2 ianlewis Nov 06, 2007 11:35

I have tried to install this but couldn't get it to work, parts of the instructions seem to be confusing to me.
b2evolution Version: 2.1.0
Gallery2 Version: 2.2
I installed b2evolution without any issues. I then installed Gallery2 as a multi-site, not stand alone because I wanted to use the single sign-on. From what I understand it said to use multi-site install.
b2evolution is installed inside /testdir/ directory, not within any folders.
Gallery 2 multi-site was installed in a gallery2 directory within the testdir where b2evolution was installed.
I downloaded the plugin and tried to follow instructions from:
When I unzip the zip file it contains the following folders:
I put those inside the plugin directory like the instructions said. Then installed the plugin through b2evolution.
Here is where I get confused and where I'm having issues. When I configure the plugin I put a check in "Use Single Sign-On". Then I put the path for the Gallery2 which should be the main install of Gallery2.
Gallery2 Path: /../gallery2/
Embedded Path:
No matter what I put for embedded path, it states the error, "Unable to find main.php in the specified embedded directory."
I've tried pointing to the gallery2 folder within the gallery2_plugin folder thinking that was the main.php it is looking for. I've tried copying that folder and just placing it in a directory called gallery in the /testdir/ directory but even doing that and doing /../gallery/ it gives me that error.
The one time I got it to authenticate, when I went to enable the plugin, I then received the following error:
* Found embed.php in your Embedded Path. Please do not specify your Gallery2 Path as your Embedded Path.
* The plugin has not been enabled.
Any help would be appreciated. I'm not sure what it means by do not specify your gallery2 path as your embedded path because they aren't the same.
Did a new fresh install. This time it seems to have gone further but I get a SQL database error when I try to enable the plugin:
An unexpected error has occured!
If this error persits, please report it to the administrator.
Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:MySQL error!
Column count doesn't match value count at row 1(Errno=1136)
Your query: DataObject::dbinsert()
INSERT INTO evo_users (user_login, user_pass, user_locale, user_email, user_level, dateYMDhour, user_allow_msgform, user_notify, user_showonline, user_nickname, user_validated, user_ip, user_domain, user_browser, user_grp_ID)
VALUES ('GAdmin', '_[qB0a26311a31dd65bbd7f5a6333219fa58', NULL,'en_US', '', 1, '2007-11-14 15:52:45', '1', 1, 1, 'Gallery Administrator', 1, '', '', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Firefox/ (Ubuntu-feisty)', 4)
The main issue looks like this isn't compatible with the latest stable released. It was designed with be2evolution 1.9.2 in mind, which isn't a stable release. It was also set up with Gallery 2.1 and latest Gallery2 Version is 2.2.
From the looks of it, the Insert sql part needs to be updated so the columns match up properly again. I just don't know where to edit those at.
Interesting. I only use the b2evolution plugin interface. I don't do SQL directly with the database. I suppose they added a required column to the users table between 1.9.2 and 1.10 which would stink because it would technically make 1.9.2 and 1.10 plugin incompatible and affect the gallery2 plugin. But more likely it's a bug in 1.10.
I'll look into fixing this as soon as possible. It'll take a few hours to set up the a testing environment for b2evolution 1.10 and gallery 2.2 at home so I probably won't be able to get to it before Sunday.
Well comparing what it is trying to insert into evo_users:
Your Version:
user_login, user_pass, user_locale, user_email, user_level, dateYMDhour, user_allow_msgform, user_notify, user_showonline, user_nickname, user_validated, user_ip, user_domain, user_browser, user_grp_ID)
Then comparing that to the columns I show in evo_users, they don't match up. It appears there are some more columns that were added in.
Current Version:
user_ID, user_login, user_pass, user_firstname, user_lastname, user_nickname, user_icq, user_email, user_url, user_ip, user_domain, user_browser, dateYMDhour, user_level, user_aim, user_msn, user_yim, user_locale, user_idmode, user_allow_msgform, user_notify, user_showonline, user_grp_ID, user_validated
Actually that matches the database for 1.9.2 so they didn't add any fields. The reason that some of the fields are missing from the SQL statement is because they have default values.
The plugin uses the plugin interface rather than writing SQL directly so there shouldn't be a chance of creating incorrect SQL. If you look at the select it's got an extra value between the password and locale that doesn't have a matching a field so I'm thinking there is some sort of bug in 1.10 but I'd have to test it to be sure.
INSERT INTO evo_users (user_login, user_pass, user_locale, user_email, user_level, dateYMDhour, user_allow_msgform, user_notify, user_showonline, user_nickname, user_validated, user_ip, user_domain, user_browser, user_grp_ID)
VALUES ('GAdmin', '_[qB0a26311a31dd65bbd7f5a6333219fa58', NULL,'en_US', '', 1, '2007-11-14 15:52:45', '1', 1, 1, 'Gallery Administrator', 1, '', '', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Firefox/ (Ubuntu-feisty)', 4)
By the way, does the G2Image button where you write blog entries work? Do you use TinyMCE or FCKEditor?
I don't see a G2Image button. I have just done a base b2evolution install, haven't really configured anything else. Then installed G2, then followed instructions for bridge between them. I figured since it wouldn't even enable that there wouldn't be any G2Image button or method to pull images over from G2.
Ah, right. duh. The plugin wouldn't get enabled if it ran into an error like that.
I wanted to let you know that I did look at it yesterday but I couldn't exactly reproduce the errors you were seeing. I did find some other problems though that I'm fixing (it seems that user merging didn't always work right if there are existing users with the same userid in gallery and b2evolution). I'll have to test some more.
I initially wondered about if the user were the same username. When I did my first install both b2evolution and G2 had default admin names. My second try though I gave G2 GAdmin as the username and kept the admin as the b2evolution hoping that would fix it... but that didn't work either.
Hopefully though by what you are doing, it'll fix the issues I'm having though, we'll have to see.. since you can't reproduce my issues.
Thank you for the update.
Can you give [url=http://www.ianlewis.org/dump/gallery2_plugin-1.3-DEV.zip]this version[/url] a try?
A couple things to note that I noticed while testing.
1.) The gallery2_plugin/gallery folder with the main.php and index.php in it must be under your b2evolution blogs directory. Otherwise it won't be able to read b2evolution's session cookies which are used to maintain your login. Like blogs/gallery or blogs/someotherdir/gallery.
2.) You will need to edit the main.php in the gallery2_plugin/gallery folder to point to your b2evolution conf/_config.php
Though those points will apply after you enable the plugin ;)
If you still get the errors that you saw before, could you turn b2evolution debug on in conf/_advanced.php, reproduce the error and send me the output (IanMLewis[put an at here]gmail.com)? You could do like a Save As... in the browser and send me the html.
Is the gallery plugin works with the new Last Vegas release of b2evolution please ?
I'm searching a good blog tool, but I need to possibility to post photos.
i am trying to use this plugin for 2.1 vegas..
i ve extracted all content of gallery2_plugin-1.2.zip as:
then i ve activated via admin panel and tried to configure the Gallery2 Path but each time it says
Could not verify your gallery gallery installation. Please make sure this is the path to your gallery2 installation directory.
i am sure that my install directory
i tried both
but it always returns with the same error..
The gallery2 path is the path to your gallery two installation. It's not the gallery2_plugin directory or the gallery2_plugin/gallery2 directory. You need gallery2 installed to run the gallery2 plugin. Maybe this isn't clear in the documentation?
Are you using single sign on?
It seems that it doesn't work with 2.1.0. The g2image button shows up when editing/creating posts but it doesn't work because the b2evo developers changed the control from "edit" to "items". I'm trying to get together another release soon so you can either wait for that or go hacking through the current code.
If you just want to include images in your posts you might just try using the gallery plugin rather than the gallery2 plugin which unfortunately have similar names but have little to do with each other. Gallery2 plugin is for integration with gallery2. It doesn't include any image management etc. It simply allows you to post pictures from a gallery2 installation.
With the gallery plugin you can upload and manage pictures but they are limited to within b2evolution.
IanLewis wrote:
The gallery2 path is the path to your gallery two installation. It's not the gallery2_plugin directory or the gallery2_plugin/gallery2 directory. You need gallery2 installed to run the gallery2 plugin. Maybe this isn't clear in the documentation?
Are you using single sign on?
i did not see any installation scripts.. after uploading and activating the plugin do i need further installation ??..
yes i want to use single sign on..
