2 tejaaa Nov 10, 2005 02:22

tejaaa wrote:
Now before I move ahead and implement this on my blogs I want one more thing. Is there a way where we can have
<!--tags keyword1 keyword2 keywords3+keywords4+keywords5 keyword6-->
automatically inserted into the new post box? So whenever we are making a new post, the above code is right there at the end of the post somewhere. This will be very easy for us to remember to tag the posts everytime we make a new post.
I'm not used with JavaScript (yet). This is why I don't write any user-interface.
What do you think about adding a text at the end of a post when displaying a post preview? In the above plugin code, replace the main function's line:
return true;
by the following code:
// No tags found?
if( strlen( $Tags ) <= 1 )
global $current_User, $preview;
if( is_logged_in() && isset( $preview ) && $preview != false )
// Display a warning message to logged users with a minimum level of 1
$content .= '<div style="margin:0;padding:16px;color:black;border:solid 4px red;"><p>Tags are missing. To insert a tag, write the following (X)HTML code in your post:</p><blockquote><p><code><!--tags keyword1 keyword2 keywords3+keywords4 keyword5--></code></p></blockquote></div>';
return true;
Since only registered users displaying a preview can read this message, that won't disturb your regular visitors and won't change anything for them for you older posts.
Version 0.2
What does this plugin do?
0.9.0.x (Europe, Berlin, Oslo, Madrid, Copenhagen, Paris, Amsterdam),
0.9.1 (Dawn).[/list:u]
<!--tags keyword1 keyword2 keywords3+keywords4+keywords5 keyword6-->
When the plugin is installed, it will add the right links to [url=http://www.technorati.com]Technorati[/url]'s tags at the end of the post. The previous code is a regular (X)HTML comment, so if the plugin is unavailable (uninstalled), it is simply ignored. You don't have to edit all your posts again to remove the tags.[/list:u]
* This file implements the Rich Tags Plug-in 0.2
* intended for use with b2evolution 0.9.0.x and 0.9.1.
* This plug-in is intended to implement Technorati's tags system.
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html}
* @copyright (c)2005 by kwa - {http://blog.lesperlesduchat.com/dev.php}
* @package plugins
if( !defined('DB_USER') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
* Includes:
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../renderer.class.php';
* @package plugins
class RichTags_RendererPlugin extends RendererPlugin
var $code = 'b2eRTgs';
var $name = 'Rich Tags 0.1';
var $priority = 100;
var $apply_when = 'stealth';
var $apply_to_html = true;
var $apply_to_xml = false;
var $short_desc;
var $long_desc;
* Constructor
* {@internal RichTags_Rendererplugin::RichTags_Rendererplugin(-)}
function RichTags_Rendererplugin()
$this->short_desc = T_( 'Implements tags.' );
$this->long_desc = T_( 'This plug-in adds Technorati-style tags to tagged posts. (This plug-in is intended for b2evolution versions 0.9.0.x and 0.9.1.)' );
* Add tags to content
* {@internal RichTags_Rendererplugin::render(-)}
* @param string Content to render (by reference) / rendered content.
* @param array Array of tags to render.
* @param string Text to write at the beginning of all the tags.
* @param string Text to write at the end of all the tags.
* @param string Link to the tagging system.
* @param string Additional link attributed (new window, rel attribute, etc.).
* @return boolean This function returns true when at least one tag has been added. false otherwise.
function addTags( & $content, $Tags, $Before, $After, $Link, $LinkAttributes )
$IsFirst = true;
$ContentTags = '';
foreach( $Tags as $Tag )
if( strlen( $Tag ) > 1 )
if( $IsFirst === true )
$IsFirst = false;
$ContentTags .= ' • ';
$TagToDisplay = str_replace( '+', ' ', $Tag );
$ContentTags .= '<a '.$LinkAttributes.' href="'.$Link.$Tag.'">'.$TagToDisplay.'</a>';
if( strlen( $ContentTags ) > 1 )
// Tags added
$content .= $Before.$ContentTags.$After;
return true;
// No tags added
return false;
} // addTags
* Perform rendering
* {@internal RichTags_Rendererplugin::render(-)}
* @param string Content to render (by reference) / rendered content.
