2 lefataliste Mar 29, 2016 13:55

More details about the error
Edit: attached image deleted due to full-path disclosure.
I hope that I'm not condamned to stay in v4 ? Am I ?
best regards.
@lefataliste it looks like your upgrade process got stuck in an unstable state.
Do you know how to export only the structure of the database to an sql file? It would help us to determine in which task of the checkpoint 10900 the process got stuck.
Please DM me if you want, so I'll send you an email address where you can send me back the DB structure.
Note: in this step I don't need access to your data, only the DB structure.
@lefataliste it looks like your upgrade process got stuck in an unstable state.
Do you know how to export only the structure of the database to an sql file? It would help us to determine in which task of the checkpoint 10900 the process got stuck.
It seems that I can't open the attached file, so I post the content below
Edit: info delete for security reasons.
@lefataliste it's not easy to manage the txt file that you sent. Do you have access to phpMyAdmin? Can you please use it to export the db structure in sql format?
Check out this video to see how to do the export: http://bit.ly/1ZTl2y6
@lefataliste it's not easy to manage the txt file that you sent. Do you have access to phpMyAdmin? Can you please use it to export the db structure in sql format?
Ok, sorry, I overlooked the "sql" in your original query. Here is the DB structure (attached). Regards. JL
the file does not appear in my previous post ? May be I have to use the [Preview/Add file] link ? It's not clear...
trying again ...
No file appears :( I give up.
@lefataliste please read the direct message I sent you before and send the file to the email I mentioned there. It's better if you compress the .sql file into a .zip file. Thank you.
@lefataliste wrote earlier:
I tried to upgrade to v5, but it failed to install so I kept my old version.
I also tried more recently to upgrade to v6, with the same bad result :(
So I Thought that there may be a bug in the install scripts ?
The subject of "I broke my DB in the past and now I can't upgrade" has been covered in great detail here: http://b2evolution.net/man/unexpected-error-during-upgrade
@lefataliste wrote earlier:
I tried to upgrade to v5, but it failed to install so I kept my old version.
I also tried more recently to upgrade to v6, with the same bad result :(
So I Thought that there may be a bug in the install scripts ?
The subject of "I broke my DB in the past and now I can't upgrade" has been covered in great detail here: http://b2evolution.net/man/unexpected-error-during-upgrade
When did I say that "I broke my DB in the past ?". But Ok I'm going to have a look at this thread... (wait a minute)
(back) Well, then I looked at the thread and I'm fairly sure that it does not apply to my situation.
I started from a copy of the working DB with a "fresh" copy of the new version in which I transferred first the media files and my personalized skins.
But thank you for your suggestion.
Regards. Jacques
Could it be that all my upgrade problems have to see with the php version ?
I'm currently running my blog under php 5.2. Before the error messages that I reported before, I had warnings concerning a non reconized constant (something dealing with HTML 5).
PHP 5.2 is definitely required but I really think you should read that page with an open mind.
This kind of error does NOT happen randomly (unless your server is faulty, which is extremely rare). It happens generally because you did some bad things to your database. For example: you stopped one upgrade in the middle of its process – and that may have been months or years ago! – and then tried to start the same or a different upgrade again – possibly months or years later – without restoring a squeaky clean DB in between. You can’t do that. Upgrades must be performed entirely from start to finish or they will leave the database in a broken state.
Sometimes it appears that your DB still works after an aborted upgrade, but that is a very bad assumption. If you do not restore a clean backup after a failed upgrade, it will come back to bite you months or years later.
PS: I added a section called "A note for the skeptics and the unfaithful ;)" to explain how to convince yourself you are in this case or not.
(It is basically a "do it yourself" guide to what @mgsolipa was trying to do for you).
PPS: Furthermore, following the "Clean Restore Procedure" up to step 2 will probably tell you exactly what your problem is.
Ok, I tried it again
1/ with the working (current) DB => checking / repairing / whatever was proposed in the MySQL console... all OK
2/ the structure is still as sent before to "Manuel Garcia" ;)
2/ upgrading v4.1.7 to 4.1.7 (doing everything as described in the proposed help page) => OK see result in the attached image
3/ creating a new DB
4/ exporting the current DB to the new one through the MySQL console
5/ creating a new copy of the 6.6.8 files and assigning the new DB to it
5/ doing an upgrade from 4.1.7 to 6.6.8 => result below = ERROR
Mise à jour de b2evolution...