Do you know what gallery2 is? Please see http://gallery.menalto.com/ for instructions on how to download/install/configure gallery2.
i ve downloaded gallery 2.2 and uploaded files and run gallery2/install..
at the end of step 1 asked for authentication with a login.txt and a random key..
i ve made the file and it said "authenticated" "move to step2"
but when i click move to step 2 it says error:login.txt key ... again...
i also have an error at the header
Warning: putenv() [function.putenv]: Safe Mode warning: Cannot set environment variable 'LANG' - it's not in the allowed list in /home/prosoftwar/domains/tilqi.com/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryTranslator.class on line 302
Warning: putenv() [function.putenv]: Safe Mode warning: Cannot set environment variable 'LANGUAGE' - it's not in the allowed list in /home/prosoftwar/domains/tilqi.com/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryTranslator.class on line 303
Did you delete the login.txt after it said authenticated? I'm not sure what this error could be. You'll probably need to take it up with the gallery2 folks.
tilqicom wrote:
i ve made the file and it said "authenticated" "move to step2"
but when i click move to step 2 it says error:login.txt key ... again...
It will not install because your server has Safe Mode on. Gallery is not designed to work with safe mode.
IanLewis wrote:
Can you give [url=http://www.ianlewis.org/dump/gallery2_plugin-1.3-DEV.zip]this version[/url] a try?
The install and enabling seemed to work fine. However I'm not able to pull up any images from my G2 Gallery. I might be misunderstanding the instructions so let me explain my setup, maybe that will help to spot where I'm messing up at.
/home/testdir/ (b2Evolution Installation)
/home/testdir/gallery2 (G2 Installation)
/home/testdir/blogs/plugins/gallery2_plugin (whole gallery2_plugin directory and contents from your zip)
/home/testdir/blogs/gallery2 (gallery2 folder within your gallery2_plugin folder from your zip)
I access the blogs from www.mydomain.com/testdir/
I access G2 Gallery and upload from www.mydomain.com/testdir/gallery2/
The part where I'm confused is in the configuring of the plugin, Gallery2 Path and Embeded Path. Gallery2 Path I believe is the path to my G2 Installation folder but since its a relative path and not absolute, is the start from /home/testdir/blogs/plugins/gallery2_plugin or from the base directory install of b2evolution?
I'm not sure what you are looking for for the Embedded Path and where the start point is, is that also gallery2_plugin directory?
I've tried a few things, it authenticates and is enabled without errors but when I click on the G2Image button, nothing happens even though there are images in the gallery.
The gallery2 path is the path from your blogs directory to the gallery2 installation. So in your case the path to blogs is /home/testdir/blogs and your gallery2 installation is /home/testdir/gallery2 so your gallery2 path is going to be "../gallery2/"
The embedded path is the path from the blogs directory to the embedded gallery2 folder (the gallery2 folder from the gallery2_plugin folder) so in your case it would be "gallery2/"
Is your setup something like that?
When you say you can't pull up any pictures from your gallery, does that mean you can't pull them up in the G2image thing when you are writing a new blog entry? I have noticed that the permissions are sometimes wierd for the g2image chooser thing. Are your images publically accessable?
That sounds like my setup. That worked and enabled fine.
The images are publicly accessible and I can view them directly through the G2 program. But when I'm in the b2evolution writing part and I click on the G2Image button, nothing happens.
You're using 2.1.0. I posted on Sat Nov 24 that the devs for some reason changed the admin "action" in the editor from "edit" to "items" which introduced a bug that causes the g2image window to not come up.
Shadow Wolf,
Could you give [url=http://www.ianlewis.org/dump/gallery2_plugin-1.3-DEV.zip]this version[/url] a try?
Now I'm back with the original error I had:
Column count doesn't match value count at row 1(Errno=1136)
Your query: DataObject::dbinsert()
INSERT INTO evo_users (user_login, user_pass, user_locale, user_email, user_level, dateYMDhour, user_allow_msgform, user_notify, user_showonline, user_nickname, user_validated, user_ip, user_domain, user_browser, user_grp_ID)
VALUES ('GAdmin', '_[qB0a26311a31dd65bbd7f5a6333219fa58', NULL,'en_US', '', 1, '2007-11-28 15:55:45', '1', 1, 1, 'Gallery Administrator', 1, '', '', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Firefox/ (Ubuntu-feisty)', 4)
I first got it when it tried to add demouser, so I removed that from the evo_users table and now I'm getting the GAdmin one. But GAdmin doesn't exist in evo_users, I just believe it was mapped to be admin (b2Evolution admin) but not sure how to unlink that.
Gallery 2 Plugin Version: 1.3-DEV
Gallery 2 Version: 2.2.3
b2evolution Version: 2.1.0-beta released on 11/04/07
Interesting. I've been testing with the same versions of the software as you have. What version of PHP are you using? Something has to be different. Is your web server using apache?
I'm assuming you haven't done anything obvious like modify any of the b2evolution code or anything.
I'll try again from scratch tonight when I get home.
Apache Version: 1.3.39 (Unix)
PHP Version: 4.4.7
MySQL Version: 4.1.22-standard
Yeah I haven't done any modifications to the b2evolution code, just a fresh install. The first updated 1.3 Dev script that you posted, I didn't get the mySQL error, it activated but I didn't get the G2 icon. The second one you posted I was back with the mySQL error.
I've tried everything I can think of to try to reproduce the error you are having but I've been pretty unsuccessful. Could you send me a dump of your MySQL database? Also could you turn on debug in conf/_advanced.php in b2evolution and see if it gives you any useful output? Could you send me the output of that also? I'll send you a PM with contact info.
Shadow Wolf,
Tentatively, I'd like to release a new version this weekend, as I've made some important changes. Have you had any luck with the debug or figuring out what was wrong? If I could include some kind of fix or at least rule out that it's not the plugin itself that has the bug before releasing then that would make me feel better.
Hi, does anyone know how I can change the size of the thumbnails in the gallery plugin? In my case, they are far too small...
maxwell wrote:
Hi, does anyone know how I can change the size of the thumbnails in the gallery plugin? In my case, they are far too small...
If you are talking about the 'gallery2 plugin' then the thumbnail sizes are taken from the size of the thumbnails in gallery2 itself. You'll need to change the thumbnail size in gallery's settings. See http://gallery.menalto.com/node/53997 for how to do that.
If you are talking about the 'gallery plugin' then you will need to post your question in [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=7880]that thread[/url].
The next version of the Gallery2 Plugin has been released!!
This version fixes a number of problems with different versions of b2evolution . It should work in b2evolution 1.9.2 and newer. It was tested in 1.9.2, 1.13.0, and 2.1.0.
This version also fixes a number of path issues with previous versions of the plugin. Paths to your gallery2 installation should be managed correctly now.
[url=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/evocms-plugins/gallery2_plugin-1.3.zip]Download it now![/url]
Ian, I have a question about the settings of the plugin.
Here is my setup (I won't use foo and bar as generic names because they sound less intuitive to me):
- b2evo is on railean.net
- gallery2 is on photo.railean.net (its physical location is railean.net/photo)
- if I config the gallery plugin to use the path "/photo" - it is able to see Gallery2 and I am able to browse the albums. The problem is that images are not shown (URL's point to railean.net/photo/.... instead of photo.railean.net)
- I modified the path to "photo.railean.net/" (with a trailing slash, as the tip says). And in this case the plugin says that it "could not verify your gallery gallery installation. Please make sure this is the path to your gallery2 installation directory.
The plugin has been disabled."
Am I doing something wrong? or am I lucky to use a non-standard setup?
The instructions say "use a relative path", and I am not sure that typing the URL (photo.railean.net/) is ok.
On the server's file system paths look like this:
/public_html/photo/ (if i use this path - it returns the same error message - which seems normal, because it's a full path, not a relative one); while b2evo itself is in /public_html.
Unfortunately, as it is now the gallery2 plugin works by "embedding" gallery which relies on b2evolutions cookies for authentication. If your photo gallery URL (not just the physical path) is not under b2evolution's blogs directory then your browser won't send the cookies and you won't be able to authenticate.
I would like to fix this in a future version but for now it's limited in that way.
I'm having some problems getting this to work.
I have it installed.
I can see the G2Image button when posting, but when I click it, I get the following error:
Warning: main(/home/sitename/public_html/webname/b2/plugins/g2image/../../../conf/_config.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sitename/public_html/webname/b2/plugins/g2image/config.php on line 26
Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/sitename/public_html/webname/b2/plugins/g2image/../../../conf/_config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/php4/lib/php:/usr/local/php4/lib/php') in /home/sitename/public_html/webname/b2/plugins/g2image/config.php on line 26
sitename is my main domain
webname is my add-on domain
So, /home/sitename/public_html/webname is the root of www.webname.com
I've played around with the main.php and it just seems that the code wants to put in an extra ../ no matter what I do. I tried changing the main.php line from ../conf/_config.php to conf/_config.php and there's no change in that error message.
