2 edb Jan 22, 2008 04:47

If you want to display a custom page for your blog this one method
Lets assume it's an "About" page.
1: Open the index.main.php for your skin and find
// -------------- MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED HERE (Based on $disp) --------------
skin_include( '$disp$', array(
'disp_posts' => '', // We already handled this case above
'disp_single' => '', // We already handled this case above
'disp_page' => '', // We already handled this case above
'disp_about' => '_about.disp.php',
) );
// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
// ------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ---------------------------
Simply add
'disp_about' => '_about.disp.php',
to the list as shown above.
2: Now build a .php page in your favourite editor...
//Check page isn't being accessed directly
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
//Show About page
<h2 class="bTitle"><?php echo T_('About Me') ?></h2>
<div class="bPost"><div class="bText">
<p>Yadda yadda yadda<br />
Yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda</p><p>etc etc</p>
3: Save this page as _about.disp.php
4:Load the index.main.php and the _about.disp.php into your skins/yourskin folder
5 Load http://yoursite.com/index.php?disp=about
and you should have your custom About Page.
Thanks John! Added to my "watched topics" list because I need this to restore some pages I lost from the 1.10.3 days.