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1 Jan 06, 2007 17:51    

I deleted my page title and replaced it with a .jpg image. I now want to have that image be a link back to the main page. Seems easy enough but I have no idea how to do it!

2 Jan 06, 2007 18:58

<div id="wrapper">
<h1 id="header"><a href="../../"><img src="img/foo.jpg" width="your width" height="yourheight" style="border:0" alt="banner" /></a></h1>

In your skins/skinname/_main.php file.

Replace the bits ../../with an equivalent or proper URL

3 Jan 06, 2007 20:11

That did it! Thanks much. It did though put a space between the top of the page and my header image. Anyone know how I can flush it up against the top?

4 Jan 06, 2007 20:30

You can try adding the previous code above the following code in your "main.php

	// --------------------------- BLOG LIST INCLUDED HERE -----------------------------
	require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_bloglist.php' );
	// ------------------------------- END OF BLOG LIST --------------------------------

5 Jan 06, 2007 20:44

That didn't do it. It sort of reposted the entire blog over a messed up version of itself.

6 Jan 06, 2007 21:07

Got a link to your blog? Seeing is way better than trying to describe something is the thing.

7 Jan 06, 2007 21:13

Sure. Thanks for looking. I also have this weird anomaly in Safari where the head of the calendar is on pixel or so shy on the right side? Don't know if you've got any cure for that but not that big of a deal. Here's the link-

8 Jan 06, 2007 21:58

okay that was fun. So first off the thing I saw was like the color thing on the sides going across the top above your image. In IE the image was butted up against the top of the page. I'm guessing it's the "butted up against the top" that you want? You can accomplish this in one of two ways: First is to get rid of the <h1> tags wrapping your image because what's happening is FF is saying "well if this is an H1 we gotta do the standard H1 stuff because the style sheet isn't telling me anything different". IE is doing whatever it feels like doing, which in this case happens to come out right. Even though it's wrong. So anyway that course of action means that general area in your _main.php would look something like this:

<div class="pageHeader">
<a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'blogurl', 'raw' ) ?>" title="home, home on the range"><img src="rthwolf.jpg" alt="home, where my love lies waiting" width="740" height="100" border="0" /></a>

I'm not too sure you need the <div class="pageHeader"> and </div> bits because that particular class doesn't have any definition in your css, but maybe having a div is a good thing and it doesn't seem to be hurting anything. Even so it might be good, on principal, to put some guts into that class. Something like

div.pageHeader {

Ooooh oooh oooh I just thought of a third way, but the second one has to be before the third, so the second method would be to add something like this to your style sheet:

h1#header {

There's also a third way. Every time someone visits your site run over to their house and hold a thin piece of paper that looks exactly like the top of their monitor over the top of their screen so that they won't notice there's this weird gap going on.

I'd go with door #1 if it was me.

No clue on the calendar thing. I hate those things. Blech.

9 Jan 06, 2007 22:06

Right on! Worked. I did the "h1#header {
}" method. I'm more comfortable with the CSS. I'm thinking of doing away with the calendar. What do I need it for? I have the Archive section already.

Anyhoo, thanks a lot EdB I really appreciate it.

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