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1 Feb 29, 2020 16:59    

How can I get post_status out of _itemlight.class.php?

What I try to do is to add
if( $disp_Item->status != 'published' )
$disp_Item->status( array( 'format' => 'styled' ) );
to _coll_item_list.widget.php, to see if a post has a 'community' status.

In _itemlight.class.php I declared var $status; and $this->status = $db_row->post_status; but I just get notice and error, with or without marking excerpt in Collection->Widgets:

*Notice: Undefined property: ItemLight::$status in .../b2evo6115/inc/widgets/widgets/_coll_item_list.widget.php on line 877

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method ItemLight::status() in .../b2evo6115/inc/widgets/widgets/_coll_item_list.widget.php:879 Stack trace: #0*

2 Mar 08, 2020 05:14

Service note: this falls outside the realm of free support. We hope a community member can answer.

4 Apr 29, 2020 20:53

Hi @fede

How are you with the problem? Have you resolved it? Why do you want the paot status and what do you want it for?
did the link to my post help as in it I did find a way to get a post's status.

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