_config.php IS in www.webname.com/b2/conf/
Here's my directory structure:
b2 blogs: www.webname.com/b2
Gallery : www.webname.com/b2/gallery
embedded Gallery www.webname.com/b2/embeddedgallery (main.php and index.php that came with the plug-in are in here)
g2image: www. webname.com/plugins/g2image
In the plug-in settings:
Gallery2 path is set to gallery/
Embedded path is set to embeddedgallery
I hope this one isn't an obvious error on my part. I've been bashing my head against it most of the day. :p
dodgechargerfan wrote:
Warning: main(/home/sitename/public_html/webname/b2/plugins/g2image/../../../conf/_config.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sitename/public_html/webname/b2/plugins/g2image/config.php on line 26
Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/sitename/public_html/webname/b2/plugins/g2image/../../../conf/_config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/php4/lib/php:/usr/local/php4/lib/php') in /home/sitename/public_html/webname/b2/plugins/g2image/config.php on line 26
I think you put the g2image directory in the wrong place. The g2image directory should stay in the plugins/gallery2_plugin directory where it was located in the zip file.
Did you have to make changes to the code to get the button to work? If you put the g2image directory in the plugins directory then you shouldn't even be getting this far.
No code changes...
but I uninstalled the plugin, uploaded everything again - leaving it all in the plugins/gallery2_plugin directory and then re-installed and it's working fine now.
I'm not sure how I got the idea that the folders needed to go where I first put them..
Thanks for the help and thanks for a great plug-in. It makes updating my blog so much easier.
It's a car restoration blog. So, it's mostly pictures with some commentary thrown in. A plug-in like this was a necessity.
dodgechargerfan wrote:
No code changes...
but I uninstalled the plugin, uploaded everything again - leaving it all in the plugins/gallery2_plugin directory and then re-installed and it's working fine now.
I'm not sure how I got the idea that the folders needed to go where I first put them..
Thanks for the help and thanks for a great plug-in. It makes updating my blog so much easier.
It's a car restoration blog. So, it's mostly pictures with some commentary thrown in. A plug-in like this was a necessity.
Cool. Let me know if you have any problems.
Is this Gallery 2 Plugin compatible with b2evolution version 2.4.0 "Venetian" ?
It should be but I haven't tested it to make sure. I think I can get around to it in the next few days.
waynewin wrote:
Is this Gallery 2 Plugin compatible with b2evolution version 2.4.0 "Venetian" ?
yeah i'm using it and it works fine.
Gallery2 Plugin 1.4 Released!!
This version of the Gallery2 Plugin supports adding image block widgets to your blog. The image block widget works in conjunction with the image block plugin for Gallery2 and supports all of the block types that the image block plugin supports.
You need to make sure that you have the image block plugin installed an enabled to use the widget but once you have that set up it should easy to add widgets to blog especially if you are using b2evolution > 2.0.
Check out the documentation [url=http://manual.b2evolution.net/Plugins/gallery2_plugin]here[/url] and download the plugin [url=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/evocms-plugins/gallery2_plugin-1.4.zip]here[/url].
Can I ask what may seem to be a stupid question... After downloading and activating the plugin, I saw in one of the files that this plugin is not compatible with the blog being on a different subdomain from Gallery2 installation. At least it can't work if I do not have another application where I embed the gallery2 in... Is that right?
If not, then my next question is why won't the Gallery2 plugin work on my blog? I successfully activated the plugin. No errors. I choose not to have a single sign-on. I then attempted to write a new post and then click on the G2Image button and a pop-up window appears and the following error messages appear
"Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in /home/vampirov/public_html/blog/plugins/gallery2_plugin/g2image/config.php on line 215
Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in /home/vampirov/public_html/blog/plugins/gallery2_plugin/g2image/config.php on line 215
Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in /home/vampirov/public_html/blog/plugins/gallery2_plugin/g2image/config.php on line 215
Fatal Gallery2 Error: Cannot activate the Gallery2 Embedded functions.
For WordPress users, Validate WPG2 in the Options Admin panel.
For other platforms, please verify your Gallery2 path in config.php. "
I did not check the embeded option when I configure the plugin so that error seems strange to me. And I'm not sure what the error in the config.php file means as well...
Can someone enlighten me on these questions? Thanks.
Well, the subdomain problem is a cookie problem that has to do with the single-sign-on feature more than anything. I think it might be possible to provide such support but I need to spend a bit more time on it.
The bug/issue you found has to do with when the gallery path is outside the b2evolution path. Probably you have paths something like:
Probably this is ok if you are not going to use single sign on but the algorithm that constructs the paths from b2evolution to gallery2 doesn't handle this well. The gallery2 plugin was originally written with single sign on in mind so currently it kind of expects you have something like:
I'll try to fix this kind of support this week but I'm not sure how I will reconcile it with single-sign-on just yet. For users that want this kind of setup but also want to use single sign on will probably need to do some additional setup if it will work with that kind of setup at all.
Thanks for your reply. I'm not planning to use the single sign-on at all. Actually my setup is more like:
I appreciate your help in this matter. Thanks.
Hi Ian, I installed the last version of the plugin and I noticed that the g2Image button didn't appear when the TinyMCE Plugin was enabled, any ideas what can be the reason?
And another question, I embedded my Gallery2 to my b2evo blogs with your pluggin, and it seemed to work fine (when I disactivated the TinyMCE), when I post a photo the thumbnail shows fine but the link opens a new window that shows the same thumbnail...
The plugin detects if the TinyMCE or FsckEditor are installed and you are using them, and doesn't show the button if you are. This is because those editors replace the edit textbox causing the g2image dialog to not be able to insert the html into the post.
I'm working on how to integrate the TinyMCE plugin and gallery2 together so that a button will show in the TinyMCE toolbar automatically but until then you can follow [url=http://manual.b2evolution.net/Plugins/gallery2_plugin#Using_the_Gallery2_Plugin_with_the_TinyMCE_Plugin]these instructions[/url] to add the g2image toolbar button to the TinyMCE toolbar.
Thanks for your reply to my gallery vs gallery2 post. I've moved my next question here. I decided to install gallery2 and am trying to get it to work w/ my b2 install (latest release). I think I ultimately would like to have single sign on but want to get the basics down first.
Once enabling the plugin, the G2Image chooser doesn't seem to read the correct directory for the images in my gallery2.
Here's my structure:
b2: www.mydomain.com
gallery2: www.mydomain.com/gallery2
I did put my g2data folder out of the root directory as suggested by gallery2. For the relative path, I have "gallery2/". Is this correct?
If I'm not worried about single sign on, do I need to worry about the embedded path? If so, what should it be? I've only put the plugin in the b2 plugin folder and did nothing else.
What am I doing wrong that the photos aren't showing up in the image chooser?
Thanks in advance.
If you don't need single sign on then the embedded path shouldn't be needed and you don't really have to worry about it.
If you do then there will kind of be two paths. One will be to your gallery2 installation (where you installed gallery2) and one will be to where users will actually access your embedded gallery.
Inside the gallery2_plugin folder there is another folder called gallery2. It has a index.php and a main.php in it. This folder should be copied/moved to where you want users to access your gallery2.
Mine on my website is like so,
Gallery installation:
gallery/ (main.php, index.php, embed.php, modules/ ... etc.)
Embedded gallery:
gallery2/ (main.php, index.php)
Users access my gallery via http://www.ianlewis.org/gallery2/
So though your gallery is installed at gallery/ your users will access via gallery2/
Now that I've explained that (and hopefully haven't confused you further), the path to your embedded gallery is that second path where user's would access your gallery. Setting the paths to these two folders allows the gallery2_plugin to tie everything together.
Thanks for getting back. Let me see if I got this straight. So outside of my gallery2 installation, I should create another folder (for this purpose, lets just say it's called g2embed) for which I should copy/move the gallery2 folder from the plugin? Then I'll set that relative path for single sign on.
Does this affect how I would access gallery2 outside of my blog? Or once I do this, all access to gallery2 must be through the blog? In other words, can I access www.mydomain.com/gallery2 in addition to seeing it within www.mydomain.com (which is my blog)?
Also, what about the fact that the G2 image button can't find the correct album? Does the fact that I put my g2data folder outside of the webroot matter?
Thanks again.
It shouldn't matter that you put the g2data outside of the webroot. Please do that as it's recommended.
Basically, for single sign on to work you need to access gallery2 through a wrapper. That is what the files in the gallery2 folder are (or g2embed, whatever you want to name the folder. The name of the folder is not important necessarily. It just needs to have the main.php and index.php in it). You also don't really need to create a new folder. Moving the gallery2/ folder and maybe renaming it should suffice.