* @param string Output format, see {@link format_to_output()} (IGNORED).
* @return boolean Always true.
function render( & $content, $format )
$AddedAtLeastOneTag = false;
if( preg_match( '/<!--tags?[\s]+([^>]*)[\s]*--\>/si', $content, $Matches ) )
if( preg_match_all( '/([^\s]*)[\s]*/si', $Matches[ 1 ], $Matches ) )
// Sort using human-like alphabetic order
natcasesort( $Matches[ 1 ] );
// Add miscellaneous tagging systems
$AddedAtLeastOneTag |= $this->addTags( $content, $Matches[ 1 ], '<div class="Tags"><strong>Technorati tags:</strong> ', '</div>', 'http://technorati.com/tag/', 'target="_blank" rel="tag"' );
$AddedAtLeastOneTag |= $this->addTags( $content, $Matches[ 1 ], '<div class="Tags"><strong>Flickr tags:</strong> ', '</div>', 'http://flickr.com/photos/tags/', 'target="_blank"' );
$AddedAtLeastOneTag |= $this->addTags( $content, $Matches[ 1 ], '<div class="Tags"><strong>del.icio.us tags:</strong> ', '</div>', 'http://del.icio.us/tag/', 'target="_blank"' );
// No tags found?
global $current_User, $preview;
if( isset( $preview ) && $preview != false && is_logged_in() && !$AddedAtLeastOneTag )
// Display a warning message
$content .= '<div style="margin:0;padding:16px;color:black;border:solid 4px red;"><p>Tags are missing. To insert a tag, write the following (X)HTML code in your post:</p><blockquote><p><code><!--tags keyword1 keyword2 keywords3+keywords4 keyword5--></code></p></blockquote></div>';
return true;
// Register the plugin
$this->register( new RichTags_RendererPlugin() );
This is NICE...
Let me ask, I tried to take the whole string of tags and place it into a .tags in the css for my skin...
I wanted to make the tag smaller and in a little gray box...
So, I ask...
$AddedAtLeastOneTag |= $this->addTags( $content, $Matches[ 1 ], '<span class="tags"><div class="Tags"><hr><strong>Tags:</strong> ', '</div>', 'http://technorati.com/tag/', 'target="_blank" rel="tag"' );
Where do I place the closing
Ioo wrote:
Let me ask, I tried to take the whole string of tags and place it into a .tags in the css for my skin...
I wanted to make the tag smaller and in a little gray box...
I've got the following definition of the Tags style in my CSS:
.Tags {
The result looks like this:
or see [url=http://blog.lesperlesduchat.com/perles.php/2005/11/10/mozilla_firefox_un_navigateur_dont_il_fa]the page[/url] by yourself (please notice the site is in French and contains sexually explicit material).
Ioo wrote:
Let me ask, I tried to take the whole string of tags and place it into a .tags in the css for my skin...
I wanted to make the tag smaller and in a little gray box...
So, I ask...
$AddedAtLeastOneTag |= $this->addTags( $content, $Matches[ 1 ], '<span class="tags"><div class="Tags"><hr><strong>Tags:</strong> ', '</div>', 'http://technorati.com/tag/', 'target="_blank" rel="tag"' );
Where do I place the closing
Since you pass the $Before parameter to the addTags() function defined as:
'<span class="tags"><div class="Tags"><hr><strong>Tags:</strong>
you should close your <span> (X)HTML tag using the $After parameter string:
Just try that:
$AddedAtLeastOneTag |= $this->addTags( $content, $Matches[ 1 ], '<span class="tags"><div class="Tags"><hr><strong>Tags:</strong> ', '</div></span>', 'http://technorati.com/tag/', 'target="_blank" rel="tag"' );
Last post was 2 months ago. So, what about Phoenix compatibility?
Let me know, I hope to implement technorati tags in my posts!
Since Phoenix is an alpha version, I haven't tested it and I won't until a stable, production version.
Reasonable. Thank you for your effort...hoping to get it Phoenix compliant :)
This is one cool plugin! Thanks for the work on this kwa.
When I first installed this it didn't work, so I'm making my notes here for the benefit of others.
