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1 Jan 29, 2016 05:44    

Maybe it's a small bug, or maybe I guessed the wrong meaning of the purpose of this widget. I think it's used for listing a sidebar links which post has been added an url link to the "Link to url" form field. When we click the title link of this widget list , we can redirect to another website. If the using is true, now it's not work.And I found if modify a parameter of the file named _coll_item_list.widget, it will work fine. As follows:

inc\widgets\widgets\_coll_link_list.widget.php lines 54: in the function get_param_definitions( $params ), change :

$r['item_title_link_type']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['item_title_link_type']['defaultvalue'] = "linkto_url";

2 Feb 03, 2016 22:16

Ok, thank you, we will fix this.

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