You won't really see the gallery "in your blog" per se. There currently isn't a truely or visually embedded gallery yet. It is kind of a separate installation so you would access it at www.mydomain.com/<name of the moved folder>
Ok, I think I'm getting there.
I have done everything that's been instructed and still have 2 issues that I can't seem to handle right now.
1. When I try to access the gallery through the embed url, it gives me a 302 moved temporarily page. So i've not disabled the ability to access it through the gallery2 install nor clicked single sign on until solved so I can have access to the site.
2. Regardless of single sign on or not, when using the G2Image button for posts, the window seems to find the correct path for where the albums/images are stored but it does not display the image thumbnails.
What do you think is the problem for both?
Thanks again.
If you click on an album does it show a list of the information for the pictures but just no thumbnail? or does it not display them at all.
Perhaps, the images are not publicly accessable? The g2image chooser sometimes doesn't take into account user permissions (it's a bug). But that would only explain it if they weren't shown at all.
Perhaps there is some other kind of error going on. Have you checked your server logs?
I figured out the no thumbnail situation. While playing w/ the g2 install, I forgot that I set a password for that particular album. Once I disabled that feature, it showed up fine.
Though the alignment class doesn't work, but that's not a big deal since I can just put tags around it.
Do you have any clue on what' causing item #1 from my previous post?
I'm not sure why you are getting that particular message. It doesn't really make sense either because 302 is not "Moved Temporarily".
Are you sure you are accessing the embed url and not the actual gallery installation? Do you have any special gallery2 url_rewrite settings?
I'm still familiarizing myself w/ G2 (and b2 as well) so I'll get back about this topic. Plus, not sure if I want single sign on just yet so don't want to waste your time.
But I did get everything to work except for the lightbox (and the alignment class) function in g2image. In order for it to display in lightbox and not just open into a browser, I had to eliminate [g2image] from the line below.
Does that make sense?
Also, regarding the g2 image block widget. How do I get the image to be centered in the sidebar widget? I'm not finding where I can modify the code for this.
As for the lightbox thing, there is a lightbox group textfield or something in the g2image popup. You can clear this out when selecting images so that it doesn't put the [g2image] part in the rel attribute.
The image block widget has some css classes that you can use to modify the behavior so you can modify the css for your blog skin to include some css code to center the image in the sidebar. Have a look at the html code that it generates to get a look at what css tags are available. I might add a way to add css via the settings in the future.
I'm having problems getting Lightbox to work. I have the latest versions for both Lightbox and Gallery2 plugins, but whenever I select the appropriate option in the G2image window to use Lightbox for my thumbnail, clicking the thumbnail will open the image up in a new tab (using Firefox).
Please tell me if I'm a retard or I haven't given enough info, I'm pretty new to b2evolution.
My website is http://www.mr-b.org
EDIT:: Never mind, seems to be working now.
There could be two problems,
1. You might not have Lightbox plugin installed because gallery2_plugin doesn't include it.
2. Lightbox unfortunately won't work until the page has been completely loaded. You might be clicking on the image before the page is completely loaded.
IanLewis wrote:
The image block widget has some css classes that you can use to modify the behavior so you can modify the css for your blog skin to include some css code to center the image in the sidebar. Have a look at the html code that it generates to get a look at what css tags are available. I might add a way to add css via the settings in the future.
Thanks Ian. This is a bit above my knowledge level at this point so will wait for other options or further instructions. Thanks a lot for your help.
I'm having another problem now. Below is the link for my site again:
In Firefox the images in the post I made will show up fine, but in Internet Explorer 7 they will not show up. Does anyone have any ideas?
here's what my post for the lightbox g2 looks like for the following link:
<a href="/gallery2/d/187-1/stl_stage16.jpg?g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT" rel="lightbox" title="Contador on the dirt path. Credit: AP"><center><img src="/gallery2/d/188-2/stl_stage16.jpg?g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT" width="150" height="95" alt="stl_stage16" title="stl_stage16" /></center></a><center>Click image for larger view.</center>
This code is thanks to Ian's g2 button, except I took out "[g2image]" from rel="lightbox[g2image]". yours should look similar.[/quote]
Here's mine:
<a href="/gallery/d/34-2/DSCN3042.JPG?g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT" rel="lightbox" title="DSCN3042"><img src="/gallery/d/35-2/DSCN3042.JPG?g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT" width="150" height="120" alt="DSCN3042" title="DSCN3042" /></a>
Once again it has sorted itself out. All I did was edit the post in IE7, not change anything and then saved it.
Perhaps IE7 doesn't like posts that have been created whilst in Firefox?
Strange that it sorted itself out by posting using IE7. That seems like it shouldn't happen.
Try making sure that the permissions for the files are set up properly. Perhaps when you were using firefox you were logged into the website and thus could see the images but in IE you weren't logged in which means that you couldn't.
I just took a look at your site and it seems that I'm close if not right. I get forbidden responses when I try to look at the images.
Another thing to note is that g2image kind of assumes that you are using Lightbox2 and puts a value ('g2image') in the 'Lightbox group' field in the image selection dialog. If you are using lightbox 1 and you leave a value in this field then lightbox won't work.
BTW: thanks for the vote jack376!!
IanLewis wrote:
Strange that it sorted itself out by posting using IE7. That seems like it shouldn't happen.
Try making sure that the permissions for the files are set up properly. Perhaps when you were using firefox you were logged into the website and thus could see the images but in IE you weren't logged in which means that you couldn't.
I just took a look at your site and it seems that I'm close if not right. I get forbidden responses when I try to look at the images.
Another thing to note is that g2image kind of assumes that you are using Lightbox2 and puts a value ('g2image') in the 'Lightbox group' field in the image selection dialog. If you are using lightbox 1 and you leave a value in this field then lightbox won't work.
Thanks for taking the time to look at it. I do now believe it is a permissions problem as once again I cannot see my images in either Firefox of IE. I can't even see them when I go to preview them in the G2Image dialog.
You couldn't possibly go into a little more detail about permissions? I would be hugely grateful.
If you login as admin to your gallery2 you should be able to change the permissions for each file or album. There should be a dropdown or something under each album/photo. In there, there is a 'Edit permissions' item which you should select. It should then take you to the edit permissions form. You can then add the user Everybody with permissions to view all versions of the photo. That should allow everyone to see the photo.
I would tell you to look at the gallery2 documentation but it's not very good on this issue.
Looking at your site again, I can see the photo's listed as well as the albums, but I can't see the actual photo itself. I think that perhaps that your main album has the permissions set up kind of strange.
Perhaps the best way to fix it is to do what I said above, but instead of using the dropdown, there should be a 'Edit permissions' in the menu on the left when you go to the top level of your gallery (http://www.mr-b.org/gallery/). Of course make sure you are logged in as admin.
Click on that and add the user Everybody with permissions to view all versions. Then make sure that you select the check box that says apply to sub albums. Then save and you should be able to view all your photos even when you are logged out.
Thanks, I think it is working now.
Hmm, I can see the photos if I go to your gallery and go the the cassie gallery but I still can't see them on your homepage. I also can't see the highlight pictures on the albums. Maybe there is some other kind of file permissions problem on your webserver?
You might also try running the admin->maintenance->generate thumbnails process to make sure that all thumbnails and highlight images are generated.
Ah, ok. Maybe it was my browser cache. I can see the images now. Good work!
OK, b2Evo installed. G2 installed. Plugin installed. Widget supposedly runing, but i don't see it. when i go to pick a photo for a post i get this error:
Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(../../../../../../../wp-config.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/therehsm/:/tmp:/usr/local/lib/php/) in /home/therehsm/domains/therehmsonline.net/public_html/plugins/gallery2_plugin/g2image/init.php on line 50
Where do i go from here?
Of course now it works fine. Don't know what the hold up was.....Thanks.
OK, ripped out the WP section. Fixed that error :). Now I just have to figure out how to get the link on the side bar to the gallery install and i'm in business....
Here's a link to my site:
On the sidebar it says Our Photos. That's where i should see the newest photo, but i get nothing. I can add photos to posts as you can see. Anyone know why this widget isn't working for me?
You might need to enable the Image block plugin in Gallery2 (see the [url=http://manual.b2evolution.net/Plugins/gallery2_plugin#Using_the_Gallery2_image_block_widgets.]gallery2 plugin doc[/url]). But I took a look at your site and I see an image under "Newest Image" which is under "Our photos". It seems to link to the gallery ok. Are you sure it isn't some kind of browser cache problem or something?
yeah, it works now. No idea why it started working....