This calls for the filename to be "_richtags.renderer". After some troubleshooting I noticed that all of the other files in that folder have a .php extension on them. For me it had to be "_richtags.renderer.php".
Also, in using the tags in my post I noticed that there can't be any excess spaces.
<!--tags keyword-->
works great for me.
<!-- tags keyword -->
does not work at all.
I hope that helps.
And finally, a question. Is there a way to tell it only display the Technorati tags or only the flickr tags, etc?
Yes, I have implemented this on my site and it's working good. I have just removed Flikr code from the file above as I don't need it. Now a cool button to insert the code "<!--tags keyword--> would be awesome I think.
I'm going to investigate those issues for the next release (planned for after the next official stable version of b2evolution). Thanks for your interest.
As suggested above, one can remove the unneeded code from the plug-in, it's straightforward to keep only the technorati tags (as I did on my own site).
I have added this code to the plugins/toolbars/_quicktags.toolbar.php
It creates a button in the editor to add the tag line <!--tags whatever-->
b2evoButtons[b2evoButtons.length] = new b2evoButton('b2evo_oli'
,'<!--tags cinema4d-->',''
,'<?php echo T_('Insert tag [Alt-n]') ?>'
makes a nice button and a predefined keyword inside if you wish.
replace the cinema4d word with other words or nothing at all
Base80, thanks for the tip. Where exactly should be put the code that you suggested. I just don't want to add the code and muck up the existing things because of my ignorance. Will wait for your response.
open the file, you will see that all the buttons have the same lines of code,
you'll have to fit it where it suits you best in the text editor interface.
That just seems to work great. Thanks.
I entered base80 code just be fore the </script> and it works.
Thanks for the technorati hack - having more search engine traffic is always nice :lol:
I've just added the "Version 2.0" of the "Technorati Plugin", the CSS code to the skin & the Button code. Works very nice.
Good work everybody. Now, I just have to remember to include the tags.
any idea if this plugin will be ported to 1.8??
I prefer not to depend on del.icio.us for the tagCloud because it's an external web service which can disappear or become a commercial.
Did you imagine to develop a plug-in of TagCloud for the articles posted in B2evo with is own table in MySqL ?
Thanks for your job and your answer.
Will this get a showing on 1.8.2?? (I'm keen)
I'm hoping someone creates or updates the technorati rich tags plugin. I gave it a try... My plan was to basically edit the current code & logic and make it 1.8.5 friendly but somehow I couldn't even get my plugin listed on the plugin tabs.
It doesn't seem too hard... basically create a DIV Section with the tags... hopefully someone will do it soon!
p.s., i will open a topic on my plugin problem.
I'm updating this plugin and I'm stuck in creating an admin button that will "paste" or "type" the <!-- Tag --> text into the Text Area ... The button shows up in "Write/Edit" tabs but it doesn't do anything when I click on it.
Can someone help me out? The following is the function but it doesnt work.
function AdminDisplayEditorButton( & $params )
<?php {
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function WriteTag(){
document.write("<!-- tags -->");
<input type="button" value="Techno " onclick="WriteTag()" />
return true;
I'm sure this is easy so we may have a working technorati tag plugin soon.
You can preview the plugin in [url=http://www.thechristianalert.org/blog]my site[/url]. All my posts tagged <!-- tags a b c --> get the technorati link .
document.getElementById('itemform_post_content').value += "<!-- tags -->";
DOM is good :-)
btw, your site has some weird display issues in firefox 2... Like the page is 'infinitely' large (in terms of height)....
Though I've made a few changes to the plugin, the brains of it still belong to kwa who wrote the original plugin. Thanks to balupton for helping out too.
I am also not sure what the formalities are for submitting the plugin. Let me know and i'll be happy to comply.
For right now, feel free to test it. Download the richtags_plugin.zip and read the README.html file.
It works for [url=http://www.thechristianalert.org/blog]me[/url].
Hope this works & helps out.
esanchez, instead of balupton's code, please use the
* Textarea insertion code.
* @var element
* @var text
* @var document (needs only be passed from a popup window as window.opener.document)
function textarea_replace_selection( myField, snippet, target_document )
{ ... }
method from b2evo. It's defined in functions.js and helps with interaction of different plugins, e.g. the TinyMCE plugin, which changes the textarea.
