2 village_idiot May 01, 2005 02:04

Once I am in phpmyadmin how would I repair the tables? I've never done this before so I don't want to screw anything up. Thanks for your help.
Nevermind I figured it out! Everything is working now.
AREA51 wrote:
Nevermind I figured it out! Everything is working now.
Would you mind telling me what you did?
JUst got that error as well, out of the blue.
UPDATE: fixed.
Table was corrupted, repaired it. Got corrupted soon again, truncated it. Seems to be fine now.
%/ç%ç%ç SPAMMERS!!!
I just had the same problem after being blasted by spammers. Luckily, on this board, I found an awesome [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=4620&highlight=evohitlog]script[/url] by Kraemers that fixed everything without having to deal with phpMyAdmin. Thought I'd post it here as a solution this problem. Many thanks to Kraemers!
MySQL error!
Can't open file: 'evo_hitlog.MYD'. (errno: 145)(Errno=1016)
Your query:
SELECT visitID, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(visitTime) AS visitTime, referingURL, baseDomain FROM evo_hitlog WHERE hit_ignore IN ('no') ORDER BY visitID DESC LIMIT 5
Please help,
what"s happening I've lost all the info below Recent referrers?
When I went to bed last night my sight was fine, this morning it's not running so well, is this an issue with hoster?
thank-you in advance, oh the b2evo links are there, just not registering because of this syntax error :'(
verion b2evo v
I would have updated but after reading the helpme file and upgrade instructions I didn't want to loose all my information as it says that's what happens.
search is your friend.
[topic merged]
please, bare with me, which do I do?, repair the tables or do the php scripting, I'm not sure what is meant by the php scripting, where and in what directory to we add this script, what do we save it as?
can we just go into the admin panel on b2evo site and copy and paste it into the main.php and hit save?
thank you for your genorosity
from the linked script:
Here is a code I whipped together for checking, repairing and optimizing your b2evo blog's database.
from this thread:
go in with phpmyadmin and repair your tables.
In other words, do either. :)
this is NOT a bug (im moving this post) , this is a MySQL error.
go in with phpmyadmin and repair your tables.