Looks Good!! I would suggest that you use the url rewrite plugin for gallery2. That will give you much better looking urls and it will make your site easier to search on Google, Yahoo etc.
Done, now I'm off to see if there's a way to embed Gallery2 into this so it's really visually wrapped into it, not a link outside b2evolution.
Right, I'm working on a solution to that. It probably won't make it into the next version which I'll be releasing soon but it will make it into the next version after that.
that would be great. I'd love to have that feature.
I am using the g2image plugin and it's very cool indeed! Saves me lot of time when linking pictures to my blog.
Anyway, I experience a small bug. I have two separate installations of gallery2 on my website (two folders, two databases -- nothing is shared). I'd like to pick images from both galleries. So I installed the plugin twice with a different gallery2 location. I have two buttons of "g2image" in my item/edit administration page, but:
- it would be nice if the text was customizable so that I can distinguish them
- and it would be *very* nice if the two button did actually point to the two installations of gallery2. Currently, they both point to the latest location I configured (seems that two instances of the plugin share the same configuration...) I don't know the internals of b2evolution plugins, so is this a bug in b2evolution or in the plugin? Should I open a new entry in the bugtracker?
I am using b2evolution 2.4.2 and recent gallery2 from SVN.
Thanks in advance!
Hmm, I think that b2evolution should keep the settings separate for each instance of the installed plugin. Please add a bug to the bug tracker so I can keep it in mind to test it and possibly fix it for the next version of the plugin.
Ok, I will do so.
Thank you for fast support ;)
(edit) opened bug on sourceforge: [ 2008480 ] g2image / two instances
Thanks. I'll try to support two installs of the gallery2 plugin installed at the same time in the next version.
Great news, thank you :)
Hi! I'm quite confused with the installation of this plugin. This is my setup:
http://subdomain1.domain.com - Gallery2
Http://subdomain2.domain.com - B2evolution
http://subdomain3.domain.com - Joomla
Now, I understand that the only way to get this plugin to work is to use a bridging application like Joomla. I have installed sucessfully the module to allows Gallery2 to be embeded in Joomla. The problem now is how do I use Joomla as a bridge to enable me to use the plugin in B2evolution. I tried looking at the instructions contained in the config.php file as well as the various posts previous to this but I'm still confused... Can someone please advise me step by step?
Thank you.
What exactly would you like to use the plugin for? Are you looking for single sign on between gallery and b2evolution? Or are you just looking to be able to easily embed images in your blog posts? How are you thinking that Joomla would be used as a bridge to be able to use the plugin with b2evolution? The plugin really has no special support for other CMS software like Joomla.
I think that currently there isn't really a way to have b2evolution and gallery2 work having single sign on across domains. I would like to try to support this in a future version but it's simply not supported currently.
I have not tested inserting images in blog posts across domains so this may not work well either.
I think I'll need a bit more information about how you would like to use the plugin before I can give you any info about how it could serve your needs.
I've not looked at your plugin, so I don't know how it does its authentication, but ... to make a post or do any other admin stuff in evo then you have to be evo-authenticated ... so I can't really see you having a x-domain problem.
... if you do though, let me know because I'm looking into summat that might help
I'm just looking for simple way to embed the images... No single sign-on... I thought it was mentioned in the config.php of the plugin that if I have 2 subdomains I have to use a bridging application. So Joomla is not necessary?
IanLewis wrote:
What exactly would you like to use the plugin for? Are you looking for single sign on between gallery and b2evolution? Or are you just looking to be able to easily embed images in your blog posts? How are you thinking that Joomla would be used as a bridge to be able to use the plugin with b2evolution? The plugin really has no special support for other CMS software like Joomla.
I think that currently there isn't really a way to have b2evolution and gallery2 work having single sign on across domains. I would like to try to support this in a future version but it's simply not supported currently.
I have not tested inserting images in blog posts across domains so this may not work well either.
I think I'll need a bit more information about how you would like to use the plugin before I can give you any info about how it could serve your needs.
What I am trying to achieve:- To be able to post pics on blogs from their own gallery sources.
I have a multi-site gallery app running at gallery.davidryman.com and trailblazers.davidryman.com/gallery. The codebase is at v2.davidryman.com/gallery2
I have 2 b2evo apps at davidryman.com and trailblazers.davidryman.com.
TRAILBLAZERS folder structure
/trailblazers/b2evolution/blogs - subdomain trailblazers.davidryman.com points here.
/trailblazers/b2evolution/blogs/gallery - Gallery access.
/trailblazers/b2evolution/blogs/gallery2 - moved from plugins/gallery2_plugin/
I Copied the gallery2 plugin to the plugins folder.
I want single sign in so copied the gallery2_plugin/gallery folder to blogs folder. I assume here that you mean gallery2 folder as gallery does not exist,
Edit the gallery/main.php file so that the first include statement points to the b2evolution blogs/conf/_config.php, again assuming gallery2 folder.
require_once '../conf/_config.php';
Installed plugin.
Opened settings on plugin and change to gallery/ for Gallery2 path and gallery2/ for the embedded path.
When I enable Gallery2 plugin I get:-
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class gallery in /homepages/26/d87607133/htdocs/gallery2/modules/core/classes/Gallery.class on line 31
Any ideas?
I have upgrade from 1.10.3 to 2.4.2 and when I try to install re-install Gallery 2 plugin, I get the follow message :
# An error occurred while checking if a user already exists: Error (ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage\GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 305 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryStorage.class at line 309 (gallerystorageextras::saveentity)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryEntity.class at line 294 (mysqlstorage::saveentity)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryUser.class at line 204 (galleryentity::save)
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryEmbed.class at line 349 (galleryuser::save)
* in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\blogs\plugins\gallery2_plugin\_gallery2.plugin.php at line 232 (galleryembed::createuser)
* in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\blogs\inc\plugins\plugins.ctrl.php at line 614 (gallery2_plugin::beforeenable)
* in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\blogs\admin.php at line 221# Le plugin a été désactivé
This problem occurs when I enable the SSO.
Thanks for any help.
What version of gallery2 do you have installed? What version of the gallery2_plugin do you have installed?
ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE indicates a database error on the gallery2 side. The gallery2 FAQ has some explanations and some possible fixes.
I haven't tested this theory but it looks like the current code of the gallery2_plugin depends on the fact that the logins match. This should be ok if the gallery2 users haven't been touched directly through gallery2. Have you made any changes to the user's logins or data through the gallery2 admin?
As a side note: I'm planning on making a better user mapping page so that b2evolution users can be mapped to gallery2 users easier but that won't be out for another version or 2.
You wouldn't happen to you have gallery2_plugin installed twice? Though even that shouldn't be a problem.
I'm not sure why you might get that error unless somehow the gallery2 embedded interface was being included twice somehow.
I use gallery_plugin_1.4 and Gallery2 V 2.2.3
I have activate the debug mode but I haven't any more information in B2 admin interface when I try to activate the plugin.
I'll try to take a look at the user sync code this weekend and see if I can make it have better error handling and handle exceptional cases better.
I think having a user mapping page would also help make this kind of problem easier to troubleshoot so I'll reprioritize that a bit higher.
I had some trouble with one of my user which used an accent in his login. I had modify this user on Gallery admin site because the letter was not recognized.
That is the only thing I have done on my users in G2 from my first installation.
Thank you very much Ian,
Your plugin is very useful.
I will try to investigate on this problem.
you were right
I have check the problem and it seems that this error message appears when the plugin try to sync a user which have an accent in his login.
Maybe it is the same thing with the others sync data.
Thank you very much.
Ok, usernames with non-ascii characters is more more thing I'll test before releasing the next version.
Hi all,
I seem to have a problem, the g2Image button works fine and gallery2 images shows up nice in my posts.
But the widget (set to display random image) doesn't seem to work. The gallery2 Image block plugin works inside gallery2, but not in b2evolution. Anybody know why?
If it works in gallery2 but not in b2evo then I suppose that the gallery2 image block plugin is installed but could you please check to make sure?
Which of the image blocks are you using (Random image etc)?
You might try checking the error log for php errors.
You also might want to check the permissions of your gallery2 cache directory to make sure the web server can read it. I had problems with this before. Gallery2 itself would fall back and read the real image if it couldn't read the cache but the image block in b2evo wouldn't.
IanLewis wrote:
If it works in gallery2 but not in b2evo then I suppose that the gallery2 image block plugin is installed but could you please check to make sure?
It is installed. when I go to the albums [url=http://digital.blogsite.org/album]URL[/url], image block shows up on the right. (Apologies for the snail speed). The blog [url=http://digital.blogsite.org]url[/url] just shows a My Photos text (which I entered), but no picture.