Additionally it allows replacing the selected text.
textarea_replace_selection( b2evoCanvas, "<!-- tags -->", document );
Hi, is it possible to show what you mean by use evocode instead of baluptons code? unfortunately I am not familiar enough with b2evolution to figure it out and would very much like to leverage the framework, if at all possible.
Thank you for an amazing application!
for those who may not have figured this out, after a little bit of digging I realized the answer had been provided...
function WriteTag(){
//document.write("<!-- tags -->");
//document.getElementById('itemform_post_content').value += "<!-- tags -->";
textarea_replace_selection( b2evoCanvas, "<!--tags keyword1 keyword2 keywords3+keywords4 -->", document );
Hmm... dub27, you have implemented the recent suggestion to your attached download update??
Compatible with 1.9.3?
Maybe you can merge this?
-> http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=8556
^_^ Thanks. Happy Easter!
I'm trying to use it on b2evo 1.9.3
I activete the plugin and now?
How can i use it?
How can i show the tags after posts?
I am not endorsing Rudy, but load up his page and scroll down to the bottom of the page, and check out how tastefully his got his tags made/displayed.
Could we work on something like this? I know we have bits and pieces running around in the forum and plugins sections. It would be great if an experienced developer could take care of this. It will also be great if one had the choice of selecting (backoffice) what tags to include on his blog.
Alright, i gave it a shot, and here you go
Check it out in my blog.
[url=http://www.thechristianalert.org/blog/index.php/TheBlog/2005/05/07/about_the_christian_alert]About the Alert[/url]
If you want to critique my code download the zip file file.
Like I said, I'm not much of a programmer so make comments.
I will update my zip file and post a "plugin" friendly version later.
esanchez wrote:
Alright, i gave it a shot, and here you go
Check it out in my blog.
[url=http://www.thechristianalert.org/blog/index.php/TheBlog/2005/05/07/about_the_christian_alert]About the Alert[/url]If you want to critique my code download the zip file file.
Like I said, I'm not much of a programmer so make comments.
I will update my zip file and post a "plugin" friendly version later.
It's great!
Though I still wish you can merge my version -> http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=8556
Instead of
<!--tags tag1 tag2 -->
I have an input field for tags and post description. From there, the rest is almost similar.
The only difference will be Technorati, since they use + for tags with spaces.
Then maybe a checkbox in the admin panel which SBS (Social-Bookmark Services) you want to show on your blog (which is a feature of Wordpress).
Just a thought, if you can do it, since I can't currently (and really busy).
When I go to the back office, and click on "Posts"
I am getting an error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
/blog/plugins/richtags_plugin/_richtags.plugin.php on line 73
Line 73: has this code:
$url = $Item->get_permanent_url();
The plugin works fine in every other mode (e.g. preview, edit, and posts). Any ideas?
I updated the plugin to include Social Bookmarks for slashdot | digg | Facebook| & del.icio.us.
Download here:
I was also wondering whether or not I should submit it as a new plugin.
Let me know.
Yeah you should. Plugins get lost easily in the forums.
Hi EdB,
Could you comment on my issue with line 73?
When I go to the back office, and click on "Posts"
I am getting an error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
/blog/plugins/richtags_plugin/_richtags.plugin.php on line 73
Line 73: has this code:
$url = $Item->get_permanent_url();
The plugin works fine in every other mode (e.g. preview, edit, and posts).
Sorry friend, but I can't comment since I haven't tried this plugin. I will though, and if I can see an issue I can help resolve I certainly will.
Sorry to say this, but I'm pretty sure this can be done with simple edits to the skin's _main.php file. For those who allow skin switching a plugin would be much better, but since I don't do that...
Anyway I'm trying to get active with cool new stuff in b2evo again, so I'll install your plugin on a test site and see how it goes. AND provide feedback if I can help with the line 73 issue.
Try adding this just before line 73
global $Item;
that "Global $Item" thing didn't fix it.
EdB made a good point regarding putting this stuff under the skin. I did and it looks better, and it may be less of a hassle.
