1 austriaco Jan 31, 2007 01:58
3 austriaco Jan 31, 2007 12:58
I just wanted to let everybody know, just in case somebody stumbled upon the same problem.
¿Would the change in data type affect the DB performance? I think I have only one out of more than 1400 posts that is sooo long. Bu I don't know wat are the internals of MySQL.
4 yabba Jan 31, 2007 17:25
You mean there might be even more long winded bloggers out there ? 8| ...... damn, and Stk thought he was unique ;)
It's actually a shame you didn't post this a couple of days ago, it would have saved him tearing his hair out when he upgraded and hit the same problem ;)
I don't know if it'd have any performance impact, but I'm pretty sure it's one of the things the devs will take into account before they consider implementing any changes
5 fplanque Feb 03, 2007 20:22
Version 2.0 has MEDIUMTEXTs by default now.
Also, the cache is refreshed when you edit a post in the backoffice.
It is not refreshed when you restore a particular post directly in the database. And that's normal. :p
6 cslepage Mar 20, 2007 02:28
I'm not all certain what TEXT and MEDIUMTEXT means in this case. However, I'd like to increase the number of characters each post can hold in 1.9.2. I discovered tonight that some large posts were missing information at the end. It shows up in the preview, but when I actually issue the post, they are gone.
7 afwas Mar 20, 2007 10:16
In the MySQL database there are several possibilities for storing text. Here they are:
char (255), varchar (255), tinytext (255), text (65535), mediumtext (16777215), longtext (429496295), blob (65535) (binary large object), mediumblob (16777215) , tinyblob (255), longblob (429496295)
The size is in bits and tells the database how much space it should reserve for a particular item.
8 cslepage Mar 20, 2007 10:51
Where in the b2evolution sql database can I adjust those settings?
9 afwas Mar 20, 2007 11:35
If you must know: you can access your database through your host's cpanel or phpMyAdmin or equivalent tool.
The posts are stored in evo_posts -> post_content.
You can run into serious problems if you change the database. Not only am I not sure if this works, you may loose your existing content and you'll probably run into trouble when you upgrade B2e to a new version (2.x). You'd better wait till 2.0 arrives.
So don't try this with a serious blog and be sure to make a backup before you start.
Damn, you're as long winded as Stk is :|
There's a possibility that the field type/size will be changed in the near future ;)