IanLewis wrote:
Which of the image blocks are you using (Random image etc)?
I've tried Random and Recent.
IanLewis wrote:
You might try checking the error log for php errors.
Hmm. Good idea, i try to dig that up
IanLewis wrote:
You also might want to check the permissions of your gallery2 cache directory to make sure the web server can read it. I had problems with this before. Gallery2 itself would fall back and read the real image if it couldn't read the cache but the image block in b2evo wouldn't.
They should have the same permissions, but I will verify that too once I can. Thanks.
agent_kith wrote:
IanLewis wrote:
You might try checking the error log for php errors.
Hmm. Good idea, i try to dig that up
no php errors are shown in syslog.. Still no idea why it doesn't work. Nevermind. I guess I can do without the image block feature, luckily the G2Image button still works. :p
On most systems you'd probably want to look in your (on unix) /var/log/apache2/error.log file rather than syslog for php errors.
IanLewis wrote:
On most systems you'd probably want to look in your (on unix) /var/log/apache2/error.log file rather than syslog for php errors.
It's written to syslog for some reason.
Taking away the @ from the readfile and finally found out what's happening.
My system's php.ini file sets allow_url_fopen to Off. Turning that to on and it works.
The plugin works on the blog page now.. :p I'm not a php programmer, any security implications turning allow_url_fopen to on?
Spent days figuring that out :oops:
Do you allow other people other than yourself to upload php code? If not then probably you are ok.
The new version of the plugin which I hope to release soon doesn't use that method as it's problematic with php settings and slower than using a php api call so it should work better.
hi i keep getting Could not verify your gallery gallery installation. Please make sure this is the path to your gallery2 installation directory
at the moment it says Gallery2 Path: gallery2/ i downloaded the file, unziped it then ftp it all in plugins installed it thu BO, i'm a total newb to this, all i want to do is add some f*** thumbnails, totally fried my brain
Please advise
That message appears if gallery2's base php files couldn't be found in the Gallery2 path. Currently this path is a relative path from your b2evo directory.
So if your path to b2evo is something like /var/www/b2evo/ and your gallery is installed in /var/www/gallery2/ then you would need to put in something like ../gallery2/
Version 1.5 of the Gallery2 Plugin was just released!!
* An option was added for specifying the image size in the sidebar image block widget.
* New options were added for specifying the url to your gallery2 installation separately from the OS path to gallery2. This should allow users who have gallery2 installed at a different domain from b2evo to use the gallery2 plugin easier.
* A number of bugs were fixed in user synchronization code.
* How the plugin searches for your gallery2 installation has been improved.
* This version integrates seamlessly with the upcoming 0.7.0 release of the TinyMCE plugin.
Note: Users that are using single-sign-on will need to make sure they install the new versions of main.php and index.php in the gallery2 folder.
Sorry for the long delay. Enjoy!!
Download: [url=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/evocms-plugins/gallery2_plugin-1.5.zip]gallery2_plugin-1.5.zip[/url]
I just uninstalled the 1.4 version of the plugin and installed the 1.5 version. Everything went well up to the point where the plugin actually detected my gallery 2 installation. The pluginwas able to detect it and enabled itself. I then tried to write a new post and click on the button G2Image. The popup box appeared and then the following msg occured -
"Fatal Gallery2 Error: Cannot activate the Gallery2 Embedded functions.
For WordPress users, Validate WPG2 in the Options Admin panel.
For other platforms, please verify your Gallery2 path in config.php."
My settings are:
Single Sign-On: Not enabled
Gallery2 Path: /home/vampirov/public_html/gallery2/
Absolute Path: is checked
Gallery2 URL: http://gallery2.vampirovibrio.com
Absolute URL: is checked
I can verify that the paths detected by the plugin is correct. Do I need to install the Image Chooser as well for this plugin to work?
Please advise on how to resolve this error,
I appologise for the late reply.
It seems to work on my site but it might be a bug. I'll take a look at it when I get home.
I have confirmed the problem you were having as a bug and have applied a fix to SVN. Could you please give this version a try and let me know if it is working for you?
Hi! Yes, it's sort of working.. The only thing is I'm not sure if it has to do with my settings or not but if I choose to insert a "Thumbnail with link to image" option, it does not get linked properly... In the html codes that are generated
<a href="main.php?g2_itemId=1681&g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT"><img src="http://gallery2.vampirovibrio.com/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=1683&g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT" width="150" height="113" alt="IMG_0348" title="IMG_0348" class="g2image_centered" /></a>
Which obvious is incorrect as main.php is not in the same directory as my blog... The strange thing is that the img src that is generated is correct it actually appends the http://gallery2.vampirovibrio.com
So I just have to manually add that to the <a href> code. Not sure if it is a bug though...
Sorry for the very late reply. What does your embed url, and gallery2 url look like?
Those urls are generated by gallery2. I've come up against some cases where gallery2 tries to be too smart for it's own good with urls and generates incorrect relative urls so this might be one of those cases. Having the embed url and gallery2 url would help me track down the issue.
I worked hard on trying to get 1.09 version to work and never could. I saw 1.2 released and thought maybe that would address the old issues. I completely removed version 1.09 before installing 1.2. I managed to get through the installation (single sign on) with no errors being indicated. Each users has the gallery2 plugin options in there preferences and the G2Image button shows up on all non Tiny enabled editor. However, clicking the button does nothing and no error is reported.
I have followed every step so now what? If I can actually get the base gallery plugin to work then I need to tackle the Tiny Editor integration, which I have not been able to get working either.
b2evo 2.4.2
G2 2.3
gallery2 plugin 1.2
I later saw the release of v. 1.5 so I went through the process again and got the same results as with .09 release, which is the same as the user above:
Fatal Gallery2 Error: Cannot activate the Gallery2 Embedded functions.
For WordPress users, Validate WPG2 in the Options Admin panel.
For other platforms, please verify your Gallery2 path in config.php.
I see that you flagged that as a bug and posted 1.5.1 release. Now that link does not work. Here is my configuration again:
b2evo 2.4.2
G2 2.3
plugin 1.5
single sign on checked
gallery 2 path: /home/gsgboo5/public_html/gallery/
absolute checked
gallery2 url: http://www.gsgboosters.com/gallery/
absolute checked
embedded url: gallery2/
and from the g2 admin interface:
Error Detail -
* in main.php at line 354 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in main.php at line 104
* in main.php at line 88
this is what appears after editing the gallery2 config file as directed:
$gallery->setConfig('mode.embed.only', true);
I just released version 1.5.1. It should fix the "Fatal Gallery2 Error: Cannot activate the Gallery2 Embedded functions. " message.
As to why you were having problems with gallery2, I think you have your gallery2 url and embedded url backwards. The gallery2 url is intended to be the url to your gallery2 installation (e.g. where you installed gallery2). You don't access gallery2 from this url however.
The embedded url is where you install the main.php and index.php that came with the gallery2 plugin in the gallery2 folder. The main.php and index.php serve as a wrapper around gallery2 that provides single sign on support. This is where you access gallery2 when using single sign on.
The reason you are getting the permission denied error is because you set mode.embed.only to True which disallows accessing gallery2 from the gallery2 url. Accessing gallery2 via the gallery2 url does not provide single sign on support.
Hi all,
I've installed the plugin (Gallery2 v1.5) but cannot access the gallery for some reason.
Any ideas would be much welcomed!
You might have to edit your gallery2/main.php file to point to the right location of your b2evolution _config.php. I'd like to make that more friendly in the future but it requires a bit of editing currently.
I'm not sure why index.php is not working though. You might need to look at your apache logs for the php errors. Once you find out what's causing that problem let me know if I can help any further.
Hi Ian,
Thanks for the quick reply.
I've set the path (absolutely) as follows:
require_once 'http://gurcharansingh.co.uk/blog/conf/_config.php ';
require_once $inc_path.'_main.inc.php';
However, I am now getting an error related to the main.inc.php part....
Any thoughts?
That require_once should be a path to the config.php file, not a url. PHP won't be able to include and load php code via a url like that.
Sorry - a bit of a novice at this!
set it to ../../blog/conf/_config.php
and voila! its all good!
errr... well kind of... still getting the index.php error!
I'm not sure if there is a connection here but when I installed Gallery itself, I was unable to instal it under the blog directory so I installed at the root.
Any thoughts?
Sorry to say, but this has been a hard task to configure. I have followed the instructions and even attempted variations on them to no avail.
Typically what ends up happning is:
'Temporarilly unavailable' error
and or, when clicking the button to install an image into a post, I get a page cannot be displayed error.
