2 mgsolipa Aug 15, 2014 15:37

Hello @mgsolipa
Thanks for your answer. I don't know what happens. I tried in local too:
1. In one browser, I log in and clear the full page caches in Maintenance
2. In another browser, without login in, I enter the home page, to create a cache file. Look in /cache/c1: it's there.
3. I modify function is_mobile_session() in _session.class.php. Before return, I put $this->sess_device = 'iphone';, so the system believes I am accessing from a mobile phone.
4. I enter home page in the first browser, where I am logged in, and I see touch skin, which is correct.
5. I enter home page again in the second browser, where I am NOT logged in, and I see the asevo skin: it means that the system is reading the old cache file, didn't notice the connection is coming from iphone now.
The other way around produces the same result: If I create a cache file with touch skin, then when I go back to asevo, the second browser still shows touch skin.
Of course, if I disable the default cache system,everything works alright, so the parameters seems to be ok. I use the standard cache system, no modifications.
@fede thanks for the detailed steps, but I'm still unable to reproduce the issue. Please check the video: http://bit.ly/Yk8VQr
What browsers are you using to perform your tests?
Firefox & Chrome, last version.
I am very sorry, but this was my fault: I have modified function get_af_filecache_path() some time ago, making other tests, and I forgot to put it back in the original state. Now it's working perfectly. Thanks for your patience.
Good news @fede, nice to know your site is behaving as supposed again.
Hello @fede,
I couldn't reproduce this issue. I used three different devices: desktop PC, mobile phone and tablet, with different skins for each one of them. The result is a single cache file for each skin, so they never got mixed. Of course, these are local test, so maybe they are not 100% conclusive.
Maybe you should disable the default cache system ( http://b2evolution.net/man/collection-cache-settings ) for a while and look if the error disappear. How often do you notice it?
Do you use any other cache system besides the provided by b2evolution?