2 afwas Jul 31, 2007 10:35

Hmm .. I want to leave my skin like it is .. I tried to get get one of the rss feeds working with plucker, but it didnt work.
But maybe it's worth for a try to create a skin, that only displays the artikles .. not the thought and in my view the beautiful way, but maybe its working.
Dem hoergen
You can copy your skin, rename it and strip all larger items from it. It's the other way around but it works just the same. Just try to avoid it's only the calendar you see on the little screen >:(
I tried quick and dirty to create my pdanews with the basic skin.
It only works "unstable", if I let the users select different skins. But I want to configure that. If i switch off this option, it works only with tempskin option in URL.
If you then klick on that link, the skin that is defined by that blog will be displayed. http://www.hyperblog.de/?tempskin=pdanews
I decided to stop my experiments on the skin modification and try to write a plugin for my desired pdanews ;-)
But thanks anyway for your help.
Dem hoergen
I solved the problem in another cheap way :-)
I use now [url=http://sourceforge.net/projects/sunrisexp]Sunrise Desktop[/url], so I dont need a special feed at the moment.
But it's not forgotten.
Dem hoergen
This is not really a plugin you want but a skin.
There are a few skins available (already in your installation) that generate the feeds: _atom, _rss, _rss2 and _rdf. You can call these skins in your browser through h**p://YOURSITE/index.php?skin=_atom but also by clicking the links to the feeds on your skin. There you have stripped text only skins.
For a PDA you could make one of these ugly XML skins a little nicer for example with a small picture and a PDA friendly font. Basic procedure: copy and rename one of the skins and do some restyling. Now offer the new URL to the viewers on a PDA.