I think I may just give this plugin a miss for now!
I've just installed Gallery 2, and have tried to install the plugin in order to use the Image Block widget. However, when I load up my blog page, I get this error:
An error occurred while trying to initialize G2: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) :
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 155 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2404 (GalleryEntityHelper_simple::loadEntityByExternalId)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class at line 294 (GalleryCoreApi::loadEntityByExternalId)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class at line 270 (GalleryEmbed::login)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class at line 120 (GalleryEmbed::checkActiveUser)
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/plugins/gallery2_plugin/_gallery2.plugin.php at line 1386 (GalleryEmbed::init)
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/plugins/gallery2_plugin/_gallery2.plugin.php at line 1183 (gallery2_plugin::gallery2_init)
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/inc/plugins/model/_plugins.class.php at line 1186 (gallery2_plugin::SkinTag)
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/inc/plugins/model/_plugins.class.php at line 1212 (Plugins::call_method)
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/inc/plugins/model/_plugins.class.php at line 1236 (Plugins::call_method_if_active)
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/inc/widgets/model/_widget.class.php at line 396 (Plugins::call_by_code)
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/inc/skins/model/_skin.class.php at line 168 (ComponentWidget::display)
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/inc/skins/_skin.funcs.php at line 443 (Skin::container)
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/skins/Apartment_Windows/_sidebar.inc.php at line 39
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/inc/skins/_skin.funcs.php at line 315
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/skins/Apartment_Windows/index.main.php at line 77
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/inc/_blog_main.inc.php at line 535
* in /home2/ashleyee/public_html/index.php at line 108
Do you have any thoughts of where I might start looking?
The strange thing is that some skins don't display this error at all, but I don't see the widget in the sidebar I added it to.
Hi All,
I've started my installation of the plugin over again. To zoom in on the faults, I have some comments related to the installation instructions (below). Any help on these would be much appreciated (note the steps I left out were completed without any issue).
STEP 2.1
Do we 'copy' or 'cut and paste' the gallery folder?
Note: the folder is actually called gallery2 (not gallery as the instructions state) – so, since my actually Gallery2 installation folder is called gallery2, I have renamed the plugin folder to simply ‘gallery’. So my directory structure now has:
..\blog\gallery2 = the G2 installation
..\blog\gallery = the gallery 2 plugin folder
STEP 2.2
it points to the default value so no change here: '../conf/_config.php' – which I believe to be correct?
it didn’t complain – Installed plugin and enabled it automatically
STEP 4.1
The paths already set correctly:
first two fields: ‘gallery2/’ and last field ‘gallery/’
Already enabled as per previous step
So, I am still getting the 'Moved Temporarily' error. I spoke to my hosting company tech support who think it’s a coding error. See:
However, main.php ‘looks’ ok:
BUT, as soon as I click any link within it, I get the 'Moved Temporarily' error again.
So, I tried to go back to the original installation:
But I get a security violation (maybe this is the embed = true feature at work?)
Anyway, I went on to write a new post, I got the G2Image button, the pop up window appears with the existing gallery appearing in the tree structure. This seems to work in that I can insert the gallery pictures into a post. Note: LightBox doesn’t seem to work – is this another plugin?
So, at the moment, I can insert existing pictures into my posts but when it comes to creating new galleries, etc. I get the error.
Can anybody please provide some help on the above? Is there anything here that you can help explain? Is there anything that I need to do differently?
Please note: I have since switched embed back to false and unchecked the single sign on option - now, everything works except single sign on of course and i use the original installation location.
Hello Ian, everyone,
I have an existing and happy gallery2 install in:
and a recent b2evolution install under:
Short of moving/reinstalling the gallery2 folder inside of the b2e folder, is there any hope of me getting the plugin/single sign-on functionality working with things where they are? I'll edit any files I have to.
Thanks for any help. It's appreciated.
So here is my hosting support's response to the below issue (doesn't make much sense to me):
Your script is redirecting on this line:
if ($code==301) header("301 Moved Permanently HTTP/1.1"); // Convert to GET
It is pulling a code 301 somewhere, I am not sure how you have this installed as there are only 2 files in the gallery directory:
Any takers?
GSOnline wrote:
Hi All,
I've started my installation of the plugin over again. To zoom in on the faults, I have some comments related to the installation instructions (below). Any help on these would be much appreciated (note the steps I left out were completed without any issue).
STEP 2.1
Do we 'copy' or 'cut and paste' the gallery folder?
Note: the folder is actually called gallery2 (not gallery as the instructions state) – so, since my actually Gallery2 installation folder is called gallery2, I have renamed the plugin folder to simply ‘gallery’. So my directory structure now has:
..\blog\gallery2 = the G2 installation
..\blog\gallery = the gallery 2 plugin folderSTEP 2.2
it points to the default value so no change here: '../conf/_config.php' – which I believe to be correct?STEP 3
it didn’t complain – Installed plugin and enabled it automaticallySTEP 4.1
The paths already set correctly:
first two fields: ‘gallery2/’ and last field ‘gallery/’STEP 5
Already enabled as per previous stepSo, I am still getting the 'Moved Temporarily' error. I spoke to my hosting company tech support who think it’s a coding error. See:
However, main.php ‘looks’ ok:
BUT, as soon as I click any link within it, I get the 'Moved Temporarily' error again.
So, I tried to go back to the original installation:
But I get a security violation (maybe this is the embed = true feature at work?)
Anyway, I went on to write a new post, I got the G2Image button, the pop up window appears with the existing gallery appearing in the tree structure. This seems to work in that I can insert the gallery pictures into a post. Note: LightBox doesn’t seem to work – is this another plugin?
So, at the moment, I can insert existing pictures into my posts but when it comes to creating new galleries, etc. I get the error.
Can anybody please provide some help on the above? Is there anything here that you can help explain? Is there anything that I need to do differently?
Please note: I have since switched embed back to false and unchecked the single sign on option - now, everything works except single sign on of course and i use the original installation location.
Sorry for the late reply. I don't seem to be getting e-mails when the forum is updated anymore.
index.php is simply a redirect to main.php. It should be pretty much the same as the index.php in gallery2 itself. It should be redirecting any requests made against index.php to main.php
Perhaps index.php is somehow redirect looping back on itself? I'm not sure what that might be. I've had some problems with index.php's redirect in the past though.
I updated the documentation based on your comments. Thanks!
You should be able to use the gallery2 plugin with those directories. Whether you can use single-sign-on with depend a bit on the urls for b2evo and gallery2. What are the urls you are planning to use?
I'm not sure why you might be getting that error. Could you please let me know how you have your settings set up for the gallery2 plugin?
I installed Gallery2 plugin and the Image Block Widget without single sign-on a couple of days ago and I like it very much! The instructions we clear as a bell.
I created a post and inserted an image from the pop-up image window.
Q: Is there a way, when the image is clicked, the Gallery2 opens up in a new window similar to the feature in the Image Block Widget? If so, how? :?:
Thanks in advance.
Currently it doesn't look like there is a way to do this from the image chooser. You'll need to add a target="_blank" to the html anchor after it has been added to your blog post.
If you are using TinyMCE you can do it in the image properties dialog after you add the image to your post.
Thanks for your fast reply, Ian.
Of course, it would be easiest if it could be controlled from image chooser, but getting the job done is primary.
This plugin feature has provided so much, I'm ok with manually adding it. I just have to make sure other posters (and me) add the target - that might be interesting, but so be it. :)
Thanks again!
Hello again.
Is there a way to incorporate Gallery2 'Album Select' using your widget or plugin? :?:
Hi all!
I already installed Gallery2 successful. I have only one problem. If I klick on the G2Image Button in new blog I don't see images. The name of the uploaded image is visible, but not itself.
Thanks for your support!
I had a similar experience; hopefully the same solution will work for you.
Via Global Settings => Plugin Install for Gallery2, I needed to revise 'Gallery2 Url:' from the default value.
Hi Blogmeister,
thanks for your posting. I got the problem in gallery2 also, I can upload picture and see that it is existing with name and link. When trying to show it there is nothing... I checked pathes but can´t see a mistake. Maybe I´m tooo stupid?
its me again... :)
just created new album and everything works fine now. Don´t know what the problem was but thank you very much for helping me...!
I have b2evo v.2.4.5 and Gallery2 plugin v.1.5.
I just installed TinyMCE 0.6.0 and followed the instructions here:
I moved the g2image folder into the "plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/plugins" directory, and modified its config.php to:
//Relative path to b2evo home directory from g2image dir.