Vérification des fichiers...
Préparation à l'installation de /.htaccess dans le répertoire de base... (Force=no)
Impossible de copier sample.htaccess dans le répertoire test!
ATTENTION: le temps d'exécution maximum (max_execution_time) est réglé à 300 secondes dans php.ini et ne peut pas être augmenté automatiquement. Ceci peut entrainer un timeout PHP causant un échec de la mise à jour. Dans ce cas, merci de poser une capture d'écrans dans les forums.
Mise à jour des données dans base de données b2evolution existante...
Loading module: _core/model/__core.install.php
Loading module: collections/model/_collections.install.php
Loading module: files/model/_files.install.php
Loading module: sessions/model/_sessions.install.php
Loading module: messaging/model/_messaging.install.php
Loading module: maintenance/model/_maintenance.install.php
Vérification de la version du schéma BD... 10200 : OK.
Upgrading user fields... OK.
Moving data to user fields... OK.
Dropping obsolete user columns... OK.
Adding new user columns... OK.
Upgrading item table for hide teaser... OK.
Creating table for a specific post settings... OK.
Adding new column to comments... OK.
Create table for internal searches... OK.
Create table for comments votes... OK.
Adding new comments columns... OK.
Adding new user permission for spam voting... OK.
Adding new group permission for spam voting... OK.
Upgrading countries table... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10300... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 0 seconds)
Updating "Post by Email" settings... OK.
Upgrading hitlog table... OK.
Upgrading file types... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10400... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 0 seconds)
Upgrading hitlog table... OK.
Creating table for Groups of user field definitions... OK.
Upgrading user field definitions... OK.
Upgrading permissions... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10500... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 1 seconds)
Renaming Countries table... OK.
Renaming Currencies table... OK.
Creating Regions table... OK.
Creating default regions... OK.
Creating Sub-regions table... OK.
Creating default sub-regions... OK.
Creating Cities table... OK.
Update Item Settings... OK.
Upgrading hitlog table... OK.
Upgrading track__keyphrase... OK.
Droping table internal searches... OK.
Upgrading users table... OK.
Upgrading hitlog table... OK.
Creating mail log table... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10600... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 1 seconds)
Upgrading user notifications settings... OK.
Upgrading Item table... OK.
Upgrading users table... OK.
Upgrading users fields table... OK.
Creating table for groups of messaging contacts... OK.
Creating table for group users of messaging contacts... OK.
Upgrading mail log table... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10700... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 1 seconds)
Upgrading users table, add user status... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10800... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 1 seconds)
Upgrading user settings table... OK.
Upgrading user activation settings... OK.
Upgrading Users table... OK.
Renaming Email log table... OK.
Creating email returns table... OK.
Upgrading general settings table... OK.
Upgrading sessions table... OK.
Creating table for Antispam IP Ranges... OK.
Upgrading base domains table... OK.
Upgrading users email domains...
Notice: Use of undefined constant ENT_HTML5 - assumed 'ENT_HTML5' in /inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php on line 333
Notice: Use of undefined constant ENT_HTML5 - assumed 'ENT_HTML5' in /inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php on line 333
Notice: Use of undefined constant ENT_HTML5 - assumed 'ENT_HTML5' in /inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php on line 333
Notice: Use of undefined constant ENT_HTML5 - assumed 'ENT_HTML5' in /inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php on line 333
Notice: Use of undefined constant ENT_HTML5 - assumed 'ENT_HTML5' in /inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php on line 333
Une erreur inattendue est survenue!
Si cette erreur persiste, merci de la signaler à l'administrateur.
Retourner à la page d'accueil
Informations additionnelles à propos de cette erreur:
MySQL error!
Duplicate entry 'email-cegetel.net ' for key 2(Errno=1062)
Your query:
INSERT INTO evo24_basedomains ( dom_type, dom_name )
VALUES ( 'email', 'cegetel.net ' )
Ok, so this is a new error, so I guess there has been some cleanup somewhere in the process.
Thank you for the complete documenting of the error.
