Recent Topics

1 Oct 17, 2018 18:37    

1) Just thinking it would be useful for the search result to show at least one part of the post with the word searched for, not an excerpt of the first part that may not show the word(s). The searched for word may be well down in page 13 of the post making it difficult to find.

Once the 'word' has been found it's position needs to stored and then, some text displayed starting with the preceding higher case letter to indicate the start of a sentence; (and the page number if a post with multiple pages).
EDIT I suppose this 'dynamic' search could/would take a long time as all combinations of words could hardly be stored for quick access ?

Some feedback on this would be nice


2) Can there be more than one collection to be searched

Have the search function show keyword(s) not excerpt of post

3 Oct 17, 2018 23:55

1) You suppose right. There are pretty hard performance considerations to be taken into account here.
2) I think it is possible if you point to an aggregate collection.
1) You should have numbered this "3)"... No because one controls the search form (which can be on several different pages) and the other controls the results page which exists in only one place (disp=search)
2) As the man page said "NOTE: this option is removed in version 6+ because the new search implementation automatically ranks better matches to display above poorer matches.". (I edited the page now)

4 Oct 18, 2018 11:36

Thanks all sounds sensible so will consider your replies in detail later :)

5 Oct 18, 2018 15:26

because one controls the search form (which can be on several different pages) and the other controls the results page which exists in only one place (disp=search)

Maybe there could be text with a link on the search form to the second navigate to the results page, the later being the more difficult to find.

6 Oct 18, 2018 15:40

On the general the search issue I have added the option to my search 'post' which is on my home page at (the funny icon to the right (which is supposed to be an elf sitting on a mushroom with snail and rabbit support)

I am wondering where the function is that restricts the search to the current collection, unlike when I list my 'user' post, they seem to be from all collections.

7 Oct 18, 2018 23:37

I don't see a keyword table in the database so is the search live as if so I'm imagining the search function must target a specific blog's items and if so I'd like to try and change that then work on getting the sentence containing the keyword searched for.

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