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1 Oct 24, 2015 22:59    

my B2evo was working on multiple domains but had this crumbs issue so I deleted all contact forms to avoid user frustration and made them old fashioned mailto Links.

But now I updated to the newest version and get lots of 404 error for instance this

Also I need to increase 128MB memory limit to 256 or bigger in .htaccess

Can anybody help me please to get the rewrite config working again ???

this is a production server where I have paid ADWORDS and FB Promos!

additional TinyMCE-JavaScript is broken after update!!

3 Oct 26, 2015 01:30

I did already without results

4 Oct 26, 2015 13:04

Can you please help ``??? I restored everything so far but B2Evolution does not find its contents!

I am desperate and stopped the adwords and facebook already!

Can you please help ``???

5 Oct 26, 2015 13:06

That is why I hate updates so much, they recommend you to update and then you are with a broken updated version that brings some how a new problem!

7 Oct 26, 2015 17:26

I'm just quickly answering your comments, I'm in a hurry right now and can't go into details.

Having a backup of your site is a golden rule. Do you have any (if you followed the auto-update process, a backup file was automatically created)? Can you restore that backup to get your site on-line again while you figure out why the update doesn't work?

Can you test the update of your site in a local environment? The more complex your site is, the more careful you need to be before performing updates or any other complex process.

8 Oct 26, 2015 17:48

I have a backup and I restored the .htaccess but it doesn't work

I try to figure out if the SEO and URL Settings are different or if the new B2evo requires a diferent php version

9 Oct 26, 2015 18:01

sorry I made obviously stupid mistake and forgot the "."
so my .htaccess didn't work as it was erroneously named htaccess without dot!

10 Oct 26, 2015 20:42

Is the problem already solved?

11 Oct 26, 2015 20:58

yes this one is solved -- only my update problem with another B2 blog still exists!

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