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1 Feb 16, 2018 12:05    

Is there a way to block third party cookies by default?

(In privacy declaration I have to inform users about cookies, set by visiting the blog. I mention all cookies set by b2e and Motamo (former PIWIK). More cookies are not set by me. But e.g. embedding a youtube video googles doubleclick and adwords are set. To avoid immense work for mentioning all cookies may be set by third parties it would be great to have a block for all those cookies.)

Thanks and Regards, Will

2 Feb 18, 2018 03:54

As far as I know it's technically impossible for b2evo to block cookies from a youtube player that you embed into your site.

3 Feb 18, 2018 12:10

@fplanque thats challenging. So I have to mention each service in privacy policy which sets cookies and to enumerate each cookie. Ok; we have to wait until EU ePrivacy-Resolution willcome into force. How will you handle this challenge?

4 Feb 23, 2018 02:34

Look at how little external plugins I have on my sites. This makes it much easier to list external cookies.

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