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1 Sep 22, 2015 10:49    

I am getting mysql error in multiple places however, the one in the users section is stopping me from creating new users etc.
I have attached the copy of the error

An unexpected error has occurred!
If this error persists, please report it to the administrator.

Go back to home page

Additional information about this error:
MySQL error!

'db2eye.evo_users.user_avatar_file_ID' isn't in GROUP BY(Errno=1055)

Your query: UserList::Query() Step 1: Get ID list

SELECT evo_users.user_ID, IF( user_avatar_file_ID IS NOT NULL, 1, 0 ) as has_picture, COUNT( DISTINCT blog_ID ) AS nb_blogs

  FROM evo_users

  LEFT JOIN evo_groups ON user_grp_ID = grp_ID

  LEFT JOIN evo_regional__country AS c ON user_ctry_ID = c.ctry_ID

  LEFT JOIN evo_regional__country AS rc ON user_reg_ctry_ID = rc.ctry_ID

  LEFT JOIN evo_blogs on user_ID = blog_owner_user_ID


   AND (user_level >= '0')

   AND (user_level <= '10')


this is the latest 6.6.3 stable release i used.


2 Sep 22, 2015 13:57

Is this a fresh install or an upgrade?
Did you use a third party tool to install or upgrade it?

3 Sep 23, 2015 07:48

It is a fresh new install. I simply unzipped the file in the web directory, went through install process and have an empty system. Planning to migrate the content from an old forum manually later.
Server CentOS 6.5 with standard LAMP modules.

4 Sep 23, 2015 13:15

Ok, can you tell us the exact version number of your DB and tell us if it is MySQL or mariaDB? So we can reproduce the problem.


5 Sep 23, 2015 13:19

Server version: 5.5.44-log MySQL Community Server (GPL) by Remi

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6 Sep 23, 2015 14:59

Ok, we'll fix this. Maybe your MySQL is forced to run in strict mode or something like this, which makes it extra picky about SQL standards.

Can you please post your other errors too so we can address them all?


7 Sep 23, 2015 23:55

OK, we researched this.

This error appears only if you have set your SQL MODE to ANSI or more specifically ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY:

We have never seen this before.

Did you set your SQL MODE yourself? If not, please tell us who your hosting company is so we have a better understanding of where this is coming from.

We will probably solve this (and all your other errors) by forcing the SQL MODE back to its default value.

8 Sep 24, 2015 01:45

Thanks for your response. That would be definitely the answer. It is a self hosted VPS server so no service provider used. I just got the admin to check its settings.

This is a prod server with the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY and other options for strict SQL standards ON
Please let me know if b2evolution can specifically be fixed for this as changing this global settings would possibly not be approved.

9 Sep 24, 2015 02:10

We are considering adding code to b2evolution to automatically switch to TRADITIONAL sql mode and it will likely be in the next release. (As far as I understand, MySQL always allows that. It is not a security measure in any way to have this one way or another.)

However, can you please explain why you do this and why changing this setting would not be approved?
What is the size of your organization.
Please give us some context so we can better understand your use case and use environment.
We always try to understand such scenarios as it helps us take them into account for the future.

Thank you.

10 Sep 24, 2015 02:26

As I understand it, it is set so the code portability between different databases is possible. Without strict standards, these will need to be edited if the backend DB was to be changed. So the organisation does all the development with the strict modes already in-place.

Its a small organisation still in its development phase of its product.

12 Sep 25, 2015 02:28

Thank you. That worked perfectly for the users. I'll continue to check but I am confident that there will be no more issues.

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