Not sure if it's a bug, but it's weird. I just installed a copy of 1.9.1 for playing with. I wanted to give my users a taste of things to come so I set up demouser with various permissions. I also set the "Basic Users" group to have some permissions as well. I then, as admin, went in to make sure that posts someone might make don't ping because I don't want traffic at that blog. "Ping ping-o-matic" is checked by default, so I unchecked it for each blog then hit "save". For each blog it told me "The blog settings have been updated." in green, but on blog A (and only on blog A) it still had that feature checked.
When I uncheck the box and click on a link for a different blog it gives me the popup that says something like "you changed stuff but didn't save it", so it knows I'm changing the page. It's just not updating the database with that particular detail.