Check it out:
[url=http://www.thechristianalert.org/blog/index.php/TheBlog/2005/05/07/about_the_christian_alert]About the Alert[/url]
Here's the skin code which I put right below the "Item->Views() line"
$url = $Item->get_permanent_url();
$NewText= '<br/><a href="http://slashdot.org/bookmark.pl?url='.$url.'">slashdot</a> | <a href="http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url='.$url.'">digg</a> | <a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u='.$url.'">Facebook</a>| <a href="http://del.icio.us/post?url='.$url.'">del.icio.us</a>';
echo $NewText;
I've been quite a while away from the [url=http://b2evolution.net]b2evolution[/url] community... I'm glad to see some people are using and even working on that simple plugin!
I haven't investigated all the changes made by contributors to the original plugin published in 2005. However, there is one change that made it more usefull for all the languages that need other characters in the tags than the standard ASCII codes, including west-european accentuated characters ("é", "ê", etc.), as well as far east UTF-8 characters. (That's usefull for my French-spoken blog where I'm used to use miscellaneous accents.)
To update the plug-in and make it more international, edit the addTags function and replace the following code:
$ContentTags .= '<a href="'.$Link.$Tag.'" '.$LinkAttributes.'>'.$TagToDisplay.'</a>';
by that new version:
$ContentTags .= '<a href="'.$Link.urlencode(utf8_encode( $Tag )).'" '.$LinkAttributes.'>'.$TagToDisplay.'</a>';
esanchez wrote:
Hi EdB,
Could you comment on my issue with line 73?
When I go to the back office, and click on "Posts"
I am getting an error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
/blog/plugins/richtags_plugin/_richtags.plugin.php on line 73Line 73: has this code:
$url = $Item->get_permanent_url();The plugin works fine in every other mode (e.g. preview, edit, and posts).
I'm also getting this error. Everything else seems unaffected. It's really annoying if you want to edit the post after it's published. Other than this error, this is a great plug-in!
Ok, crack open the plugin and make the following changes :-
add the new bits ( approx line 27 ) :-
var $apply_rendering = 'stealth';
var $help_url = 'http://www.thechristianalert.org/blog/index.php/TheBlog/2006/11/27/b2evolution_rich_tags_plugin';
// internal
var $Item;
change this section ( approx line 70 ) :
if( strlen( $ContentTags ) > 1 )
// Tags added
$url = $this->Item->get_permanent_url();
Change this section ( approx line 102 ) :
$content = & $params['data'];
$AddedAtLeastOneTag = true;
if( preg_match( '/<!--tags?[\s]+([^>]*)[\s]*--\>/si', $content, $Matches ) )
if( preg_match_all( '/([^\s]*)[\s]*/si', $Matches[ 1 ], $Matches ) )
// Sort using human-like alphabetic order
natcasesort( $Matches[ 1 ] );
// Add miscellaneous tagging systems
$this->Item = $params[ 'Item' ];
and it should all work ;)
Thanks for your help on this issue.
Unfortunately, these edits didn't change the problem.
Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'd hate to have to stop using this plugin.
Thanks again.
Here is the version of the Rich Tags (v0.3) plugin for [url=http://b2evolution.net]b2evolution[/url] I use on [url=http://blog.lesperlesduchat.com/]my b2evolution blog[/url] :
uninstall your previously installed Rich Tags plugin;
download the above archive;
uncompress the downloaded archive;
copy the included _richtags.plugin.php file in your plugins directory of your [url=http://b2evolution.net]b2evolution[/url] installation on your web server to make it working;
activate the newly installed plugin in your [url=http://b2evolution.net]b2evolution[/url] back office page.[/list:u]
Hi, I can't access your dl subdomain.. is it new?
Laibcoms wrote:
Hi, I can't access your dl subdomain.. is it new?
Sorry, I've just created it. It may last up to 48h before it becomes accessible... :'( Here is an [url=http://unearaigneeauplafond.fr/UserFiles/File/zip/b2evo_richtags_v0.3.zip]alternative link[/url] to the archive (the archive is going to be be removed from there in the next few days.)
For an unknown reason, it happens Windows claims the ZIP file is corrupted when opening it directly from the web. If anyone has already encountered such a behavior, I'd glad to here the solution. The ZIP file is perfectly readable with the [url=http://www.7-zip.org/]7z[/url].
np. it's what I was thinking, internet propagation..
