2 village_idiot Apr 11, 2006 01:45

The way to do it would be as a plugin for the upcoming b2evolution 1.8. You can get the code from CVS and look at the test plugin to see how it all works. There's a method for making AJAX calls, and you can put any JS libraries you want into your plugin's folder. I'm working on something now that uses AJAX and prototype JS effects in the backoffice. Note that the two are different. If enough plugins want to use prototype, the developers may just want to add it to b2evolution.
If you're doing something that will be visible to readers and serves an important function (like posting comments), then make sure that it will also work when javascript is disabled by the reader.
Anybody else thinking about integrating some AJAX functionality into b2?
I believe buggedcom was planning to convert the backoffice into a ajax system, and was in discussion with blueyed about it;
Although I haven't seen him around for a while - although i've been away for a while as well ;) - ok maybe longer than a while ;)
Ajax for the backoffice is a good idea as anyone who would be in the backoffice "should" have an ajax and javascript enabled browser.
But for the [ user / view blog ] it becomes a bit more complicated...
've been working with the Prototype and Rico libraries for the past couple of months at work and have been thinking of ways to use it with b2.
I think Ajax enabled comments might be cool, sort of adding a comment without reloading the page. Anybody have any thoughts on this? What would you ajax-ify?
If you have a lot of experience with ajax, you may be able to help me out when i start embedding ajax or similiar into one of the PostSkins I am working on.
talk to balupton
Ajax functionality might attract alot of people to b2 :D
talk to balupton