2 fplanque Aug 25, 2013 16:18

Thanks very much fplanque,
According to the Installer at host CMS B2evolution is easy lol Not so.
I honestly looked all day yesterday for the CSS files...hopefully now I can alter things.
Additional info: browsing skin file sis actually turned on by default. If you go to the "Files" section and then switch to the "Skins" file root, you will see all your skin files.
However, in order to better understand your expectations: did you look for the CSS files on your server's files using FTP or did you only look for them in the admin area?
Thank you for your feedback.
Hi fplanque,
Yes. I found the CSS now on the server. Also thanks for the links!
Additional info: browsing skin file sis actually turned on by default. If you go to the "Files" section and then switch to the "Skins" file root, you will see all your skin files.
However, in order to better understand your expectations: did you look for the CSS files on your server's files using FTP or did you only look for them in the admin area?
My cpanel Fplanque.
Thank you for your feedback.
I can't seem to find the skin files to edit even after following all the instructions I find on the forums
Hi @eddiec,
This is pretty straight forward, just verify if the "Skins" filesystem is checked ( http://b2evolution.net/man/accessible-file-roots - it is checked by default ) and follow the screenshot displayed in this page: http://b2evolution.net/man/advanced-customization/themes-templates-skins/skin-folders. All this logged in as admin, of course.
Hey mgsolipa,
I see and understand what you said and the links you gave. In the File Manager Setting everything is clicked as per the first link you mentioned. My account is set to admin.
But then in the second link about the File Browser there is no SKINS option in the drop down menu.
On top of that I even have a problem making blog. When i make a new one the URL says /blog7.php and i can visit the blog. the moment i try to rename the URL the blog is no longer visitable.
@eddiec, now I remember!
There is another setting that may prevent the edition of skins files. Please go to "Users > Users groups > Administrators" and scroll down to the "System admin permissions" fieldset. The parameter "Skins" must be checked.
@eddiec you just re-posted this question in a different thread, did you finally find how to access to the skins files from the files manager?
@eddiec wrote:
On top of that I even have a problem making blog. When i make a new one the URL says /blog7.php and i can visit the blog. the moment i try to rename the URL the blog is no longer visitable.
How are you "renaming" the blog?
You need two steps in order to change the URL after creating the new blog:
1) Create a stub file http://b2evolution.net/man/stub-file
2) Define the URL Settings accordingly http://b2evolution.net/man/blog-url-settings (Absolute URL)
Can we please separate this subject to a different post due to it is not related with the skins thing?
You will find the styles in
If you want to edit the skin files through the web, you can enabled "'Access to skin files" in the Administrators group properties.