex change to open on view
//img.src = 'img/max.gif';
img.style.verticalAlign = 'middle';
li.insertBefore(img, a[z]);
// set style
li.className = 'parent';
//hide child unordered list
ul = a[z].nextSibling;
while (ul.nodeType != 1){
ul = ul.nextSibling;
ul.style.display = 'block';
//codex change to display block to view on open
//ul.style.display = 'none';
// make clicking new image hide/show child unordered list
img.onclick = function(){
li = this.parentNode;
ul = li.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
var ulStatus = (ul.style.display == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none';
//list-style-type:none; /* No bullets */
ul.style.display = ulStatus;
// toggle between maximise.gif and minimise.gif
imgStatus = (ulStatus == 'block') ? 'min' : 'max';
this.src = 'img/' + imgStatus + '.gif';
/* fails if more than one onload, use timeout ;) */
* ExtraArchive List Class
* @package evocore
class ExtraArchiveList extends DataObjectList
var $blog;
var $archive_mode;
var $arc_w_last;
* Constructor
* Note: Weekly archives use mySQL's week numbering and mySQL default if applicable.
* In mySQL < 4.0, WEEK() uses mode 0: Week starts on Sunday;
* Value range is 0 to 53; week 1 is the first week that starts in this year
* {@internal ExtraArchiveList::ExtraArchiveList(-)}}
* @param integer
* @param string
* @param array
* @param mixed
* @param mixed
* @param integer
function ExtraArchiveList(
$blog = 1,
$archive_mode = 'monthly',
$show_statuses = array(),
$timestamp_min = '', // Do not show posts before this timestamp
$timestamp_max = 'now', // Do not show posts after this timestamp
$limit = '' )
global $DB;
global $tableposts, $tablepostcats, $tablecategories;
global $Settings;
$this->blog = $blog;
$this->archive_mode = $archive_mode;
* ----------------------------------------------------
* Restrict to the statuses we want to show:
* ----------------------------------------------------
$where = ' WHERE '.statuses_where_clause( $show_statuses );
$where_link = ' AND ';
// Restrict to timestamp limits:
if( $timestamp_min == 'now' ) $timestamp_min = time();
if( !empty($timestamp_min) )
{ // Hide posts before
$date_min = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp_min + ($Settings->get('time_difference') * 3600) );
//codex $where .= $where_link.' post_issue_date >= \''.$date_min.'\'';
$where .= $where_link.' post_datestart >= \''.$date_min.'\'';
$where_link = ' AND ';
if( $timestamp_max == 'now' ) $timestamp_max = time();
if( !empty($timestamp_max) )
{ // Hide posts after
$date_max = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp_max + ($Settings->get('time_difference') * 3600) );
//codex $where .= $where_link.' post_issue_date <= \''.$date_max.'\'';
$where .= $where_link.' post_datestart <= \''.$date_max.'\'';
$where_link = ' AND ';
// Do we need to restrict categories:
if( $blog > 1 )
{ // Blog #1 aggregates all
$where .= $where_link.' cat_blog_ID = '.$blog;
$where_link = ' AND ';
if( !empty($limit) )
$limit = ' LIMIT 0,'.$limit;
switch( $archive_mode )
case 'monthly':
// ------------------------------ MONTHLY ARCHIVES ------------------------------------
//codex $this->request = 'SELECT YEAR(post_issue_date) AS year, MONTH(post_issue_date) AS month,
$this->request = 'SELECT YEAR(post_datestart) AS year, MONTH(post_datestart) AS month,
COUNT(DISTINCT postcat_post_ID) AS count
FROM (T_posts INNER JOIN T_postcats ON ID = postcat_post_ID)
INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID
GROUP BY year, month
ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC
case 'daily':
// ------------------------------- DAILY ARCHIVES -------------------------------------
// $this->request = 'SELECT YEAR(post_issue_date) AS year, MONTH(post_issue_date) AS month,
$this->request = 'SELECT YEAR(post_datestart) AS year, MONTH(post_datestart) AS month,
DAYOFMONTH(post_datestart) AS day,
COUNT(DISTINCT postcat_post_ID) AS count
FROM (T_posts INNER JOIN T_postcats ON ID = postcat_post_ID)
INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID
GROUP BY year, month, day
ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, day DESC
case 'weekly':
// ------------------------------- WEEKLY ARCHIVES -------------------------------------
//codex $this->request = 'SELECT YEAR(post_issue_date) AS year, WEEK(post_issue_date) AS week,
$this->request = 'SELECT YEAR(post_datestart) AS year, WEEK(post_datestart) AS week,
COUNT(DISTINCT postcat_post_ID) AS count
FROM (T_posts INNER JOIN T_postcats ON ID = postcat_post_ID)
INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID
GROUP BY year, week
case 'postbypost':
// ----------------------------- POSY BY POST ARCHIVES --------------------------------
//codex hack added - group by ID to remove duplicates
//codex $this->request = 'SELECT YEAR(post_issue_date) AS year, MONTH(post_issue_date) AS month,
//ID to post_ID
$this->request = 'SELECT YEAR(post_datestart) AS year, MONTH(post_datestart) AS month,
post_ID, post_title
FROM (T_posts INNER JOIN T_postcats ON post_ID = postcat_post_ID)
INNER JOIN T_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID
group by post_ID
ORDER BY post_datestart DESC
//codex above ORDER BY post_issue_date DESC
// echo $this->request.'<br/>';
$this->result = $DB->get_results( $this->request, ARRAY_A );;
$this->result_num_rows = $DB->num_rows;
// echo 'rows='.$this->result_num_rows.'<br/>';
$this->arc_w_last = '';
* Getting next item in archive list
* {@internal ArchiveList->get_item(-)}}
function get_item( & $arc_year, & $arc_month, & $arc_dayofmonth, & $arc_w, & $arc_count, & $post_ID, & $post_title )
// echo 'getting next item<br />';
if( $this->current_idx >= $this->result_num_rows )
{ // No more entry
return false;
$arc_row = $this->result[ $this->current_idx++ ];
switch( $this->archive_mode )
case 'monthly':
$arc_year = $arc_row['year'];
$arc_month = $arc_row['month'];
$arc_count = $arc_row['count'];
return true;
case 'daily':
$arc_year = $arc_row['year'];
$arc_month = $arc_row['month'];
$arc_dayofmonth = $arc_row['day'];
$arc_count = $arc_row['count'];
return true;
case 'weekly':
$arc_year = $arc_row['year'];
$arc_w = $arc_row['week'];
$arc_count = $arc_row['count'];
return true;
case 'postbypost':
$arc_year = $arc_row['year'];
$arc_month = $arc_row['month'];
if ( strlen( $arc_month ) == 1 ) $arc_month = '0'.$arc_month; // yet another phoenix difference
$post_ID = $arc_row['post_ID'];
$post_title = $arc_row['post_title'];
return true;
* $Log: _archives.php,v $
* Revision 1.16 2006/04/11 21:22:26 fplanque
* partial cleanup
27 village_idiot Mar 12, 2007 02:35
in the future, you might want to disable smilies in those sorts of forum posts (notice they're showing up?)