$b2evoreldir = '/../../../';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).$b2evoreldir.'../../conf/_config.php';
In the 'URL to TinyMCE:' field, this was found automatically:
In the 'Plugins' field, I added 'g2image' to the end of that field:
In the Custom TinyMCE init: field, the default when I installed the TinyMCE plugin, had
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",height : "400"
After adding
theme_advanced_buttons3_add: "iespell,advhr,separator,print,separator,g2image"
this field became
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",height : "400"theme_advanced_buttons3_add : "iespell,advhr,separator,print,separator,g2image"
Here is the error message:
Please check the "URL to TinyMCE" setting - could not access the URL of the JavaScript (http://www.domainnamedotcom/blogs/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.js). Error: "". Status: 401.
and now I don't even see the TinyMCE editor anymore unless I undo these revisions.
What might be the problem? :?:
Did the TinyMCE plugin work properly before trying to install the g2image plugin?
Thanks Ian.
Although I didn't create or edit anything with it, I did see it in both the Simple and Expert form pages. I also clicked its image button and the proper screen loaded.
When I made the changes as indicated in my initial thread post above, TinyMCE went away leaving the default b2evo editor.
One thing I'm curious about in the 'Custom TinyMCE init:' field as shown above is how it all just runs together after saving that settings page even though I put them on separate lines. It seems like there should be a break of some kind e.g. a semi-colon or something to show when one set of params ends and another begins. What do you think?
Thanks again.
EDIT#1: This time just prior to saving, I removed the password-protection on the blogs dir and that message re: "...could not access the URL of the Javascript..." went away BUT, when I went to Posts/Comments to 'Edit' a post, I saw in IE lower left the message re: a Javascript error... and the TinyMCE toolbar did not show up. So, I went back to settings and removed just
theme_advanced_buttons3_add: "iespell,advhr,separator,print,separator,g2image"
which ran together with the existing contents of that field and now I see the toolbar, but there is still a Javascript error. This is at least closer to a solution.
EDIT#2: UPDATE - I added a comma between the two commands (ref: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?id=5183) and now the toolbar shows BUT there is still a Javascript error and the G2Image button still does not show.
EDIT#3: The Javascript error says: "Object doesn't support this property". It seems like it is pointing to the 'Plugins' field which I have
Hello again.
I updated my last post with new results.
In general, does anyone know what would trigger the following Javascript error :?: :
Javascript error says: "Object doesn't support this property"
for the Plugins field:
I'm not sure why the g2image plugin might be being recognized but are you sure you have copied the g2image folder into the plugins directory in the tinymce plugin directory?
i.e. copy blogs/plugins/gallery2_plugin/g2image to /blogs/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tinymce/plugins
It currently won't work unless you do that.
Thanks for your reply, Ian.
This path is copied directly from WinSCP interface:
Hmm, then I'm not sure what would be causing the problem. I'll have to try to reproduce the error tonight when I get home.
Thanks Ian.
Hi Ian.
Any update to your last post?
Trying to enable the plug-in
* Searched for gallery2 in /var/www/vhosts/domain.org/subdomains/blog/httpdocs/blogs/gallery2/, /var/www/vhosts/domain.org/subdomains/blog/httpdocs/blogs/gallery/, /var/www/vhosts/domain.org/subdomains/blog/httpdocs/blogs/../gallery2/, /var/www/vhosts/domain.org/subdomains/blog/httpdocs/blogs/../gallery/. Please verify your gallery2 installation in the plugin settings.
* The plugin has not been enabled.
Install path:
B2evo: /var/www/vhosts/domain.org/subdomains/blog/httpdocs/blogs/
Gallery2: /var/www/vhosts/domain.org/subdomains/gallery/httpdocs/
What is wrong here? Anyone?
blogmeister: Not yet.
Did you set the appropriate gallery2 path and or embedded path? What do your settings look like?
I am having the same issue as the last poster (bldninja) detailed. I have installed the gallery2 plugin but keep getting an error message (see below) about not being able to find the plugins location.
This is where I have the plugin installed on my server...
This is what I set for the paths &urls...
Any idea what I am doing wrong here?
Do you have gallery2 installed? As it says in the documentation, Gallery2 is not included with the gallery2 plugin. Gallery2 is a separate program that needs to be installed.
If you do have it installed or once you install it, you will need to specify the location of your gallery2 installation and urls via the Gallery2 path, gallery2 url, and embedded url settings (the embedded url is only used when using single sign on however.)
Ian: I forgot to mention that yes I do have Gallery2 installed and have since gotten the Gallery2 plugin to work. I am having an issue with thumbnails not showing when I attempt to add them to a post but am working through figuring that out as well.
Thanks for your reply!
Ok, great. If you have any specific questions just post them here! :)
Hello Ian,
Are you working on an update of this plugin for B2evo V3 ?
The same question for gallery 3 which is in beta 2 ?
Hi everyone,
I have a site with b2evolution and gallery2 installed.
gallery2 in :
and b2evolution in :
Than i installed the plugin in :
I installed in the global_settings the plugin and it found gallery2 installation.
But when i wanna create a new post and click on the new gallery2 button i get an error popup message:
Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(../../../../../../../wp-config.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/deb9878/:/tmp:/usr/local/lib/php/) in /usr/home/deb9878/domains/jeroendekock.com/public_html/plugins/gallery2_plugin/g2image/init.php on line 50
I also don't see my images, i only see a rectancle but not the image.
So what is wrong with my installation ?
I think you should give more informations (versions of b2evo; Gallery and plugin) and also if possible a screen shot of you plugin parameters and of your site folder tree, maybe also you host.
wp-config.php 8| is it a part of Gallery2 plugin?
Yes it is as I see it on my directory.
I'm having a problem with the plugin - whenever i click on the link, i get the following error:
Fatal Gallery2 Error: Cannot activate the Gallery2 Embedded functions.
For WordPress users, Validate WPG2 in the Options Admin panel.
For other platforms, please verify your Gallery2 path in config.php.
Any ideas?
Still didn't solve my problem.
I use
b2evolution : 3.3.2
gallery2 : 2.3.2
gallery2_plugin : 1.5.1
1. upzip the file and copied it to my blog/plugin directory
2. install the gallery2 plugin in the admin interface and i get no errors or warnings so everything went ok i think.
3. open de gallery2 settings and set all the paths
Do i also have to do the steps "Using the Gallery2 plugin with the TinyMCE plugin ?
Because i copied the directory but i don't understand step 3
"In the plugin field ADD g2image to the end of the list." This field is no list it only contains one code word "evo_gallery2_auth". So how do i ADD g2image to this ?
I see the the gallery2 button but when i click this button i a window with a tree with my albums but also the same message:
Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(../../../../../../../wp-config.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/deb9878/:/tmp:/usr/local/lib/php/) in /usr/home/deb9878/domains/jeroendekock.com/public_html/plugins/gallery2_plugin/g2image/init.php on line 50
There are no photos in this album.
Please pick another album from the navigation options above.
I see on the left site all my albums, but when i select an album all i see is empty tumbnails, no photo's.
So i think the plugin is installed correctly but i'm missing some other plugin or widget ?
Hi, I just have a very basic question for ya.
Everything works great, I was just wondering if there is a way to have the Random Image appearing in the widget to link to a lightbox instead of either the new or current window option.
I messed around with the plugin php file and was able to add lightbox as an option in the widget parameters, but then I noticed it gets coded as a target="lightbox" instead of rel="lightbox".
Anyway to get this done? :)
Thanks otherwise, great plugin, works wonderfully :)
or is this thing not supported anymore...
Hi all,
I currently don't have time to support the b2evolution gallery2 plugin and haven't done any development on it in close to 2 years. I don't currently use b2evolution myself anymore so it makes little sense for me to continue to support and develop the plugin.
The code is currently in the b2evolution plugins shared repository so anyone can continue working on it if they have time and energy.
IanLewis wrote:
Hi all,
I don't currently use b2evolution myself anymore so it makes little sense for me to continue to support and develop the plugin.
just out of curiosity, whay are you not using b2 anymore and what are you using currently
Has anyone tried this plugin with b2evo version 4? Since I upgraded the
g2image button opens the blog homepage instead of the image picker.
In the settings it does autodetect my absolute gallery installation dir, but the
gallery URL inputfield had the wrong value. I tried to find the good one but
nothing appears to work.
The Gallery2 Plugin version 1.2 has been released into the wild. This version basically contains a bunch of fixes for bugs that I noticed in 1.1 such as inserting links to images in an embedded gallery, and fixes to the feature that lets you add lightbox links to resized images for when you try to insert an image with no resize.
Without further ado, here is the download: [url=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/evocms-plugins/gallery2_plugin-1.2.zip]gallery2_plugin-1.2.zip[/url]