2 wayfinder Oct 21, 2007 04:47

The latest version, 2.0.2 has tags so once you have a plenty of posts with tags all you have to do to get related posts is click a tag.
Re Thumbnails , this Gallery plugin might interest you...
The related posts plugin would be excellent, and is something being worked on, as I understand.
For anyone interested Yabba has just released the first draft of a related post plugin.
He has posted it on his site...
I have it installed on v.2.0.2 and for a first draft it's excellent.
An example post...
It does rely on the Tag facility of v.2.x and works in stealth mode. It's effectiveness is in direct relationship to the quality of your tags :)
Does that mean it isn't designed to work in 1.10.2?
Does 1.10.2 have Tags? I don't think it does as built in tagging was introduced with v2. I could be wrong.
If it doesn't then this won't work.
That's too bad.
I highly recommend you upgrade.
V2.0, while a tad daunting with customised skins, is more than worth the effort.
Not while it is still labeled beta. I have two sites with high traffic that I can't roll the dice on. Even once 2.0 is officially released, I'll have to check all my skins and plugins to see that I can still use them before upgrading.
Most of my plugins still do not support b2evo v2. And as the plugin api still changes I am not upgrading any of them. As back with b2evo v1, I jumped on board early, and most of my work became irrelevant in the end, or I had a lot more work to do because of it.
cslepage wrote:
Does that mean it isn't designed to work in 1.10.2?
Sorry, it's a 2.0.x thing as it uses the tag system.
I do have a semi-working tag system from 1.8.x somewhere, but it's never been developed beyond the basics and probably wouldn't suit your needs.
The good news is that the FG has [url=http://b2evolution.net/news/2007/10/13/b2evo-2-0-2-millenium-park-released#c17538]stated [/url] that a stable 2.0 will be out by the end of the year ;)
John wrote:
For anyone interested Yabba has just released the first draft of a related post plugin.
He has posted it on his site...
http://www.waffleson.co.uk/2007/10/playing-with-relationsI have it installed on v.2.0.2 and for a first draft it's excellent.
An example post...
http://wow-factor.com/index.php/thanks-for-nothing-mr-jobsIt does rely on the Tag facility of v.2.x and works in stealth mode. It's effectiveness is in direct relationship to the quality of your tags :)
tags are good but related posts is a needed plugin also.. which version are you using john ? i am using vegas 2.1 .. ive installed the plugin but did no good.. was i supposed to add any code or just install it ? i need a related posts plugin for 2.1 vegas
I had it installed on the previous alpha release and it was still there and working when I went the the current beta release.
Just intall it as a normal plugin, when it appears in your list of installed plugins, click on it to customise it's settings which is pretty self obvious stuff.
I don't have it in a specific container on my site.
John wrote:
I had it installed on the previous alpha release and it was still there and working when I went the the current beta release.Just intall it as a normal plugin, when it appears in your list of installed plugins, click on it to customise it's settings which is pretty self obvious stuff.
I don't have it in a specific container on my site.
i ve took a look at the settings but couldnt find out what to configure to make it work.. can you tell me what you have configured in settings please
Ok, first...does AM related posts show up in your list of plugins?
If so, when you click on it do you go to the default settings form?
Block start: <div class="am_related_posts"> This is the html output before everything
Block end: </div> This is the html output after everything
Title: <h3>Posts that may or may not be related</h3> This is the title
List start:<ul> This is the html output before the list
List end: </ul> This is the html output after the list
Line start: <li> This is the html output before each line
Line end:</li> This is the html output after each line
Line title: Read this post This is the hover title for the links
You could/should go to your Tools tab -> Miscellaneous -> and click on "Delete pre-renderered item cache."
Other than that, the only other thing I did was a fiddle with the CSS a bit.
Nothing else was required, it just worked :)
John wrote:
Ok, first...does AM related posts show up in your list of plugins?
If so, when you click on it do you go to the default settings form?Block start: <div class="am_related_posts"> This is the html output before everything
Block end: </div> This is the html output after everything
Title: <h3>Posts that may or may not be related</h3> This is the title
List start:<ul> This is the html output before the list
List end: </ul> This is the html output after the list
Line start: <li> This is the html output before each line
Line end:</li> This is the html output after each line
Line title: Read this post This is the hover title for the linksYou could/should go to your Tools tab -> Miscellaneous -> and click on "Delete pre-renderered item cache."
Other than that, the only other thing I did was a fiddle with the CSS a bit.
Nothing else was required, it just worked :)
i can see the default settings form.. i ve changed nothing in it.. i ve ""Deleted pre-renderered item cache."..
may be if you could tell me the changes you have made in the css
Well, if it's still not working it may be because you havn't got enough posts that have Tags that can be read as Related Posts!!!
My CSS is as follows bit is not related to your issue, I think.
.am_related_posts {
margin: 36px 0 9px;
padding: 0;
}.am_related_posts h3 {
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 90%;
color: #663;
}.bText .am_related_posts ul {
font-size: 84%;
color: #999;
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0
yes that may be the reason :P as i am trying to gather needed modifications to make the structure ready before posting archives.. actually i have only 1 post :oops: .. thank you for your replies.. i will get back soon after adding more data.
I'd be very interested in a related posts plugin too, link thumbnails I honestly don't need or want though :)