This error will require some more investigation BUT it is very likely it is a result of the Notice: Use of undefined constant ENT_HTML5
And the Notice: Use of undefined constant ENT_HTML5
is very likely due to you using an old version of PHP. Which version are you using?
Can you try to upgrade on a machine that has at least PHP 5.2?
Ok, so this is a new error, so I guess there has been some cleanup somewhere in the process.
Thank you for the complete documenting of the error.
This error will require some more investigation BUT it is very likely it is a result of theNotice: Use of undefined constant ENT_HTML5
. And theNotice: Use of undefined constant ENT_HTML5
is very likely due to you using an old version of PHP. Which version are you using? Can you try to upgrade on a machine that has at least PHP 5.2?
Hello François. As I stated earlier , I'm on a machine running php 5.2 and MySQL 5.0 (host = Infomaniak.ch, old classic hosting)
In fact, I'm sorry for having driven you first on a bad error. What I report now is the first error to occur in the process. What I reported before was what I got when restarting the upgrade after the first error. Désolé. JL
Edited : it seems that ENT_HTML5 was introduced in PHP5.4 not in 5.2 so the use of this constant should be made dependent on the php version... http://php.net/manual/en/changelog.strings.php
Ok thanks.
We will check tomorrow if we can avoid using ENT_HTML5
in our code and also if your error is likely related to the notice.
OK, so for the first error:
Notice: Use of undefined constant ENT_HTML5 - assumed 'ENT_HTML5' in /inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php on line 333
Please go to that file before upgrade and replace the line
$content = htmlspecialchars( $content, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, $evo_charset );
$content = htmlspecialchars( $content, ENT_QUOTES, $evo_charset );
(which is compatible with PHP 5.2)
This will probably NOT solve the SQL error though. So please also try this:
First run the "Convert/Normalize your DB to UTF-8/ASCII" tool of the installer screen before running "Upgrade from a previous version of b2evolution".
This should correctly prepare the table evo24_basedomains
so that it doesn't fail during upgrade.
In case this is still not enough, please check the contents of the table evo24_basedomains
before upgrade and remove any domain name with accented characters. For example a value like 'email-cégétel.net ' may be the source of the issue.
Finally, in the error message, I noticed a whitespace after '.net'. In last resort, please try to remove it in the DB.
Ok François. Thank you for the time spent on this problem. I shall try all what you suggest.
But I'm afraid that I shall have one more problem if the things do not solve relatively rapidely = to do the update I need ask for an increase in the open CPU time and the amount of working memory. I can do this only 8 more times for the present year !
As for the evo24_basedomains table there is nothing abnormal in it (except some fancy names).
I shall report the result as soon as possible. Take care. JL
Bad news :( Only 7 possibilities left for the increased max exec time and increased memory
Result after trying to "normalize" the DB
Normalisation des jeux de caractères de la BDD...
Loading module: _core/model/__core.install.php
Loading module: collections/model/_collections.install.php
Loading module: files/model/_files.install.php
Loading module: sessions/model/_sessions.install.php
Loading module: messaging/model/_messaging.install.php
Loading module: maintenance/model/_maintenance.install.php
Normalisation de evo24_antispam... OK
Normalisation de evo24_basedomains... OK
Normalisation de evo24_bloggroups...
Une erreur inattendue est survenue!
Si cette erreur persiste, merci de la signaler à l'administrateur.
Informations additionnelles à propos de cette erreur:
MySQL error!
Unknown column 'bloggroup_perm_item_type' in 'evo24_bloggroups'(Errno=1054)
Your query:
ALTER TABLE evo24_bloggroups
MODIFY bloggroup_perm_poststatuses set('review','draft','private','protected','deprecated','community','published','redirected') COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
MODIFY bloggroup_perm_item_type ENUM('standard','restricted','admin') COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL default 'standard',
MODIFY bloggroup_perm_edit ENUM('no','own','lt','le','all') COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL default 'no',
MODIFY bloggroup_perm_cmtstatuses set('review','draft','private','protected','deprecated','community','published') COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL default '',
MODIFY bloggroup_perm_edit_cmt ENUM('no','own','anon','lt','le','all') COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL default 'no'
Hum, ok it seems it won't be possible to normalize the DB before upgrade.
