2 saunders Jul 16, 2017 22:21

The devs of this skin will check.
@fplanque thanks; I posted this screenshot on github.
@supatra2 thanks! fyi @Ariflaw at github has tried to solve this problem. At first the solution did not work. He mentioned to reinstall the skin.
To my depending question I've not gotten an answer (see below):
Could you give me help to come to a working clone of that sink?
Thanks and Regards
If you rename the skin you have to edit the _skin.class.php
file accordingly to reflect the new name.
@fplanque thanks for your prompt reply. I edited _skin.class.php
line 18 class bricks_Skin extends Skin
to class bricks_Skin2 extends Skin
line 18 (bricks_skin2 is the name of the bricks_skin clone) - But that did not fix it.
PS: maybe this bug roots in the problem described in http://forums.b2evolution.net/subdomain-and-bootstrap-glyphicons.(subdomain-bug)