Bug reports This is for bugs only.Subforums: Not a bug, Fixed, Bugs in 6.x, Bugs in 5.x, GitHub & Preview releases 168 topics 737 replies Dec 20, 202411:52 2024-12-20
A look into the future About the upcoming releases...Subforums: Feature requests and Feedback, GDPR, Depreciated Features 48 topics 264 replies May 21, 202322:25 2023-05-21
Internationalization & Localization About internationalizing, localizing, translating and making b2evo a multi-language platform. 211 topics 947 replies Mar 08, 202216:27 2022-03-08
Documentation effort Wanna help with documenting the project? 30 topics 182 replies Aug 30, 202011:03 2020-08-30