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1 Jan 04, 2006 00:54    

Hi everyone, I'm new here, nice to meet you :-)
I'm trying to setup B2Evo 0.9 Dawn on a website hosted by
I uploaded all the files in the compressed zip to the webserver and ran
the install script. Now this is where the error occurs, after inputting the
required info. The error is as follows:

MySQL error!
The PHP MySQL module could not be loaded.
You must edit your php configuration (php.ini) and enable this module.
Do not forget to restart your webserver (if necessary) after editing the
PHP conf.

It seems that the database config settings you entered don't work. Please
check them carefully and try again...

Now, I've spent over an hour scratching my head, checking all the settings and everything is good except the part for mySQL Host.
The settings I got from GoDaddy are that the server host of the mySQL databse is:

but it's not working. Anyone else here host B2Evo on a GoDaddy site?

Thanks in advance for all the help.


2 Jan 10, 2006 15:29

I am on with one of their hosting plans trying to install B2 as well and I am having the same problem and message as BeeGee.

MySQL error!

The PHP MySQL module could not be loaded.

You must edit your php configuration (php.ini) and enable this module.

Do not forget to restart your webserver (if necessary) after editing the PHP conf.

Any progress for you BeeGee?

3 Jan 11, 2006 01:58

are either of you sure that your godaddy hosting account provides any sort of mysql db? it sounds to me like they dont have mysql support compiled into php ... (??)

Even if thats not the case, and they do include mysql, your error(s) are something THEY need to be taking care of.

4 Mar 01, 2006 09:58

whoo wrote:

are either of you sure that your godaddy hosting account provides any sort of mysql db? it sounds to me like they dont have mysql support compiled into php ... (??)

Even if thats not the case, and they do include mysql, your error(s) are something THEY need to be taking care of.

hi there,
i got the same problem with others but i'm trying to run in local machine which has Apache2.0, latest MySQL and PHP.

any idea on how to do it?

P.S. my web is also hosted by but normally they have only windows and asp hosting.. like mine... ..


5 Mar 02, 2006 00:26

The error is

The PHP MySQL module could not be loaded.


And you're advised to edit your php.ini (or use any other method provided by your distribution/hosting provider) to enable the module.

On Linux for example, add (or uncomment) a line like

and/or install the according package (php5-mysql in Debian/Ubuntu).

It has _nothing_ to do with your host, user, password or database settings - PHP "just" does not know any mysql functions..

6 Mar 02, 2006 04:12

"edit your php.ini"

it does have a lot to do with your host if you are not allowed to have an individual php.ini in your dir.

7 Mar 02, 2006 21:31

I've meant DB host, not general hosting provider.

Sure, if your hosting provider has no MySQL database for you it's the same as when he does not give access to it for you.

Anyway, Shir was talking about a local setup and therefor has all the possibilities to enable MySQL in his PHP setup..

8 Apr 13, 2006 22:03

You can follow these steps very easy

libmysql.dll copy this dll to c:window
open your php ini file[c:php]
and remove the ";" marks from extension=php_mysql.dll
remove da marks from extension_dir to enable that
then set it's path like this

extension_dir = "c:/php/ext/"

dont forget to puta slash after ext"/" or it wont work
restart apachi

now it should work :D

9 Sep 05, 2007 17:40

Hey folks,

I am also trying to install b2evo 1.10.2 on Godaddy (on an IIS server - call me brave), and am also seeing problems. I suspect some of these problems are specific to Godaddy + Windows hosting, but I am not certain. However, since I figured out how to get further in the installation, I wanted to share in case someone is still stuck in this phase.

Apparently, Godaddy's Windows version of PHP somehow does NOT support the "extension_loaded( )" call. So, even though the MySQL module is loaded and ready, the extension_loaded( 'mysql' ) call will fail. I suspect this is Godaddy's deterrent to keep people from installing third-party software - and reduce support calls. I am migrating from Wordpress and I had the same problem when I was setting up WP before - it's a really nasty little trick they used.

So what I did was open the file: /inc/_misc/_db.class.php and removed the following lines:

if( ! extension_loaded('mysql') )
{ // The mysql extension is not loaded, try to dynamically load it:
	$mysql_ext_file = strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? 'php_mysql.dll' : '';
	@dl( $mysql_ext_file );

	if( ! extension_loaded('mysql') )
	{ // Still not loaded:
		$this->print_error( '<p><strong>The PHP MySQL module could not be loaded.</strong></p>
			<p>You must edit your php configuration (php.ini) and enable this module ('.$mysql_ext_file.').</p>
			<p>Do not forget to restart your webserver (if necessary) after editing the PHP conf.</p>' );

Don't worry, if you REALLY don't have the proper MySQL driver installed, the system will complain when it tries to connect to the DB, and you will know. If it doesn't complain, then you should be good.

This should get you further through the setup, then I got more issues with the /conf/_basic_config.php file not loading properly from the installer (could be another Godaddy PHP hack on the file( ) API). So I ended up having to manually edit the values in that file to what I wanted, and then also set $config_is_done = 1;

After I uploaded the modified file and re-ran the installer, installation went all the way and reported success. All the tables were created in MySql and the blog can be loaded. The supplied random password also logged in fine.

Notwithstanding that, I am now seeing issues with the Admin UI, which I will start a new topic for discussion in this forum. But this is my personal experience in how to set up b2evo 1.10.2 on Godaddy's Windows shared hosting. Now I have to find out how to run it ...

Any further comments are welcome!
- K.

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