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1 Jul 28, 2006 05:54    

Hi everyone;

I get

doube quate ""


astophe '

showing as ’ while in back office they show OK.

I can't find where the problem is.

Thanks for your help.

2 Mar 03, 2007 05:12

I've been plagued with the same problem. Usually those posting are mac users.

I think it might have something to do with smart quotes but haven't been able to track it down.

3 Mar 03, 2007 06:34

Upgrade to 1.9.2 and all that will gon away. if you need help jut go to the forum me, sorry I'm drunk today!

4 Mar 03, 2007 21:55

Excellent, thanks!

6 Mar 29, 2007 01:19

Ok, it's a 'Closing Single Quote Mark' that's causing the problem. I can reproduce it by putting one in a comment then submitting.

I'm looking into the texturize plugin code.

7 Mar 29, 2007 01:46

I have a strong feeling your problem is caused by a difference in charset in the mySQL database on the one hand and the blog (or the input) on the other.

Perhaps [url=]this topic in the manual about charset[/url] helps you on the way.

But there are also known problems with the difference between a 'neutral' apostrophe and a closing single quote an the mac user (or even linux) might send the wrong character. Furthermore there might be problems when people copy / paste texts from Word.

Perhaps you can find out how the database stored the last comment from your link (the one with the errors).

Good luck

8 Mar 29, 2007 04:52

Thank you for all the good leads! mySQL char-sets never occurred to me. I'll track these down and return with my results.

I also wonder if users aren't cutting+pasting from word to use it as a spell checker.

9 Apr 03, 2007 05:32

This appears to be people cutting + pasting from word. The neutral apostrophe is repalced with a curly apostrophe.

Where would I modify the code to handle this errant character?

10 Apr 04, 2007 01:44

This is an educated guess:
edit ../blogs/plugins/_texturize.plugin.php.
Add after:

$curl = str_replace('---', '—', $curl);
$curl = str_replace('--', '–', $curl);
$curl = str_replace("...", '…', $curl);
$curl = str_replace('``', '“', $curl);

this line:

$curl = str_replace("’", '& #39;', $curl);

without the space between & and #. Look at the code in the file for details.

Good luck.

11 Apr 06, 2007 16:21

Afwas wrote:

Good luck.

That worked perfectly for posts. Now, is there a similar function for comments or can I apply texturize to comments?

12 Apr 06, 2007 16:50

I checked my server the mysql character set appears to be latin1. Perhaps this is the problem as was suggested before. I believe it's the MySQL default, which seems odd.

Server characterset:    latin1
Db     characterset:    latin1
Client characterset:    latin1
Conn.  characterset:    latin1

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