Does anybody know if there is any plugin I can use to insert footnotes or mouse over tool tips to posts?
I found a plugin called "Footnotes" but seems to be deprecated and the link is broken:
Can you please tell me if there is a second repository from where I can download this plugin and if it compatible with the latest version of b2evolution (momentarily I have 4.6).
Also after searching on the internet I found out that the tinymce editor has a "Footnotes" button integrated, but I couldn't find it. Maybe after installing a plugin or something. Do you know how should I install / enable this button in TinyMCE editor?
This is something I found, but it seems old also:
I think that by now TinyMCE editor should have included by default the option to insert footnotes :)
It is posibile to paste from a world document into TinyMCE text with footnotes and the editor keeps them, but I didn't find how to do this directly from TinyMCE (a button or something), without writing te text first in Word.