Regarding CPU, why don't you install WAMP or MAMP or XAMP and make your upgrade tests locally on your machine?
Hello FP, I made a new attempt. Same result as reported earlier (but with a progress : without the HTML5 problem).
I verified that there is no domain named cegetel.net before upgrade (so if there is a duplicate, it comes from the install script, or a ghost in the machine ?).
Mise à jour des données dans base de données b2evolution existante...
Loading module: _core/model/__core.install.php
Loading module: collections/model/_collections.install.php
Loading module: files/model/_files.install.php
Loading module: sessions/model/_sessions.install.php
Loading module: messaging/model/_messaging.install.php
Loading module: maintenance/model/_maintenance.install.php
Vérification de la version du schéma BD... 10200 : OK.
Upgrading user fields... OK.
Moving data to user fields... OK.
Dropping obsolete user columns... OK.
Adding new user columns... OK.
Upgrading item table for hide teaser... OK.
Creating table for a specific post settings... OK.
Adding new column to comments... OK.
Create table for internal searches... OK.
Create table for comments votes... OK.
Adding new comments columns... OK.
Adding new user permission for spam voting... OK.
Adding new group permission for spam voting... OK.
Upgrading countries table... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10300... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 0 seconds)
Updating "Post by Email" settings... OK.
Upgrading hitlog table... OK.
Upgrading file types... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10400... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 0 seconds)
Upgrading hitlog table... OK.
Creating table for Groups of user field definitions... OK.
Upgrading user field definitions... OK.
Upgrading permissions... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10500... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 0 seconds)
Renaming Countries table... OK.
Renaming Currencies table... OK.
Creating Regions table... OK.
Creating default regions... OK.
Creating Sub-regions table... OK.
Creating default sub-regions... OK.
Creating Cities table... OK.
Update Item Settings... OK.
Upgrading hitlog table... OK.
Upgrading track__keyphrase... OK.
Droping table internal searches... OK.
Upgrading users table... OK.
Upgrading hitlog table... OK.
Creating mail log table... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10600... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 1 seconds)
Upgrading user notifications settings... OK.
Upgrading Item table... OK.
Upgrading users table... OK.
Upgrading users fields table... OK.
Creating table for groups of messaging contacts... OK.
Creating table for group users of messaging contacts... OK.
Upgrading mail log table... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10700... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 1 seconds)
Upgrading users table, add user status... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10800... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 1 seconds)
Upgrading user settings table... OK.
Upgrading user activation settings... OK.
Upgrading Users table... OK.
Renaming Email log table... OK.
Creating email returns table... OK.
Upgrading general settings table... OK.
Upgrading sessions table... OK.
Creating table for Antispam IP Ranges... OK.
Upgrading base domains table... OK.
Upgrading users email domains...
Une erreur inattendue est survenue!
Si cette erreur persiste, merci de la signaler à l'administrateur.
Retourner à la page d'accueil
Informations additionnelles à propos de cette erreur:
MySQL error!
Duplicate entry 'email-cegetel.net ' for key 2(Errno=1062)
Your query:
INSERT INTO evo24_basedomains ( dom_type, dom_name )
VALUES ( 'email', 'cegetel.net ' )
@fplanque Hello François, I'm back with a good new : the update is done !
I found the problem after a remark that you made earlier about a space at the end of the domain name. Thank you !
At first I did not know where to look at but after fumbling in the install directory, I thought that I should have a look at the user-email column in the users table. Indeed 2 of the email addresses ended with a space. I removed them, and that was it.
I do not know how these space chars came into this column (may be a bad control made by myself when I created the users list) but I think that, for as safer install, a trim should be added in the process of collecting the domain names.
Than you again for your help. And many thanks to Manuel Garcia @mgsolipa too. Take care.
It's not finished ! :(
I can display the blogs apparently without any problem BUT when I try to connect with the admin account I get the following error :
Une erreur inattendue est survenue!
Si cette erreur persiste, merci de la signaler à l'administrateur.
Informations additionnelles à propos de cette erreur:
Unknown $name for Menu::get_template(): 'sf-menu-right'
Summary of what I did :
What di I miss ?
Take care. JL
Screenshot please.
