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1 Dec 15, 2012 01:16    

Since upgrading to V4.1.6 I have been getting intermittent MYSQL errors on my website. I can fix by emptying the table but that of course is not ideal as the website is down until I act. This has happened on the hitlog and sessions tables. The error message is:
MySQL error!

Table './xx/_sessions' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed(Errno=144)

Any ideas as to why?

2 Dec 16, 2012 02:07

Well, since 4.x i started to get mysql errors in hitlog as well, as a matter of fact i have just had to empy hitlog tables since repairing it didnt do any good.But mine appears on backoffice stats and doesnt stop the site from running thankfully.

I honestly think this is an issue that has to be investigated, dont know if this continues in 5.x, but it sure were not there in 2.x nor 3.x.

3 Dec 16, 2012 02:11

I confirm. I saw these errors on a lot of different websites.

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