Yep, there seems to be a problem with the latest stable and beta versions of 7zip, I ended up using WinRAR again until they fix it (or until they recognize its a legitimate problem).
Thanks a lot. I just installed b2evo 1.10 and was in big trouble with my old version of the plugin. That is, until I found your newest version. Thanks. It works beautifully. I had no problem downloading from the link above.
Sorry for the lack of knowledge on my part, but I do not begin to understand how to set this plugin up. Is there a plugin whereby someone technically challenged (me) could just enter the tags for del.icio.us that are relevant and be done with it? Or does it have to be done in html code and such?
Hi Garrison,
That's right, you could manually enter the tags. This plugin makes it easier in that you enter a few keywords and then it creates the links with tags for technorati,.
For some reason, I'm getting a bug in my sidebar for my blog roll links when installed and set to stealth. Setting it to always seemed to fix it, for whatever reason.
Just thought you'd want to know. :)
On a related note, on my b2evo 1.10 version - I no longer see the "Technorati" button. It used to be available when I'd be writing my posts.
I just updated the Technorati plugin for b2Evo 2.1.0.
If anybody wants it let me know until I find a place some where here to post it.
You can find the related info here:
Your Technorati Tags plugin says that it works for b2evo 2+ and there is a version for 1.8 and below, but I don't see any mention for b2evo version 1.10.2 and 1.10.3. Which of your plugins version should be used?
Try using this one.
Basic idea is to extract to b2evo install path
and then go to backoffice and look for the plugin.
There's a readme.html in there.
Thank you esanchez.
Though the tags do show, I getting this error at the start of the post
Notice: Undefined variable: AddedAtLeastOneTag in /home/.../public_html/.../plugins/_richtags.plugin.php on line 111
Can you help me solve this?
Best Regards
Can you leave a link to your website?
Oh boy, that's going to be hard to troubleshoot. I no longer run this version of the plugin. As long as you always put more than one tag, you could comment this line out by adding two slashes in front of it:
The problem is I have to use one tag in most cases...
The blog is http://www.literanova.eduardocasanova.com but i don't have the plugin on right now since it gives me that error and the blog is heavily used.
Also, I don't want to upgrade to version 2 until its really stable and plugins/skins work fine with it.
So I guess this plugin may not work for me unless someone with the 1.10 version steps in to help us.
Try changing the plugin code to this :
function RenderItemAsHtml( & $params)
{ //start RenderItemas HTML
$AddedAtLeastOneTag = false;
Thanks, that seems to solve the problem. The only thing is it doesn't allow to add the technorati tag and preview the post, at leasr, when the post has been already published and I'm editing it to add the technorati tag.
I will experiment a little more and come back with results.
Thank You
In case anyone is interested I've updated this plugin and added some extra functionality: http://www.boogdesign.com/b2plugins/_richtags.plugin.zip
It's a combination of code from Rich Tags Plug-in 0.3 and Rich Tags Plug-in 0.2, plus some bits of my own devising to allow you to select Delicious, Flickr and Twitter tags too.
do you have it on your blog? i'd like to see it in action...
i would get a hit from technorarti once in a blue moon ... but now that I have this plug in (will download later)... I may actually download and reload...
Yes, I've only got the technorati tags enabled though, also I haven't tagged some of the more recent posts yet: http://www.boogdesign.com/b2evo/
Ive been feeling like people werent bothering with technorati so much anymore. Are you finding it worth your while?
Will give this a go, thank you :)
Just checked out your site with the June link and the article footer with all the submission Icons looks great. Sorry to be slow but where can I get this to put into my blog? http://www.projectinabox.org.uk/blogs/blog1.php
Sorry Malc, don't check here very often! The submission icons were done with the [url=http://plugins.b2evolution.net/index.php/2008/02/19/bae_social_bookmarks]BAE Social Bookmarks[/url] plugin rather than the Rich Tags one.
This is cool Kwa. Thanks for this.
Now before I move ahead and implement this on my blogs I want one more thing. Is there a way where we can have
automatically inserted into the new post box? So whenever we are making a new post, the above code is right there at the end of the post somewhere. This will be very easy for us to remember to tag the posts everytime we make a new post.