This seems fine on my 7.1.5 I Created a Minisite with Jarad skin and no content.
Clicking on the link gives the following, but I note the date. It seems this help page was generated on 19 June 2018.By the way I never use any demo content so this must have been available with the default download then.
I will check the files in some versions of the download next :)
That wasn't a query I meant I have just created a new collection as you did to test Minisite using Jarad. Apologies if that wasn't clear. Upadated the last post with second image. I tend to edit posts as I go.
Hi @northlight Have you tried [ that goes to the same page as the link in the widget. That accesses the file [/skins_fallbackv5/_help.disp.php] or [/skins_fallbackv6/_help.disp.php] You should have both.
if you do then maybe there is something amiss with the instance of the widget you are using ~ I suppose you could reinstall it ?
Hi @northlight Have you tried [ that goes to the same page as the link in the widget.[/quote]
The problem is not the front end. Attached a snapshot.
Problem is the backend where the "edit link" is missing.
I think the problem is in the documentation of b2e.
I believe that there is no edit link, as there is no content (blank/clean install w/o any demo data) and the backend doesn't know where to link to.
The documentation of b2e always "plays" with the demo content but it isn't explaining how to work with a clean install.
Meanwhile I think that the b2e promotion "installed in 3 minutes" should be expanded with "and set up in another month".
Since years I am "playing" with B2E and still I am stumbling from one problem into another.
I will answer myself.
My earlier post is giving the answer to this bug report.
Basically it is no bug. It is a illogicality. (hope this is the right term).
The empty clean install comes with a skin/template which is linking to a "help" page.
But this help page does not exist.
Therefore you can not access it in the backend and therefore you can not edit it.
And the user believes that it exist, since the frontend is linking to it.
In this case an explanation is required, for the blogger/user/website owner, to create such content block with the slug "help-content".
No offence:
If the b2e project wants to attract more users, then it would be a good start to remove these illogicallities.
They cost days of delays, frustration and - when it comes to money - thousands of Euros.
I am positive that other newcomers do not bother, diggin' like I did - in order to get b2e running.
Internet users/website owners are today more stupid than ever. Or you may call it pampered - because they do not want to think - or educated not to think anymore.
They are consumers. Used to get everything infront of their nose and surf through the applications by just wiping or clicking.
I hope I can share my frustration and it will be picked up as constructive criticism.
This seems fine on my 7.1.5

I Created a Minisite with Jarad skin and no content.
Clicking on the link gives the following, but I note the date. It seems this help page was generated on 19 June 2018.By the way I never use any demo content so this must have been available with the default download then.

I will check the files in some versions of the download next :)