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- Plugins & Extensions
- Problems with PostReach ClickComments
1 daniel Jul 30, 2007 18:41

today I have found PostReach ClickComments http://postreach.com/static/clickcomments and I have integrated the b2evolution supporting easy click-commenting blog plugin to my page. Seems to be working... but
1) I´ve seen the addon now several times in German on other blogs, but even when I choose German in the "Blog Info (Manage)" the iframed comments bar is still in English... Why? Any ideas? I´m using b2evo v1.9.2 and the code from ClickComments I´ve integrated is as follows:
<div name="ClickComments"><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.postreach.com/ccengine/display_iframe?perlink=<?php $Item->permanent_url(); ?>&url=<?php $Blog->disp( 'blogurl', 'raw' ); ?>"></script></div>
I have integrated it in the _main.php template as requested right below <div class="bSmallPrint">.
2) Firefox is displaying the ClickComments addon fine in the same font as the rest of my blog. IE6 does display it in Times New Roman... why? Does anybody know how to change that?
3) Does anybody have some experiences with this addon? Does anybody know, where to find the statistics at the PostReach page? I haven´t fond it so far even when I´m logged in there...
Many thanks in advance...