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1 Aug 18, 2013 14:27    

I know this is done intentionally, but this new feature breaks all plugins on upgrade.

After the upgrade, an admin has to modify each plugin and delete $apply_rendering string, and then manually edit "Apply rendering to posts" setting in each single blog.

We should still have global rendering settings defined in plugins.

2 Sep 03, 2013 19:37

No comments?

Here's a workaround to keep backword compatibility with older b2evo versions

var $group = 'My group name'; // for b2evo < 5.0

function PluginInit( & $params )
	global $app_version;

	if( version_compare( $app_version, '5' ) > 0 )
		$this->group = 'rendering';

3 Sep 03, 2013 19:48

After the upgrade, an admin has to modify each plugin and delete $apply_rendering string, and then manually edit "Apply rendering to posts" setting in each single blog.

Since there's no docs describing this "feature" I had to use an old trial and error method. It looks like you don't need to delete $apply_rendering property. However you have to make sure you set $group = 'rendering'; to make your plugin appear in Blogs > Plugins page where you still have to select rendering method for each individual blog.

What if I want to keep my plugins in a separate group as it was done before? Anyway, it's clearly a feature that makes older rendering plugins useless on upgrade.

4 Sep 04, 2013 00:26

Yes, we clearly don't want to restrict new feature to accommodate old plugins.

However, we take as many precautions as possible so as to only introduce these kind of changes from one major version to the next, in this case from 4.x to 5.x

5 Sep 04, 2013 01:47

Why don't you simply apply plugins rendering settings to each blog on upgrade

1. Get installed rendering plugins
2. Read their rendering method
3. Loop through blogs and apply that method

Really, there's no reason to break all rendering plugins if it only takes 15 minutes to add a few lines to the upgrade script

6 Sep 22, 2013 10:27

I thought "group" variable was only meant for grouping plugins virtually like taxonomy - no actual functionality. And that's how we all used it before, sam2kb, Afwas, Yabba and myself to put them under "AM_" "Amazind_discoveries" "b2evoru" etc..

Anyway thanks for the heads up, so we should find another way to "group" our plugins :D

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