2 edb Feb 26, 2009 06:22

Thanks Eugene,
I am very new to b2evo
I had hoped that there would be a table of variables rather than having to hack away.
.../skins_adm/login/_reg_form.main.php only seems to affect the user login page. Besides changing the array maxlength from 20 to 32, I also changed the input box size from 16 to 32
I have had to modify .../inc/users/views/_user.form.php in order to change the user create/modify form in the backoffice. I also changed .../inc/collections/views/_coll_general.form.php
In both these files I changed
$edited_User->login, 20, to $edited_User->login, 32,
20 chars seems a very short limitation on the username and I think that it would be better at 60 chars.
I am adding b2evo to the members-only section of a site and have migrated the user autentication from htpasswd to apache2-mod_auth_mysql using the evo_users table. The next thing is to enable sinultaneous authentication to the site and b2evo.
rayH wrote:
Thanks Eugene
You're welcome, but that's a title. I was named after ethylene dibromide. My parents were into drugs is the thing.
Howdy rayH. Welcome to the forums! We've been waiting for you!!! There used to be a lot more people here but some folk were like "rayH ain't gonna show up so I'm going home". Their loss eh?
So: after modifying the table can you edit your login to be longer than 20 characters? If so the next bit is all you need. If not the next bit is something you'll need, and we'll have to find the rest of it somewhere else.
The registration form is limiting login length to 20 characters. /skins_adm/login/_reg_form.main.php around line 51 looks sorta like this:
I'm thinking the bit that says "'maxlength' shoots an arrow at 20" would make you sing and dance if it shot an arrow at 32 instead eh?
There might be other places it is limiting like that, but I kinda think that's gonna do the deed for ya.