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1 Apr 09, 2006 03:37    

Im trying to debug this stupid plugin, and I need some eyes.

Lets say I have an array, and it looks like so:

$arrayone = array("1" , "2" , " 3" , "4",$enter);

If i echo back that arrayone, should I be seeing "Array" (without the quotes) or should I be seeing the contents of the array?

Right now, I see: Array

PS: Ive edited the values within the array for reading easability.

2 Apr 09, 2006 12:02

print_r( $arrayone );



3 Apr 09, 2006 13:03

too late, I found a way around it. :)

But while youre here, a quick and dirty explanation of how the CVS handles the internal form thing would be VERY helpful.

The link that blueeyed provided escapes me, however it contained stuff like so :

	$Form = new Form(1,2,3,4);

4 Apr 10, 2006 08:44

If you take a look evocore/_form.class.php (1.6/7) / inc/_misc/_form.class.php (1.8) you'll get an idea of all of the things that it can do.

What I normally do is rip a form out of one of the admin pages and amend it to suit my needs.


Form is loading...