2 yabba Feb 17, 2005 15:29

Not sure what horrible icon you are talking about - but....
To change any image on your site -
right click the image and select properties - note down the full path to the image and the name of the image eg horrible.gif
make a new image in your chosen application - photoshop, paint shop or just plain paint.
save that new image with the same name that you want to replace - horrible.gif.
Open your ftp program and find the folder where horrible.gif is and upload your new horrible.gif
Your web page will display the new image instead of the old one.
Search for the
repleace with something like :
<?php $Item->content('#','#',$Item->get('title'),'','<p>Read full text of ','...</p>','htmlbody',10); ?>
$Item->content( '#', '#', 'Read More', '' );
Thanks a lot. Surprising how a function this obvious is so difficult to find a solution for.
where do you find that code? i use the "read more" feature a lot. i hate the little arrow icon and would like to change it.
The answer is right here :
Thanks, Topanga. ;)
My "Read More" ends up with the icon plus an irritating exclamation point, ala
=> Read More!
I just want to remove the exclamation but can't find it in the code. Any ideas?
use the same sollution as discribed before.
<?php $Item->content( '#', '#', 'Read More', '' ); ?>
... that indeed removes the ! but it also removes the icon ... any idea which parameter I can adjust to get that back?
Everything you put in there will be shown.
So if you want that horrible icon, just put the icon !
<?php $Item->content( '#', '#', '=> Read More', '' ); ?>
Is this the same for the ::next page>> code?
I've been working my ass of to find the code for that but couldn't find it!
Where can I adjust this?
I appreciate that -- I really am new at this! I'm also perplexed as how to get it to align right instead of center ... In Mozilla, it indicates that is is class=bMore, but I don't know where to find that one.
mwester, the .bMore class should be found in the css file that goes with your skin (eg. custom.css). In mine it's towards the bottom. To get it to align right the following may work:
.bMore {
text-align: right;
Neluus, I can see the "next page" code in _functions_bposts.php file in the /b2evocore directory. There may be a less intrusive way to alter it but I don't know how.
http://doc.b2evolution.net/0.9.0/evocore/Item.html#methodcontent for the "read more" and http://doc.b2evolution.net/0.9.0/evocore/_blogs_b2evocore__functions_bposts_php.html#functionposts_nav_link for the "prev / next"
Nate wrote:
mwester, the .bMore class should be found in the css file that goes with your skin (eg. custom.css). In mine it's towards the bottom. To get it to align right the following may work:
.bMore { text-align: right; }
Neluus, I can see the "next page" code in _functions_bposts.php file in the /b2evocore directory. There may be a less intrusive way to alter it but I don't know how.
thanks for that. I am using a css that does not have a bMore defined at all in the custom.css file ... can I just stick the code in? Will it override something defined somewhere else?
mwester, I'd try inserting the code for .bMore into your style sheet. If that still doesn't help maybe you can give us a link to your site so we can see what needs to be done.
I'm using the following code to remove the arrow icon and replace it with text that reads "Read full text of... 'title of post'"
<?php $Item->content('#','#',$Item->get('title'),'','<p>Read full text of ','...</p>','htmlbody',10); ?>
In the spirit of making the link more accessibility compliant, how would one add:
title="Read full text of... TITLE OF POST" into the href?
Have you even read this one treath ?
the answer is on post 3 !
Topanga wrote:
Search for the
repleace with something like :<?php $Item->content('#','#',$Item->get('title'),'','<p>Read full text of ','...</p>','htmlbody',10); ?>
Umm, yes I did, but did you read my question, or just asssumed you knew what I was asking...? ;) The code you included in your post is almost verbatim what I am [u]already using[/u], and is not what I'm asking.
So, here's my code again:
<?php $Item->content('#','#',$Item->get('title'),'','<p>Read full text of ','...</p>','htmlbody',10); ?>
And here's what I'd like to accomplish:
Read full text of... <a href="blahblahblah.php" title="Read full text of... Title of Post">Title of Post</a>
then you have to tell me the difference..
Because that's what I'm using on my former skin.
Thanks Topanga. I'm going to add this to the everything skin. jibberjab if you want a title tag in your link you're going to have to hack the function itself. As-is there is no title tag, so you would have to (a) add one and (b) make it pick up the post title.
The difference is that I'm trying to insert a title=" " tag *inside* the href, which shows the title of the post. This is helpful for 508 compliance. The code I'm currently using generates this:
Read full text of... <a href="blahblahblah.php">Title of Post</a>
I'd like it to generate this:
Read full text of... <a href="blahblahblah.php" title="Read full text of... Title of Post">Title of Post</a>
EdB: But that's the whole point of my original post... I don't know *how* to do it and was asking for some assistance...
To be honest I didn't catch what you were asking for in your first post. Keep in mind this thread is about the *appearance* of the link - not the fact that the underlying code doesn't include a title tag. Kind of odd to me that I never noticed it doesn't since I went through a phase where I felt like title tags should be everywhere. I guess I didn't have posts with the more link back then so of course I wouldn't notice that one. Shortly after that I decided to write a skin that was xhtml1(trans) compliant with the absolute smallest possible bandwidth hit to the visitor so I stripped out all the title tags. :roll:
Anyway I'll take a look at it and post over in plugins and hacks since the answer will be a hack.
I think I got it. Check the plugins & hacks forum for something like "[url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=5149]including a title tag in your read more link[/url]"