and use the code or php bbcode functions, so that the formatting is nice.
this is code
echo "this is php";
28 dub27 Mar 12, 2007 02:36
doesn't look like the link was added -- trying again but it is all in the post --
29 dub27 Mar 12, 2007 02:38
sorry didn't turn on smilies and don't know how to insert code format...
30 village_idiot Mar 12, 2007 02:53
i believe the forum faq covers this as well. http://forums.b2evolution.net/faq.php
Smilies are on by default - I suggested turning them off
hope that helps
31 dub27 Mar 12, 2007 03:19
laughing here.. irish time 2am.. but yes, I can see "quite clearly" what to do even without glasses on!
thanks for that...
32 7doves Apr 04, 2007 12:45
Is there an amended set of instructions for implementation of dub27's hack to expand the archives for 1.9.3?
I replaced the code in step 1 in my skin/main.php.
Step 2 didn't appear to need altering.
Step 3 I am ignoring until I get the others working.
Step 4 I placed in the skins/skin directory (but I did wondered about the name so also tried _arcdir.php as well ! )
And also how and where are the gifs for the bullets called up?
I have also tried changing the App Settings in the Back Office to 'post by post' but this didn't seem to help. And for the moment I don't want to make the change blog-wide - just to one.
Thanks in advance.
33 yabba Apr 04, 2007 12:57
Yay, I just found my copy of the 1.x.x version of the plugin and it "appears" to work in 1.9.3, you can grab the zip [url=http://astonishme.co.uk/archives_plugin.zip]here[/url]
To use it just change the normal skintag call in your _main.php
// -------------------------- ARCHIVES INCLUDED HERE -----------------------------
// Call the Archives plugin:
$Plugins->call_by_code( 'ext_Arch', array( // Add parameters below:
) );
// -------------------------------- END OF ARCHIVES ----------------------------------
Obviously you need to install the plugin as well ;)
34 7doves Apr 05, 2007 00:36
Thanks for getting back to me so fast!
Have altered the archives call in the sidebar via 'cut and paste'.
Extracted your zip.
Installed images into the skins/skin/img folder
Installed the _am_archives_plugin.php in skins/skin folder
(it didn't work there so put it into the 'plugins' folder as well without success).
There was nothing in the style.css so I didn't do anything with that.
Am I on the right track? Or have I misunderstood your instructions? Is there something else I should have known to do to get this to work?
35 yabba Apr 05, 2007 10:49
Ok, what you need to do is this :
- Download the zip and extract it
Upload the whole folder to /plugins/
Hit admin > app settings > plugins
Click "display available plugins"
Click "install" next to the extra archives plugin
Meander over to your skins _main.php and paste the above code where you want the archives to display[/list:u]
Obviously you've already done some of these steps so you can just skip them ;)
36 7doves Apr 05, 2007 12:04
I would say "I love you" but my husband is sitting right besides!
So THANKS SO MUCH will have to suffice.
I can't believe how much easier that was.
I really appreciate your help!
Just in case its relevant - the skin I am using is based on nifty_corners.
I add this, as I was trying to use this same plugin on a skin based on blue_sky and had to revert to call evo_arch not ext_arch. Hubby also tried the ext_arch call on nautica_2l and could only get it working with the evo_arch.
Hope that helps someone!?
37 cslepage May 30, 2007 03:54
How can I display more than one month's worth of archives? As in:
+ May 2007
+ June 2007
38 yabba May 30, 2007 11:20
Do you make more than 100 posts a month? ( which is the default limit ).
If so try changing the plugin call to :-
// -------------------------- ARCHIVES INCLUDED HERE -----------------------------
// Call the Archives plugin:
$Plugins->call_by_code( 'ext_Arch', array( // Add parameters below:
'limit' => 99999,
) );
// -------------------------------- END OF ARCHIVES ----------------------------------
39 cslepage May 30, 2007 11:47
Can I still have it show more than one month, but limit how many it shows for each month before you have to click "more"?
40 yabba May 30, 2007 18:40
Not with the current plugin, if I remember the next time I recode I'll add it in if it's possible ;)
Thanks ¥åßßå,
The mrdav installation seems to have some odd CSS issue ( maybe Firefox 1.5 does ) where both the open and close buttons are side by side, but it works just fine.