2 fplanque Dec 28, 2016 22:07

Thank's you for your reply, I try EU cookie consent but is not enough in Italy. I have to block user downloading all third part cookies (you're right not all but all third part like social share buttons) before user takes any action.
EU cookies is only a banner but doesn't block anything.
Best regards
Cookies clearly exempt from consent according to the EU advisory body on data protection include:
- ...
- third‑party social plug‑in content‑sharing cookies, for logged‑in members of a social network.
Probably not true. What country is this? In the UE directive, normal cookies like login cookies are allowed without annoying the users with stupid popups.
There is a solution for b2evolution if you really want to annoy your users: activate the "EU cookie consent" that is included in the b2evolution package.
See: http://plugins.b2evolution.net/cookie-consent-plugin