About trims, we already looked for that. The only place where we had it missing was in the wordpress importer. Did you import from wordpress? It's also possible we fixed trims in the last couple of years.
Screenshot please.
About trims, we already looked for that. The only place where we had it missing was in the wordpress importer. Did you import from wordpress? It's also possible we fixed trims in the last couple of years.
i did not put a screenshot just because there is nothing else to see besides the text that I copied. But if your name is Thomas and not François I upload a sreenshoot ;) I suppose that something is happening in the upper menu...
If you want to see it better with your own eyes, you may go there : http://www.aeniv.net/mb/b6/blog10.php then click on "Se connecter" with the id=visiteur and the pw=passage
As for the trim, it is obviously missing in that case. I did not import from anything : I created the blog(s) with b2evo.
Does it work when you log in directly to the backoffice?
If so, please try setting a different skin for the front office and let us know if it solves the issue.
-St Thomas
Does it work when you log in directly to the backoffice?
If so, please try setting a different skin for the front office and let us know if it solves the issue.
Thanks.-St Thomas
Ok François, it works.
I thought about going to the back office, but I could not imagine that it was so simple ;)
I changed for the original skins (pixelgreen and terrafirma) but now I shall have to do the job again to adapt them to our needs. I hope that there are not so many changes in the way the skins works. If you have some clues, to save time I'll be happy to read.
Thanks a lot. Take care. Jacques
Btw, I could see it from your screenshot that you were not logging into the backoffice (because of the font of the text). So please humor me next time I ask for a screenshot and you think there's nothing else to see than a few words of text ;)
Regarding skins, there should not be too many changes.
Please note there are "v5" and "v6" skins. The v5 should be basically the same as in previous version of b2evolution. The v6 skins have additional powers ;) (but they still work basically the same way)
Please tell me which skin was giving you the error above, so we can check what's going on.
Btw, I could see it from your screenshot that you were not logging into the backoffice (because of the font of the text). So please humor me next time I ask for a screenshot and you think there's nothing else to see than a few words of text ;)
Ok François, I shall put it in my pipe ;)
@fplanque wrote earlier:
Regarding skins, there should not be too many changes.
Please note there are "v5" and "v6" skins. The v5 should be basically the same as in previous version of b2evolution. The v6 skins have additional powers ;) (but they still work basically the same way)
Please tell me which skin was giving you the error above, so we can check what's going on.
As I said before, I was using pixelgreen and terrafirma which I modified in order to hide any sidebar and to change text color.
I localized the up mentionned problem in the header : I previously used a slightly modified _html_header.inc file in the pixelgreen directory. But in the "new" skins dir this file apparently no longer exists so I picked up the old one in my original v4 dir. This file was causing the error. When I found the good file in skins_fallback_v6 then everithing worked. Thank you for your help. JL
You should NOT duplicate & modify any version of _html_header.inc
. This is NOT supported and is almost guaranteed to fail with every future upgrade.
No matter what you are trying to do in that file, there are cleaner ways to do it... We'll tell you if you tell us what you're trying to do there (probably/hopefully not related to hiding the sidebar and changing the text color :p)
You should NOT duplicate & modify any version of
. This is NOT supported and is almost guaranteed to fail with every future upgrade.
No matter what you are trying to do in that file, there are cleaner ways to do it... We'll tell you if you tell us what you're trying to do there (probably/hopefully not related to hiding the sidebar and changing the text color :p)
I previously just added to the header a link for a personal javascript (since I think that it's the best place from which to load a js). This js is used to cycle through a list of various header photo. In this new version I finally did not modify the _html_header.inc, instead I put my js at the end of the body part (although I do not like it). Is there any "legal" way (a parameter) to add a js inside the header ? JL
@lefataliste please check this file for a reference about how to include CSS/Javascript files into your skins: http://b2evolution.net/man/loading-additional-resources-into-skin
@lefataliste please check this file for a reference about how to include CSS/Javascript files into your skins: http://b2evolution.net/man/loading-additional-resources-into-skin
Great ! Thank you very much Manuel Garcia. It seems that I'm really bad in searching in the docs. Take care. JL
You're welcome @lefataliste.
That's actually a brand new page. The feature is now documented due to your question, so thank you :D
As seen here (in french, sorry) a user_showonline column is apparently missing...